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Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Hi Annie,
WOW what a list !!!!  You must live on a southern plantation with a lot of land...LOL.  Seriously with your list it looks like you need a bunch of land for all that diversity.  All I can say is......GO GET 'EM GAL and have a successful season.
WalkGood said:
Hab fun on your South Mountain park run

Holy Fort Knox of precious peppers, me gusta tu "14 Grow List muchisimo"  ^_^
Feliz Año Nuevo \o/
¡Querido! Hey mi hermano, de puta madre animation! Want to design a web site for me in your spare 3 seconds of the day? Music and peppers. What more is there to life? Feliz Año Nuevo a ti, mi hermano de una otra mamacita ;)
Jeff H said:
A couple pages to catch up on, hope you had a great Christmas. Nice grow list for next year. That should keep you plenty busy.
Thank you, Jeff and hope you had a delightful Christmas as well! The grow list just added Brazilian Starfish . . . but will stick that in new glog. I just happen to love that little thing and somebody offered me a seed trade so . . . how could I refuse? Have a great New Year and be safe!
On that safety note, I was almost asleep last night after finishing syllabus for this semester because I want a totally free New Year and I want to keep up with my lawyer--she's the cool kind--buddy from h.s./college as she and I are same age but she runs marathons and ballroom dances in competitions with her husband. And THAT is a workout. A 2 hour Tango marathon benefit? Did a 10k yesterday in about 42 minutes which surprised me but she's not going to kick my azz (yes; she is lol)
So, half asleep, I heard something bang the door downstairs in basement. Solution for this: loaded my Benelli-semi (a Christmas gift to myself; bro had one and is nice so) with 20 gauge. Some damn fool was at my backdoor in basement trying to get in. Pissed me off. Flipped on that overhead flood light and fool took off down through woods as I opened door (and I've shot it at range soon as got it . . .) blasted above his head and talk about running? I only fired 3 shells. Love this little shotgun. Of course, woke up neighborhood. Cops just had to come by and start to give me hell, as not supposed to fire weapon in city limits, but it was same cop told me never to run down guys trying to rob drum kit with a baseball bat: "Get a shotgun, girl." Which I reminded him of saying. Then, asked him if I should have used .410 instead. :rolleyes: Gave them a description of guy, wrote apologies to neighbors and stuck on their doors this morning (with some homemade fruitcake as a "sorry"). Never a dull moment.
Have a great one y'all and remember if they don't run, just fell 'em and haul them in house.

PaulG said:
All right!  Play taps for the Maple!
Thanks for vote of confidence, Paul. :party:  Yeah, one way or another that Maple is going to be firewood for the woman cave come next winter. Stump grinder, get any above ground roots. (And yeah, have used more stump-grinders than care to discuss); called my cousin this morning around 7 am and got him in "agreeable" mood; offered to take him to get cast/brace off his lower leg tomorrow. He's "We'll get the maple, cuz; don't kiss my ass. But what about 6 bottles more of your sauce plus you take me to doctor?" I was "Dude, cut the cast off with ya chainsaw then." He was laughing and called me back after I hung up on him. That guy will push an envelop if not stopped. Have a WONDERFUL New Year, Paul! ;)
Have a woman and her husband interested in removing all of the fence. YAY! Since Maple's IN fence. Gotta dry up enough from rains for me to get down there and "fell" two non-climbing rose bushes (I was told they were climbing but not)--seriously dumb idea on my part, putting them there. Shane's always talking about me getting hurt and this crap is why: my original idiocy!
If anybody has any ideas on how to fell "weeping willow" rose bush trees without getting badly hurt, please? And a grapevine, which will be easy w/16" Husky.
Barley-pop57 said:
Hi Annie,
WOW what a list !!!!  You must live on a southern plantation with a lot of land...LOL.  Seriously with your list it looks like you need a bunch of land for all that diversity.  All I can say is......GO GET 'EM GAL and have a successful season.
Michael, naw not exactly a plantation: just trying to build one!  :rofl:  How did you like sauces, hon? Have a great New Year!
Penny said:
Holy cow Annie....talk about a hell of a morning!! Betcha he was slipping in his $hite trying to get away....jerk!! :hell:
Seriously though....glad your ok and hopefully he doesn't come back!
Yeah, a lot of poor folks around here and combine that with a lot of moonshine =  :crazy: . Ya know, didn't go check on "droppings" in woods (and don't care to) but he won't be back. (He heard pellets dropping in front of him.) I was also yelling at him between shots.  (Which, too, woke the neighbors.  :shocked: But they all liked the fruitcake!)
Ex or soon to be officially; when we were living in Raleigh, was out one night, drunk, and doing other stuff didn't know about at time, locked keys in truck; decided to climb into our house off heat pump unit under a window (how hard is it to call me with cell that he didn't lock in when he knows I loathe the idea of home invasion?). I got under the window with loaded .410 and as he came through I put the barrel against his chest. Man started screaming, "For God's SAKE! Annie it's ME!" :cool: Have a good one, Penny!
I love the one I opened--- the fermented one.  And to be honest I haven't opened the others yet.  Having said that, I can't think of a reason why the other won't be outstanding also---seriously!!!  :drooling:
You actually inspired me to try making a fermented one--just started it 2 days ago and my 1st time.  Jamie fixed me up with a recipe that you add vinegar w/o fermenting and people seemed to like it but imo yours is better than what I made....you got to love the newbs at this...Lol
Sounds like things get interesting at your place...remind me to call 1st if I ever visit...Lol.  I think they were after your shine  :rofl: and got buckshot instead.
You, my lady, also have a great year, Mike
Holy Cow Miz Annie... you don't think small, do you? :P Good luck with your 2014 grow list and light-fingered folks in your neighborhood. I suspect the grow lights got their attention, and they're looking to rip off some of your "weed". You're right... never a dull moment...
The easiest way to take down huge rose bushes without getting cut to ribbons is to pile pallets up against the plants and have a bonfire. If that doesn't fly I'm sure you'll figure it out. Brother Bill and I could take them down for ya, but it would take more than a fruitcake to calm the neighbors down after hearing the blast...
Did you ever get around to making kimchi this fall/winter? Things got so busy around here I never did, but Napa Cabbage, Asian Radishes and Mexican chiles are available here year-round so there's still hope.
Have a great New Year!
annie57 said:
So, half asleep, I heard something bang the door downstairs in basement. Solution for this: loaded my Benelli-semi (a Christmas gift to myself; bro had one and is nice so) with 20 gauge. Some damn fool was at my backdoor in basement trying to get in. Pissed me off. Flipped on that overhead flood light and fool took off down through woods as I opened door (and I've shot it at range soon as got it . . .) blasted above his head and talk about running? I only fired 3 shells. Love this little shotgun. Of course, woke up neighborhood. Cops just had to come by and start to give me hell, as not supposed to fire weapon in city limits, but it was same cop told me never to run down guys trying to rob drum kit with a baseball bat: "Get a shotgun, girl." Which I reminded him of saying. Then, asked him if I should have used .410 instead. :rolleyes: Gave them a description of guy, wrote apologies to neighbors and stuck on their doors this morning (with some homemade fruitcake as a "sorry"). Never a dull moment.
Have a great one y'all and remember if they don't run, just fell 'em and haul them in house.
My brother has a Benelli. They sure are sweet shotguns. My go to shotgun is my Beretta semi, but I think the Benelli is nicer.
With all this talk about buying firearms for yourself for Christmas, I think I'll do a little shopping myself. The safe isn't full, yet...
Have a great new year.
Thanks everybody! Michael, if middle of night, just call ahead. Jeff's right: never break into even your own house with somebody there and with a weapon: it's stupid. Call. "I locked keys in my truck." It's so simple not to get killed.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Never ever ever ever sneak into any house (even your own) if there are firearms there and someone at home.  
How many 7 pod burgundy pods would you need to run a small batch of shine ;)
One takes the most obvious for granted, Jeff. smdh at idiots.
Burgundy shine. Could be done. (Are you talking "copper," a la "Popcorn" Sutton--which is doable :shh:.) Or something like peach, apple, watermelon, plum "brandy?" Either way gotta make a mash but I wouldn't do it straight up Burgs. Just me. Mix with some fruit (or corn uh, yeah) of choice to compliment. Let me check if that's what you're talking. PM me, okay?
meatfreak said:
Wow, now that's an huge list, Annie :) That's gonna be quite the adventure to maintain all of those plants. How much seedlings/plants are you gonna have of each variety?
I forgot to add your seeds Stefan! I don't know how many yet, but always more than I say. I say 2 but that means 4! :rofl: