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AJs Backyard Pepper Porn 05-30-10


Extreme Member
I suppose it is time me to post a few photos that will explain where I have been since the second week of April (last time I posted pics)...

I have had several projects going on...the last photos I posted were of the PVC frame I put up for shade cloth over my raised bed for tomatos...I probably lost 50 lbs of tomatos to birds last year so I got something for them this year...here are three shots of my tomato bed totally enclosed with 50% black shade cloth (and by the way....the tomatos are doing great...will have my first fresh tomato in about 10 days it looks like)

view looking north along the west fence line.....


view looking south along the west fence line....


view looking downward from top of my retaining wall...


the shade cloth is attached to the frame with zip ties...there are hooks every 16-18" along the fence the shade cloth is attached to and all along the "ground" perimeter 2X4's with hooks in them secure the bottom...the 2X4's are held in place by 12" galvanized spikes (holes were drilled for the spikes)

the entrance is a 20 dollar screen door I got from homus depos...figure heck I can spend 20 dollars a year on a new door now that the frame is secure...both ends are framed in with 2X4"s that have holes drilled for tie wire to wrap around the PVC frame...so the frame is tie wired to PVC structure...both ends of the PVC frame away from the fence have cable and turnbuckles in an "X" configuration for stability...the structure has already seen 60 MPH winds and done quite well with no damage...

one of the other projects I worked on was a place to harden off the plants once they were moved from inside...so I salvaged enough scrap from my collapsed green house, built a 10' X 10' frame, put 75% black shade cloth over it and have fitted tarps to completely close it in for warmth...(I just cover the shade cloth with a tarp too)....you can just see the roof of my work area...just an area to keep me out of the sun while I am transplanting...I figure there are close to 200 or so plants...I will only plant another 80 or so depending on how much room/supplies I have...then the rest will go in the compost pile....can you imagine I will be throwing away about 40 bhut jolokias...that many scorpions and half that many 7 pot...its gonna kill me to kill them....


Now its time for the pepper photos...last year I called this naga island but this year it is Bhut Island...


7 Pot


Yellow 7 Pot

Trinidad Scorpion this end...other end is Red Savina...


Jalapeno row...18 billy bikers, 6 hot banana, 6 sweet banana, 4 serrano...


East end of raised area....


West end of raised area...as you can see I am working from east to west (west end was my soil storage/junk area over the winter) and by the middle of June, the entire raised bed will be pepper plants with weed cloth covering the ground and 3" of rock covering the weed cloth...this year, the plants will sit on the weed cloth...next year...they probably will sit on top of the rock...50% shade cloth covering for the raised bed is also in the planning stage but it may be next year before I get to that...gotta figure out the frame...it will have to stand against 75mph winds and with a piece of shade cloth 16' X 60' that is going to take a substantial structure (probably steel)...

HOLY FREAKING CRAP AJ!!! :shocked: I gotta say, you sure are one busy man. :cool: If I lived anywhere near you I'd take a few of those "compostable plants" off your hands!

Looks like you are well on your way to the JUNGLE OF HELLFIRE :hell::onfire: I can't wait to see them loaded with pods!
thanks gents...working in my back yard has helped me lose about 25 pounds...

What I have planted so far...a total of 338...I am sure I can get to my goal of 400...I have the room but am running close on dirt and containers...

59 Bhut Jolokia
38 7 Pot
20 Yellow 7 Pot
23 Trinidad Scorpion
17 Red Savina
4 Serrano
6 Sweet Banana
6 Hot Banana
18 Billy Biker Jalapenos
29 Yellow Habanero
24 Orange Habanero
30 Trinidad Congo (Red)
30 Congo Black
10 Tabasco
14 Big Sun Scotch Bonnets
10 Red Scotch bonnets
P - I am now a member of the North Central Farmers Market Association and can sell at several different markets....I am still trying to get into Central Market down here but have kinda stalled at the moment...I am definitely going to have to do something with them if last year is any indication of how many pods I will have...I am guessing at least 450-500 pounds...

TB - I haven't talked to Tim in about 6 weeks but I am sure he will want some...
AJ, Central Market is one of my favorite joints on the planet! Good luck with your bid there. Were I Chef Love, I reckon I'd bump you to VIP status at the restaurant! Unlimited Loveshack burgers!!

I've seen HUGE nurseries that do not have that many containers! That's what - 10 cubic yards of soil mix? Wow!

You neighbors must just shake their heads and say what the hell? :) I'm sure mine do. My yard is nothing compared to that operation you have going. Dale (Podpiper) also has one hell of a garden area.
Incredible pictures AJ. Wow. Are you leaving the raised area plants in pots and just putting the rock around them?
Thats one hell of a great garden. Have you though of using pipe for a frame for your shade ,all the nurseries here use it Here, some are welded some are bolted together
they use staging fittings with set screws at the joints, so you can take it apart, it pretty strong. great luck on your sales
Mixing all of that soil must given you a good workout. I bet the store where you get your supplies thinks your a small farm. =x
As always just fasinating garden. I really enjoy watching your different progress and different set ups. I haven't had that kind of luck I had approximately 40 plants burn up in the garden from the sun. So I have 15 plants still in the garage hardening off and hopefully be able to harvest them late in the season. My germination this year was terrible and just didn't take off. I finally got the Red Fatalli going, some Devils tongue, and Cumiiara de passarhinoand of course 6 surprise ones that I have no idea.

Just give you an idea I had a chef from a sushi restraunt want some Ghost peppers and wa willing to pay $50. per sandwich bag full just an idea for ya.
Wow A.J that is one nice set-up my friend, like that rise bed from blocks that is good to make for peppers also keep the heat inside make plants to grow faster & no mess around just great.