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  1. Bruce

    Importing Chilli seeds into Australia

    If things get worse, we'll have to put together an Australian air lift.  Dropping pallets of peppers and seeds out the back of a hundred C-5 Galaxy planes...   We can't let our Aussie chili-head brothers suffer indefinitely of hypocapsaicinemia.   We'll code-name it Operation Hot Vittles. 
  2. Bruce

    chinense My first ripe Carolina Reaper (ever)

        Me and a buddy are going to have a Reaper challenge - I've just got to find time when I don't work the next day... But fine, I'll video it if I can... it'll be bad.  :fireball: :rolleyes:     My ghost peppers last year did GREAT as part of a steak marinade.  They had a kind-of smokey flavor...
  3. Bruce

    chinense My first ripe Carolina Reaper (ever)

      Like I said, this was the only 'picture perfect' one so far, the rest are kinda cuboid/boxy and with minimal tail, although that may change, I just don't have the experience to know.       It was pretty good!     I'm in lexington, near the UK campus.  I'm hoping that my next reapers get...
  4. Bruce

    chinense My first ripe Carolina Reaper (ever)

    I know others have had earlier harvests, but since this was my first carolina reaper ever (I'm new to growing peppers anyway), I thought I'd share the photo. Please note, none of the other pods on the plant share this picture perfection (in my view).  Most of the others seem a little "boxy" and...
  5. Bruce

    Fish pepper problem

    I guess the worst that could happen would be 'them' confiscating the seeds.  We could try.  Send me a message later on to remind me (if I don't remember) and I'll get your address and send them.
  6. Bruce

    Fish pepper problem

    Good luck with your fish pepper plant.  If they don't turn out right, if I get any peppers I can send you some seeds (provided it's legal to ship where you live??)   - but   I'm glad I saw this post.  My fish pepper plant's leaves were looking all screwy, turning white, but the plants next to...
  7. Bruce

    pics I'm Stoked - About to Harvest First Pepper Ever (pics)

    Where are you located in Northern Kentucky?  I've got plants I should give away....because more are on the way and in my flats and my neighbor's yard is looking mighty fertile, but that might get me in trouble.  I suspect they'd know where random pepper plants came from if they just appeared in...
  8. Bruce

    THP has me quite upset

    I'm not entirely sure whether this is an addiction or a disease. About 2 years ago, on a whim, I took about 5 cayenne seeds and dropped them in a blue planter on my front porch. The following year, I bought seeds from pepper joe and started an habanero and 4 ghost pepper plants... This year, I...
  9. Bruce

    greenhouse So I forgot some chillies in the corner of my tiny greenhouse...

    Save seeds, next year plant them in a smaller container.  Keep doing this over and over until you have a pepper plant 10 feet tall that grows from a thimble.
  10. Bruce

    Thoughts on new leaf damage

    Did the red ones look like this?  These are all over my plants this year and I'm killing a ton daily...
  11. Bruce

    ID a pepper by name...

    Thanks so much!
  12. Bruce

    ID a pepper by name...

    The guy that delivered chinese food to my door took note of all my pepper plants and asked if I had heard of a specific pepper that originated from where he came from.  He did not have an english-ish name for the pepper, so I asked him to write down the name.  This is what he wrote.  A search of...
  13. Bruce

    purple moruga?

    Ummm... If someone gets bored with pictures of this, they need psychiatric help. However, do try to keep pictures of aphids away, those tend to cause homicidal rage.
  14. Bruce

    What plant would you choose?

    I suggest overwintering all of them. There's likely space you may have overlooked in and around your home, such as in your shower (may have to wait til next summer to bathe), the back of a drained toilet (just hold it), in your washing machine (fabreeze your work clothes), on your bedside table...
  15. Bruce

    pics Fungus problem? Pics

    If you have cutworms in Florida, looks similar to the damage they cause.