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AJs Back Yard Pepper Porn 05-24-09 (2 week update)


Extreme Member
Here is a 2 week update from my first overall back yard pepper pics...they certainly have grown. I will update these photos (first 4) through the grow season...It is very hard for me to see growth since I look at these plants 5 and 6 times a day watching for signs of "stuff" that needs to be treated...all of them got a good treatment of Safer Soap yesterday morning trying to fight the aphids I have...all in all, the plants seem to be doing well...

(link to 05-10-09 pot for comparison http://www.thehotpepper.com/showthread.php?t=11864 )





here is a shot of my Tomatos in the cement farm and the Naga Morich....


now comes pod pictures...

Yellow 7 Pot...


both of these 7 Pot pictures are grown from seeds from PRF...thanks Cappy...I finally have a 7 Pot that is "pimply"...this is what I was wanting...I have eaten a couple of these already and in their unripe condition still warrants caution...these are going to be extreme

7 Pot 1


7 Pot 2




Big Bang Naga


Billy Biker Jalapeno


Bulls Horn


Fatalii...I am going to have a lot of these this year...I have close to 30 Fatalii plants (regular, red, and chocolate)


Inferno Hot Banana


NuMex Sandia


Naga Morich


Purple Serrano (from pepperfever - thanks Jackie)


Red Fatalii


Super Cayenne II Hybrid


Super Chili

Both peppers and tomatoes are filling in nicely AJ. I can see lots of new growth since the last update, your plants have a very healthy green color to them. It is raining again here this morning, 10 straight days. If the sun ever comes back out and my plants get some sunshine maybe they will catch up to yours. The 7 Pods look like pure evil, good to know the seed stayed true. Beautiful backyard again this year Ronnie.
Wow, your pepper plants are on fire! You're going to have so much coming in and pretty soon. What do you do with all of it AJ?

I really like that purple Serrano. I haven't ever seen one. I wonder if they taste as good as the green ones?

Nice photos!
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Both peppers and tomatoes are filling in nicely AJ. I can see lots of new growth since the last update, your plants have a very healthy green color to them. It is raining again here this morning, 10 straight days. If the sun ever comes back out and my plants get some sunshine maybe they will catch up to yours. The 7 Pods look like pure evil, good to know the seed stayed true. Beautiful backyard again this year Ronnie.

thanks Cappy...when you say catch up...I don't think you were ever behind... :lol:

question below about the 7 pot being a jonah stain...can you answer that please sir?

Bob_B said:
Wow, your pepper plants are on fire! You're going to have so much coming in and pretty soon. What do you do with all of it AJ?

I really like that purple Serrano. I haven't ever seen one. I wonder if they taste as good as the green ones?

Nice photos!

thanks Bob...most of them will be made into concentrates...a lot of them will be dehydrated to make spice for my rubs out of...and a whole lot of them will be eaten fresh for cooking, munching, pico de gallo, or other fresh pepper dishes...

I haven't tasted the purple serranos yet...waiting for them to mature a bit more...


PeteyPepper said:
Plants are firing on all cylinders, AJ!

The 7 pot 2 photo, the dimply one, is that the Jonah strain?

I asked PRF if he could answer that Petey...

Looking great AJ, is there anything in your topsy-turvy planters?

yes, I have one Tommy Toe Tomato, and two Solar Set Hybrids...I lost one Tommy Toe in the topsy turvy...the hanger was not strong enough to hold the weight...it fell about 5 feet to the ground and busted the seam on the side all the way so I only have three left...not growing any peppers in any this year...

Armadillo said:
V8 supercharged! It's a Hemi!

I always loved MoPar stuff....
PeteyPepper said:
The 7 pot 2 photo, the dimply one, is that the Jonah strain?

I received my seed last year from bowhunter who got the seed directly from TriniHottie, both members here. So I assume it safe to say it's not the Jonah strain. Just the hottest chile I ever put in my mouth.:mouthonfire:
Can you say 500lbs of harvested chilis this year?

They are already going to town AJ congratulationl! Record year for you.
As always the garden is looking fantastic You will have your hands full in a couple of moths picking them. Mine took a real beating from all this rain for 2 1/2 weeks and most leaves have fallen off and restarting new growth but nothing like last year. I still have my fingers crossed.
okie joe said:
As always the garden is looking fantastic You will have your hands full in a couple of moths picking them. Mine took a real beating from all this rain for 2 1/2 weeks and most leaves have fallen off and restarting new growth but nothing like last year. I still have my fingers crossed.

thanks Okie...where are you from Oklahoma city?....reason I ask is so I can watch your weather too...we have had just about the normal rainfall for this time of year where I live...a lot of the counties north and east of Fort Worth have had a lot more rain than I have...we call those the "Red River Counties"...

If you don't have enough plants and you want some more, road trip to fort worth and I will load you up...that goes for any one else that comes thru fort worth in the next 3 weeks or so...

I have decided that very few more peppers will be transplanted and have well over 100 too many...it is going to hurt me to put them in the compost pile....
Hey I am about 45 miles due east of Oklahoma City. Thanks for the offer I been really nursing these lil guys and gals and have faith they willl make it. For I have learned here that you can not rush Mother Nature.
Now that's a Pepper Patch, nice up-date AJ every thing looks great...

Bet that's a chore just watering them all or do you irrigate...?

I'm trying to put in a dip system this year but time is running short and it may have to wait till next year...
okie joe said:
Hey I am about 45 miles due east of Oklahoma City. Thanks for the offer I been really nursing these lil guys and gals and have faith they willl make it. For I have learned here that you can not rush Mother Nature.

cool Okie and you are welcome anytime...hope you know that...you are right about mother nature...she takes her time but in the end it is well worth the wait...

splitcane said:
Now that's a Pepper Patch, nice up-date AJ every thing looks great...

Bet that's a chore just watering them all or do you irrigate...?

I'm trying to put in a dip system this year but time is running short and it may have to wait till next year...

thanks split...I haven't had to water but once in 5 weeks since we have been getting rain just about weekly...got a 1/2" yesterday...

I have thought about a drip system, but I really enjoy looking at each plant when I water so I probably will just keep on with the hose....