Search results

  1. Durango

    Just paid over 100$ for a fillup and a pack of ciggarettes Isaac can kiss my...

    Hurricane Isaac, Just paid 4.03 for gas in Indiana This is just getting a tad ridiculous, When I started driving and smoking in the mid late 90's Gas was 99c a gallon or less and my smokes were 2.37 a pack. Smokes are now 5,39 and 96 and some change for 24 gallons of fuel. It took from almost 50...
  2. Durango

    Just confirm for me please, sellers name withheld till resolved or lack there of

    Short and sweet of it, ordered a trin moruga FRESH from an ebay seller because theirs looked good and they had good feedback. From the pictures it had traits i want to breed in with mine. But this is what shows up. Bhut and Choc Hab right? So again i bought these as fresh peppers, not seed i...
  3. Durango

    Hoosier chili head

    Well i guess it started in the garden when i was about 7 or 8 and me and my cousin used to have contest to see who could eat the most jalapenos before running to get a drink, and well it just grew from there. If you can put chilis in it or on it, you can bet i have. I have learned to be...