• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Outside updates. "Here Comes/Came the Sun." (toss up between George and John!) I have a "non" in here and just want to see what an hour of sun, mild weather before it gets hot, does. Fed all these Neptune's Harvest after they went out, killed some ant hills--mowed yesterday (time off might be gonna kill me). It was in 80's yesterday and I don't mess with mowing/weed eating, but did pull henbit around tulips/irises by hand.



Yeah, yeah, know the cukes (nons) look a little withered but like a dumba I left the heat mat on under them last night--it was WARM down there--and forgot to turn off the lights :rolleyes: . . . they'll be fine. Might do before/after sun shot since they looking better already. Types? Armenian, Boston pickling, White Wonder, Aunt Ruby's/Evelen's Ole Timey White, Lemon, Wisconsin pickling, National pickling. If it don't pickle, I don't plant. Burpless, I can get at g-store! Also, planted more after visiting cousin when get to get some of Mawmaw's clothes to take to Goodwill, since his watermelon, cantaloupe, all curcubit seed came up but his cukes, so, sharing with him. Thus, planted extra. Still "fermenting" on heat mat are zukes, yellow summer, watermelon/cantaloupe, winter squashes. All KINDS winter squash . . . I need more land. I know I can (and do) direct seed, but last year saw cow birds shuffling through hills to find neck pumpkin seed; since "stuff" EATS that seed sometimes before it comes up, these are my "guarantees."


More peppers catching some NHarvest and early morning rays. Everything in here from sweet to Trin Scorp to Inca Red Drop as grouped by height.


Mostly annuums, and when I wrote Ixtapa Jalape&ntilde;o, I meant, "cracked." And dang, got a bunch. I'd put these in ground now but we got lows in 40's next couple nights, then clear sailing.


More. And . . .


The "baby" tray . . . but they're growing, hit a spurt last week. Their first visit to father sun. :party:

Now for the experiments from What Plants Talk About, see above links (Scott, will read that on oak trees sometime today, as this stuff is just fascinating! Thank you!):


2nd from right is one of Ramon's "PoP" AND catercornered to it on left is that Douglah that wouldn't grow. Plants certainly do help one another and they compete. LUV it! And another:


See those plants that look like tomatoes rather than peppers, nightshade fam? Welp, those were some sick, small, near death Viva Italia day before yesterday. So, tried it with nightshades talkin.' What Plants Talk About? Yeah, I know these maters look small but they don't look DEAD. Seriously, I know the big boys helped these guys! I tried everything else, but this has worked.


Arial of Bonda Ma Jacques, Carib Reds, Ramon's PoPs, Jamie/Romy6 7 Pod Browns and 1 7 Pod Brown x Naga that's shot up. Also, Brainstrain Yellows and obviously manzanos, got manzanos for years . . . man! Stopped by old h.s. boy friend's buidness yesterday, owns tree nursery; he's gonna round up some at least 6 gallon containers, if not larger--I begged for larger ;) and since I been asking/begging (?) for some pavers down to garden, am working the other half for some from Lowe's to sit containers on. 1 buck a piece. Wonder if he'll consent? I suck at nagging, so may just go get 'em myself, but TAKE him w/me . . . to carry and place them :cool: . (I dread I gotta act all helpless female for this but those things are heavy :D )

On that note, today is my parents 59th wedding anniversary! :clap: Mowed grass on my father's HILLYIER than our land yesterday . . . riding l-mower won't work. One bro has one cost more than some cars, no deal. Pops has 4 push mowers, 3 weedeaters, and only 1 of each work, so, hunt-peck . . . and under normal circumstances, I'd say a nearly 83 yr. old man has no business mowing grass . . . but Daddy ain't normal: 40 year old men would kill for his health! Takes no medication for anything, still works half a day--bookeeping-- and while the man has an aversion to hard physical labor, he'd go crazy if he couldn't mow grass, was kinda ticked at me for doing it yesterday, but I said, "HELL, DADDY! It's part of your anniversary present! Geez!" I walked off and the man ran to catch me. "Honey, I reckon I'm just set in my ways. Thank you, sweetpea." I was sweaty and hugged him and he didn't mind. (Wow.) But prior to all that, Mama said, "You gonna weedeat too?" I affirmed that I would. She said, "Check my rose bed and see what's missing." I looked. What was missing was, not exactly missing, but tiny sprigs growing back. Daddy got 2 rose bushes with weedeater last fall. She came to door and said, "I suppose I either have to love him, burn the weedeaters, or have this entire place bulldosed and planted in damn GRASS." I dragged my worn-out butt over there later and they were snuggled up on couch together, asleep. I marvel at those two. Thanks for looking!
Whoa &hellip; I did a quick sun search in FB2K and the first tune to pop was
&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2k ::: Arielle Dombasle - Amor Amor [Deluxe Edition] (2004) - 06 - Cuando Calienta el Sol [When It Heats The Sun] ::: 2:28/3:03 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 320 kbps &laquo;&laquo;
No, no, no, nothing good I tell you, aweful tune &hellip; next up were the following two ...
&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2k ::: Beatles, The - Abbey Road (1969) - 07 - Here Comes the Sun ::: 2:04/3:06 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 405 kbps &laquo;&laquo; is much better tune but still not as good as
&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2k ::: Beatles, The - Abbey Road (1969) - 10 - Sun King ::: 1:05/2:26 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 579 kbps &laquo;&laquo; lolz

\o/ wow everything looks great, even the cukes that are a little bit withered, they&rsquo;ll come back. Are all the plants hardened off yet, was this for a few hours or are you outside come hell or high water now? Ops was writing as reading, I see you gotz some low 40s coming :/ So how soon is the plant out? And don&rsquo;t forget to get loads of pics dat day girl :)

Happy for ya, seems every ting is falling into place and keep dem awesome updates coming!

*I have a correction for you, you said &ldquo;Their first visit to father Mama sun.&rdquo; ;)

*Tell parental units happy 59[sup]th[/sup] ^_^

Take care mi hermana and have a great day \o/
Whoa &hellip; I did a quick sun search in FB2K and the first tune to pop was
&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2k ::: Arielle Dombasle - Amor Amor [Deluxe Edition] (2004) - 06 - Cuando Calienta el Sol [When It Heats The Sun] ::: 2:28/3:03 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 320 kbps &laquo;&laquo;
No, no, no, nothing good I tell you, aweful tune &hellip; next up were the following two ...
&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2k ::: Beatles, The - Abbey Road (1969) - 07 - Here Comes the Sun ::: 2:04/3:06 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 405 kbps &laquo;&laquo; is much better tune but still not as good as
&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2k ::: Beatles, The - Abbey Road (1969) - 10 - Sun King ::: 1:05/2:26 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 579 kbps &laquo;&laquo; lolz

\o/ wow everything looks great, even the cukes that are a little bit withered, they&rsquo;ll come back. Are all the plants hardened off yet, was this for a few hours or are you outside come hell or high water now? Ops was writing as reading, I see you gotz some low 40s coming :/ So how soon is the plant out? And don&rsquo;t forget to get loads of pics dat day girl :)

Happy for ya, seems every ting is falling into place and keep dem awesome updates coming!

*I have a correction for you, you said &ldquo;Their first visit to father Mama sun.&rdquo; ;)

*Tell parental units happy 59[sup]th[/sup] ^_^

Take care mi hermana and have a great day \o/

"And don&rsquo;t forget to get loads of pics dat day girl :)" Ramon, it's gonna take me a WEEK, going at it HARD :rofl:. Got visit to doc; every year I see him to give me the ridiculous stomach blood test and a script for 7-10 Toradol--non-narcotic pain killer--when I put in the garden . . . yeah. Hmm. And it's gonna be even MORE fun this year as am doing containers as well. As far as hardening off goes, got a summer squash and white zucchini plant, babies, in that little greenhouse now, screens open, along with almost a flat of tomatoes in 4" peat pots. I just slung the maters together as extras a few days ago and figured that without hardening, they'd die, but NOT! The projected low Sat is 42, but weather-boys have missed it 5 times this week; am gonna see if they can take that, and some strong rain, depending on how hard rain gets, since still babies. Dousing that riser and surrounding area really well with Sluggo Plus . . . we'll see. If that works out okay, all the maters are going in there, after a little more hardening, because be my luck for them to keel over, since I want to keep them. :rolleyes: Only reason one zuke and one yellow squash in there, all that germed from those cells at this time, and big time--got large--so others are back on heat mat. Again, I could direct seed, but let one come up, if cow birds don't dig them up, with a seed hull attached and before they can shed helmets, birds take off with seedling! Just experimenting, which beats replanting seeds, if the transplants live :party: How's about Mama-Father sun? :P Peace, sugar ;) .
Annie sounds like my week off during spring break, went back to work to rest.....but I think that's every Monday.

Glad the babies are getting some sun time, they're looking good. Don't worry 'bout a little droop, we all look that way Mondays...

Congrats on the parents 59th, that's an accomplishment nowadays!

And that's just the peppers (mainly)? Yer gonna be busy!!!

Take care and don't work to hard,


PS: 92-3 yesterday, 50 @ 10AM today. What the heck?
Congrats to the parental units on their 59th!

Somehow I had your Daddy pegged as "ain't normal", ms. chip.
Great story.
Plants looking fiesty!
I normally direct sow all my curcs, squash and such. But I might try as I needs me some gourds goin' sooner so may stick some here or there.
And what about cushaw?
And what about cushaw?

I like Cushaw, a lot, but went with Sweet Meat, Neck Pumpkin--either should be trained like carrier pigeons to go get things a couple states away--couple types of Butternut, because they don't run forever, Acorn and Red Kuri, same reasons, Blue Hubbard and something else . . . forget . . . traumatized thinking about it, ha! Even if I start pinching flowers off, after they set what wanted, they find another route on those first two.

I generally direct sow but "somebody" has to feed the birds all winter and then, take their seed away in spring. I've seen them fly off with entire hills of squash/zuke itty bitty seedlings and yep: they can get the seed or anything sprouted with helmet, though mesh. Astoundingly resourceful. So, trying it this way to maybe save extra soaking, planting and . . . repeat rinse ;)
Looks good Annie, guess you had your tan tone set so they wouldn't fry on one side ;)

Bill, have about figured out that my plants are like me, they might get a little "pink," but they turn a nice color and don't burn. I left peppers out for 2.5+ hours yesterday, from 9 to 11:45, and no sun damage. I just looked, carefully. Our high was 87 yesterday; had I done that 2.5 between 3 and 5:45 pm, different song be singing today. Taps. And the yellow squash and white zuke are alive in greenhouse this morning--put them out in heat of day with cotys yesterday, good dose of Neptune's Harvest in bottom of tray with other maters (I thought I didn't care about), all in 4" peat pots, and they live! They look perky this morning! Not croaked yet. Of course Y.E.T. means, "You're Eligible Too." Again, had those 2.5+ hours been 3 to 5:45, they'd have been toast with heat and slant of spring sun! ;)

Question for everybody?

"They" forecast storms for tonight and rain into Friday morning. Would you--it's a 4 x 8 x 3 high pop-up greenhouse, made riser for it with 1/2" plywood on 2 x 4's--leave screens open--4 of them? Also, I have Sluggo Plus. Kills lots of stuff like sow bugs, rollypollies, slugs--my biggest concern with thunderstorms forecast, since they're in confined space, low to ground, even if on riser is slugs, other bugs that rain loves to bring up, and them getting beaten by rain. (If rain is hard at slant.) If douse that area well with the SPlus, including the riser inside, and leave screens open? Just let plants get some rain from screens? Depending on how hard and what slant/wind, rain is? Or just close screens on southwest side, as majority of our hard wind/rain comes from SW, and leave the screens facing house aka, northeast, open? Or just say, Sluggo+ and go Darwin?
Nice idea giving the plants a dot of sunshine here and there. Go gradual on them and they won't burn. 2.5 hrs is what I'd do to start them out. I don't know if I'm lucky or not, we've had overcast lighting lately and I've got some plants under the hoop frames...with 5 deg frost blankets at night......lol. The plants are adjusting to the cloudy/bright lighting nicely.

Storms and a pop-up greenhouse ? might look like an inverted umbrella tomorrow.
Leaving the screens open will let the air flow....but the cold in.

It's a toss up.................oops !
Praying everyone is safe in this band of weird weather!

Nice idea giving the plants a dot of sunshine here and there. Go gradual on them and they won't burn. 2.5 hrs is what I'd do to start them out. I don't know if I'm lucky or not, we've had overcast lighting lately and I've got some plants under the hoop frames...with 5 deg frost blankets at night......lol. The plants are adjusting to the cloudy/bright lighting nicely.

Storms and a pop-up greenhouse ? might look like an inverted umbrella tomorrow.
Leaving the screens open will let the air flow....but the cold in.

It's a toss up.................oops !

"might look like an inverted umbrella tomorrow." Yep, Greg: we're in a tornado watch, smh. Am staying awake. (I did less work when I didn't have a leave of absence.) :rolleyes: Gotta look out for everybody da house and get over to the 'rents in the event of--train goes through town at 4am. Hope I don't hear it before then. Be a bummer to have both simultaneously. "Just the train going through town." Hmm. Wouldn't be "the steel rails still ain't heard the news," then! Again, I pray everyone stays safe in the path of this weather! I got the pop-up weighted down but at the moment is least of concerns. Again, pray everyone is safe.

I agree, I would be afraid the popup would get airborn or tumble in some wind.

Yesterday my hots, in pots (no rhyme intended) spent the day inside. It was too windy AND supposed to rain; I worried about controlling the moisture as well.

They lied, 50 this AM, they went back out...

Edit: wow I created a mess!

Yeah, they seem to be sensationalizing a tad, but better safe than sorry. Although have pop-up anchored and weighted, it might not be in NC with "Toto too," tomorrow.
Thinking of Bonnie/highalt and her "punk cat"--my "boy," Buddy . . . I allowed him to eat this Trin Scorp Moruga Blend a couple weeks ago: leaves are warm (I tried them after he decided he'd munch down, run around basement, run, a LOT, hit up his water bowl down here, comical--not gone near the plant shelves since :D ):


It might be a little behind from IDiot feline folly but have 3 others, healthy, taught him a lesson, and like Ramon babying back that hab, it works! Just kinda kept it out of direct light, didn't give it any food, just d-chlorinated water, as needed. Finally getting some rain here. Am on laptop in basement with cats, t.v. frig, tea, to keep me awake. In the event of tornado, "Honey, come down here! Am going to get my parents!" :dance: I mean, what else to do? My little greenhouse with maters and curcubits may not be there tomorrow--closed windows on it to decrease "lift" capacity--or worse, none of us could be, but damnit, my maters under lights just got watered, smh. Prayers to those in path of these storms!

Really amazed at this little (blurry) plant that I half-way thought was goner. Peace, y'all!
Hope things made it through the night down your way.
We'll got a little rain and I heard thunder.
My plants had a full day of it outside yesterday and seemed no worse for the wear. High about 80&deg;
I'll be out of town from tomorrow AM to Monday PM. I wonder if mid-40&deg;s would be hard on the peppers and their cousins? No rain of wind in the forecast.
You know where my minds at, skimming along I read &ldquo;Greg: we're in a tomato watch &hellip;&rdquo; ;) Hope you made it fine thru the night and that your pup tent is fine. I can&rsquo;t wait to see dem Caribbean Shrimp you gotz planned \o/ Think that little Trini Scorp will pull thru fine, what don&rsquo;t kill dem only makes them tastier ~_^

Hope you have a great day and rest up after that late night :)

Don&rsquo;t play this tune, might attract dem ^_~
&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2k ::: Electric Light Orchestra - Eldorado (2001) - 04 - Laredo Tornado ::: 2:27/5:30 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 485 kbps &laquo;&laquo; ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
Hope things made it through the night down your way.
We'll got a little rain and I heard thunder.
My plants had a full day of it outside yesterday and seemed no worse for the wear. High about 80&deg;
I'll be out of town from tomorrow AM to Monday PM. I wonder if mid-40&deg;s would be hard on the peppers and their cousins? No rain of wind in the forecast.

Carl . . . eh, there's a definite cold front coming through . . . day's are fine but eh, 40's? Do you have any kind of shelter and somebody to put the peppers in it at night? Am leaving tomatoes and even few squash in that li'l greenhouse--it stayed here with "Toto" in winds last night--but closing screens on it once temps start falling this afternoon to hold some heat, open first thing tomorrow. I gave mine sun yesterday too . . . but have to figure in wind + wind chill today because the children got used to HEAT! But if absolutely sure no wind . . . naw: I wouldn't do it but you do what you think is best! ;)

You know where my minds at, skimming along I read &ldquo;Greg: we're in a tomato watch &hellip;&rdquo; ;) Hope you made it fine thru the night and that your pup tent is fine. I can&rsquo;t wait to see dem Caribbean Shrimp you gotz planned \o/ Think that little Trini Scorp will pull thru fine, what don&rsquo;t kill dem only makes them tastier ~_^

Hope you have a great day and rest up after that late night :)

Don&rsquo;t play this tune, might attract dem ^_~
&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2k ::: Electric Light Orchestra - Eldorado (2001) - 04 - Laredo Tornado ::: 2:27/5:30 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 485 kbps &laquo;&laquo; ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

Thank you, Ramon!

You very funny man, querido! My fav by ELO's Eldorado . . . about the only Tornados I wanna hear about has Texas in front of it! Before some jerk-record-exec takes it off, early T-Torns. Gruene Hall is . . . too historic for words. RIP, Doug and Freddy. Flaco's a TRIP! :rofl: :

AFAIK plants don't suffer from "wind chill" as you point out, that's a human ting, but please correct me if I'm wrong. FWIW my plants took many a low 40&deg;s nights this and last winter with no issues, even a few babies but I don't have room for dem inside like you guys.

Edit: Plants do suffer from wind, especially if they are not use to it from being grown indoors but the tempature is the tempature, not "feels like" because of wind.

Edit 2: Here's a read http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-01-27/features/os-plant-doctor-tom-maccubbins-0128-20120127_1_nematode-resistant-tomato-varieties-wind-chill
I see you didn't get spun around in a "twister"......not the game......ha

I haven't heard any sirens here...yet, and hope not to in the near future.
I had 2 kids at the U of Iowa last year and Iowa City seems to be in a zone or alley for bad weather. Everytime a tornado warning or watch would be announced we'd get an alert on the phone...Happened quite often, I'd flip on the weather channel to check out the radar. I was always concerned about the frame house that my daughter was renting, at least it had a basement to take cover. My youngest son is a senior this year. He's in an apartment on the top (3rd) floor. No consolation there as a roof can get peeled off like a lid on a sardine can......yikes...lol

Oh, yes..How's the plants..
I'm with Ramon on the 40s thing. It might slow them down a bit, but they'll recover quickly. Some plants, no not those, will curl up and die at those temperatures, but peppers aren't one of them, in my experience.