• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


due to illness and surgery im behind schedule. but happy to say ive got a bunch of plants rolling now and more on the way! ive got a dozen or so I over wintered that will give me a head start in the spring.








Looking great, man!  Maybe I should go on a 10 day vacation.
You know, for the plants...   :)
My Tekne x Zapotec pods kept putting on size and have gotten quite big, especially for the small containers the plants are in.  Looking at the beefiness of the peduncles on yours, I expect you'll have some big pods.  And it looks like a good number of them too!  Really impressed with how strongly your plants are growing.
CaneDog said:
Looking great, man!  Maybe I should go on a 10 day vacation.
You know, for the plants...    :)
My Tekne x Zapotec pods kept putting on size and have gotten quite big, especially for the small containers the plants are in.  Looking at the beefiness of the peduncles on yours, I expect you'll have some big pods.  And it looks like a good number of them too!  Really impressed with how strongly your plants are growing.
I was glad they didn't take off growing while I was gone. :lol:
I was shocked to see that many pods when I went to get a pic. I knew there were a few but not that many. 
thank you for the encouraging words.  I couldn't do it without help from you guys! :cool:
Tybo said:
I have a large pile of stump grindings that looks just like your mulch and saw that same stuff growing on the pile.  I'll have to look up fuligo septica.
Garden looks good.
its the first time I've ever seen it.  it was pretty shocking to see a growth that large.
Maters are a jungle [emoji106][emoji16]. Peppers aren’t too shabby themselves [emoji16][emoji106]. I’ve had that dog puke stuff before ( in the wifes flowers, hehe). I just scooped it up with a shovel and I don’t think it came back. [emoji16][emoji106]

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PtMD989 said:
Maters are a jungle [emoji106][emoji16]. Peppers aren’t too shabby themselves [emoji16][emoji106]. I’ve had that dog puke stuff before ( in the wifes flowers, hehe). I just scooped it up with a shovel and I don’t think it came back. [emoji16][emoji106]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I can almost taste the hot salsa in my future. :dance:
ill prob do that this weekend. it sure is ugly.  :lol:
Those are looking great. I'm hoping they get really big and produce well for you. Looks like they're off to a great start.  I tried my first ripe one here a couple days ago and it was fine for heat and flavor, but not anything particularly special.  Our weather's been consistently cool and sucky though and so far nothing I've harvested has had much pop.  I know that garden of yours can do the job though :)
Mr.joe said:
That plant looks great. I'm hoping for giant pods with great jalapeno flavor
thanks!  I'm anxious to try one.
CaneDog said:
Those are looking great. I'm hoping they get really big and produce well for you. Looks like they're off to a great start.  I tried my first ripe one here a couple days ago and it was fine for heat and flavor, but not anything particularly special.  Our weather's been consistently cool and sucky though and so far nothing I've harvested has had much pop.  I know that garden of yours can do the job though :)
its been brutally hot and humid here.  they seem to be thriving in it.  the first plant is growing taller than the others.  they're all putting pods out really well now.
im very curious on what the flavor will be.   did you try yours green? or red?  im wondering how big they'll be. there has to be over a dozen good sized pods right now and many more on the way.
im doing my best to make you proud and grow these out the best I can.
Haha.  I think your grow of them is going to blow mine away! :) 
I have mine in 0.5g nursery pots and the common pod size is probably 3-3.5" long and 1" wide.  The biggest is almost 4" by 1.5".  I tried mine red. I'm not the greatest taster around - you won't hear me talk about any subtle notes of ripe western currants  ;) - but I'd say it had reasonable heat and sweetness.  I picked up on a slight grassy taste, but I'm sensitive to chlorophyll taste for whatever reason and it wasn't anything strong.
Lots of warm weather ahead for us and I'm really looking forward to seeing your garden explode!
CaneDog said:
Haha.  I think your grow of them is going to blow mine away! :)
I have mine in 0.5g nursery pots and the common pod size is probably 3-3.5" long and 1" wide.  The biggest is almost 4" by 1.5".  I tried mine red. I'm not the greatest taster around - you won't hear me talk about any subtle notes of ripe western currants   ;) - but I'd say it had reasonable heat and sweetness.  I picked up on a slight grassy taste, but I'm sensitive to chlorophyll taste for whatever reason and it wasn't anything strong.
Lots of warm weather ahead for us and I'm really looking forward to seeing your garden explode!
I wish I had got started earlier like last year so I'm behind. but they're starting to catch up!
the three of these plants are on the front of a row so they have all the space they could want.  just guessing id say these have to be right at 4 inches now.  its a waiting game to see when they turn red.
im not good at describing food like wine. lol
my jalora isn't happy with the heat at all. im hoping to keep it going. this was an over winter and produced a fair amount of pods already.

lost one rocoto but the others are still making progress.


pequins aren't happy with the heat either. looks like I should of planted them near the rocoto with less sun.


few pods I picked.


ks lemon starburst finally setting some pods.



picked a few cucumbers, should start getting tomato's this week. ive got a handful of okra ready every other day.  there's a ton on the plants.
Hey Scott, that jalora looks like it could have root problems. You got voles over your way? When I see a plant looking like that, I'll stick my finger in the ground around the base of the plant and usually find a tunnel under there. Only thing to really do is just compact the soil back around the plant and hope there's enough roots left to carry the plant forward. Good luck with it.
Starting to get a little jungle-ish!
DownRiver said:
Hey Scott, that jalora looks like it could have root problems. You got voles over your way? When I see a plant looking like that, I'll stick my finger in the ground around the base of the plant and usually find a tunnel under there. Only thing to really do is just compact the soil back around the plant and hope there's enough roots left to carry the plant forward. Good luck with it.
Starting to get a little jungle-ish!
we do have some pests like that. ill have to try that.  all the plants around it are happy so I wasn't sure.  the pequins aren't as bad. but they have wilted some in this last heat wave.