Beer Review Feedback

Sickmont said:
ooh ooh ooh....can you see if Freak Out's available here in Sarasota, FL, Ross?

sarasota doesnt have many places listed..

i am also not sure that lagunitas distributes down there.

florida has good beer stores, but i think they are in the larger cities: miami, orlando, and jacksonville.

there is one store thats the best in the south east, but i forget where it is, or what its called, but i know they have 1000+ bottles.

looks like the best bet in sarasota is whole foods. how far are you from tampa? i could probably get you a better answer if you are able to go to tampa.

but i dont think lagunitas distributes to FL, so you may be outa luck :lol:

got any friends in PA or CA?
Most of my friends are in North jersey, so i could be able to nail it there(they go to New Hope and Philly constantly). As for Tampa, i'm only about 20-30 minutes or so away. But, onthe flip-side, there is a Whole-Foods store about 3 miles from my house, so i'll try there first.
Sickmont said:
Most of my friends are in North jersey, so i could be able to nail it there(they go to New Hope and Philly constantly). As for Tampa, i'm only about 20-30 minutes or so away. But, onthe flip-side, there is a Whole-Foods store about 3 miles from my house, so i'll try there first.

look no further then. if this place is near your friends in jersey : the one in somerville, make them go there.

they have more than a thousand bottles. its one of the better beer stores in that area. there are places in PA, one is near philly and they have more than a thousand bottles too, but its case only there. so if you want a case, go for it.. i cant remember the name of it, i can find it though.
Somerville? Cool...that was one of our haunts back in the day(don't had to do with girls). I'll tell my friends to swing through Somerville and pick me up some stuff. They'll hold it for me until either i get up there or they wind up down here.
Sickmont said:
Somerville? Cool...that was one of our haunts back in the day(don't had to do with girls). I'll tell my friends to swing through Somerville and pick me up some stuff. They'll hold it for me until either i get up there or they wind up down here.

theres another place, but ill have to let you know tomorrow.

somerville is usually blown out by all the beer geeks in that area. there is another store that is close that has a good selection of beer. ill get that info to you tomorrow
ross said:
theres another place, but ill have to let you know tomorrow.

somerville is usually blown out by all the beer geeks in that area. there is another store that is close that has a good selection of beer. ill get that info to you tomorrow

in red bank is a store, claims "hundreds" of bottles

thats in south plainfield, "thousands" of bottles.

between those 3 stores in jersey, you should be able to get some good stuff!

coming up tonight, ill post my thoughts on allagash four, as i have it chilling in my fridge as we speak, waiting on the cork to be popped. :)
Anyone know of a store around here where I can find some Bud?
oh wait..theres one....oh sheeet theres another, and two more over there.What a Country, aahhohhh, I gotta go pee
Hillbilly Chili said:
Anyone know of a store around here where I can find some Bud?
oh wait..theres one....oh sheeet theres another, and two more over there.What a Country, aahhohhh, I gotta go pee

yeah, you can go into any piss poor gas station and find it. that shouldnt be too difficult.
chuk hell said:
Ross, thanks for the beer reviews. I enjoy them. Keep 'em coming.

I'll write some more myself at some point.

ok, im going to drink a bells beer tonight, ill add that one in later on. and tomorrow im gonna have a few more so ill put those in too.

good to know someone reads them :)

heh i read them as well and appreciate you taking the time to put them up. i'm trying new beers here and there..but i'm just not that great at breaking down what i am tasting..outside of very obvious flavors. i read some of the things written on BA about beers i've had and am left wondering where they are tasting all the things they mention. :)
xgrafcorex said:
heh i read them as well and appreciate you taking the time to put them up. i'm trying new beers here and there..but i'm just not that great at breaking down what i am tasting..outside of very obvious flavors. i read some of the things written on BA about beers i've had and am left wondering where they are tasting all the things they mention. :)

it just comes with tasting different beers. i dont use BA (i dont like the layout or the colors) but i use, and my current talley is 1130 beers.. ive had probably 1200, but i dont rate things that i cannot remember. its more or less a way for me to electronically store all the beers ive had, and writing down a little blurb about them helps me remember if i have drank it or not when i go beer shopping :)
i had a bunch of beer tonight and last night, so ill be sure and write some stuff about them tomorrow night when i get in from work. hope the weekend has been good for all
ross said:
as for the damnation comments - what kind of glass did you use to drink it john? did you pour it fast thus dumping the trash into your glass? was it very cold or cellar temp? russian river is one of the premire "belgian style" beer makers in the USA.. damnation was good at least to me, but the belgian styles can take some getting used to. try it again in another year and see what you think. this time though, make plans to buy one and let it sit for a few days :hell:

It was cold and I poured it into a regular pint glass with the sediment. I'll try it again in a few months and try it with the sediment still in the bottle...
Ross, thanks for the article about the Northby Northwest beer. NXNW is a brewpub and resturant in north Austin. I've actually never been there but my friend Dave goes there all the time. I'll look into getting a hold of some of that beer...sounds good!
imaguitargod said:
It was cold and I poured it into a regular pint glass with the sediment. I'll try it again in a few months and try it with the sediment still in the bottle...

oh man! you have to use a snifter. or a wineglass will work.

rule numero uno with belgian styles: widemouth glasses only!!
chuk hell said:
Ross, thanks for the article about the Northby Northwest beer. NXNW is a brewpub and resturant in north Austin. I've actually never been there but my friend Dave goes there all the time. I'll look into getting a hold of some of that beer...sounds good!

awesome chuck! see if you can get any of the 2005. thats the one i had, i cant speak for the 2006, but i cant imagine it would be much different.
ross said:
its more or less a way for me to electronically store all the beers ive had, and writing down a little blurb about them helps me remember if i have drank it or not when i go beer shopping :)

so far, since i've been more interested in drinking quality as opposed to quantity, i have been cleaning out and saving a bottle of each of the beers i've tried. i have a few beers i haven't had in a while that aren't in the collection..but not sure if i want to stomach another one just to add it to the group. :D also, i'm getting to have no more room on my shelf in my closet. might have to buy a bookshelf type display....actually i need a few of for bottles..and one for bugs!
xgrafcorex said:
so far, since i've been more interested in drinking quality as opposed to quantity, i have been cleaning out and saving a bottle of each of the beers i've tried. i have a few beers i haven't had in a while that aren't in the collection..but not sure if i want to stomach another one just to add it to the group. :D also, i'm getting to have no more room on my shelf in my closet. might have to buy a bookshelf type display....actually i need a few of for bottles..and one for bugs!

who says you cant drink quality in quantity?