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Aus newbie q's

One of my late starters has started producing pods :)



And a little harvest this week :


I think I might have to go buy a cheap food dehydrator.
:) The dehydrators so cheap, I'm planning to make ups some different curry powders once I get it.

I can see now that I'll end up with way too many bih peppers over the season so I'll dry most of them.

The weathers gone from 40c to low twenty's this week so all of the peppers have slowed down.

Still waiting for the choc bhuts, fatalii's, yellow 7's and bt scorpians to ripen.:onfire:
And for my Sat morning update lol

Some Dorset's


Theres only a few larger pods on the plant along with new ones now. So far it's been a good producer and real tasty. The bih is giving me a good 15 peppers a day now but they just don't have the taste of the dorset. Its becoming a real favourite for me.

The one thing my bih plant is good for is keeping the sparrows away from my other plants. They seem to be eating all the nice sized peppers too, little buggers. Lots to go around though, I think I'll just dry out the bih's this year for a curry powder mix.

So heres an interesting one


I've found at least 6 of these on my yellow 7 plant. Could they just be normal 7's? The yellow7 is touching my bt scorpian so I have my fingers crossed lol
First ripe fat fatalii


It has the exact same taste as the skinny ones but one thing I noticed was that the fat pod had lots of oil inside it.

My choc bhuts and scorp's have finally started to ripen up, yay for me hahaha
Timmy Awesome thread! I just planted my seeds and are going to plant some more today. Awesome pics man. You got pumped up for this season..
Thanks PcolaHot, I hope your seeds kick in fast lol

I started with yellow 7's and had one after another die off but everything is now on track :onfire:

I can't believe how slow the choc bhuts are at turning. Some of the peppers started to go brown on the weekend and its still looks like it will take all wee to fully ripen. The color of them is crazy, can't wait.

My yellow 7's have lots of pods on them now and thier all getting rather large. Lots of them have fat chunky tails too so thier going to look crazy.
I'm not looking forward to tomorrows heat, today I lost a few peppers on every plant.

The bih got smashed, its got lots (100+) of larger pods on it now but it looks like most of the pods have burn't at the top

Had a taste of the choc bhut yesterday, its a rather nice dull/smooth taste but 2 seconds later the heat hits.

40c + = :( I guess I'll water all of the plants in the morning and maybe even move them under some shade.
I've got no idea lol I have around four plants that could be any strain :)

The 7's haven't done well with the sun, lots of brown pods on each plant.

I'm looking forward to having a taste of one.
My 7 pod was the only plant that had sun scald last year. Hope this year is better. I second that the choco bhut is one evil looking pod. I can't wait to try one.

Yeah it seems like 7's can't handle the sun at all. I've lost a lot of 7 pods over the last two day's. That sucks as the plants don't seem to have as many pods as the other plants.

All of a sudden the choc bhut has started to ripen, half of the pods are turning now :)

I bought a dehydrator today. It's f@#$ing noisy and it takes sooooooo long lol I so don't have the patience required for this hahaha mmm I've got two trays of bih's drying. All the pods are tinny. Seeing that I have a tonne of bihs I thought I would experiment with them first.
I love my dehydrator, but it can be noisy. When I dry my peppers, I run it in the garage starting at night. This cuts down on the smell and noise in the house. By morning the smell is almost gone. I usually dry them for about 24 hrs at 125 F.

I'll be using the dehydrator again tomorrow to dry out some more bih peppers. I did two trays for the first test and have already grinded it all up. Worked pretty well but next time I think I'll cut them in half first.

Heres my next lot of peppers dorsets on the left then some fatalii's with choc bhuts, two trays of bih's on the right with a handfull of scorpians .


It doesn't look like much but theres a lot of sauce there lol

Any ideas for a choc bhut/fatalii sauce or a dorset sauce?

I've lost all of my ripe 7 pods, they seem to spoil as thier starting to ripen.