Best anuum....

Jimmy Nardello from the varieties I've tried have to be my favourite Annuum, closely followed by the black Hungarian.
Nigel said:
Vezena piperka from Macedonia.
Photo from my friend Chris Fowler in Wales.
Awesome looking pods! Do you have any idea on where seeds are available for these?
I'd have to vote Golden Cayenne, simply because they stir fry into something glorious.
PepperLover, put me down for some Aleppos!
I grow a couple "Cayenne" types every season.
Last season i've grown an excellent (both flavor and heat) annuum from Sri Lanka, some sites refer to this pepper as "MI-2":

Also Thai Orange is another excellent annuum that comes to my mind:

Chiltepin (annuum var. glabriusculum) is another obvious choice for overall awesomeness
I love the annuum flavors!
I find Annum mixes rule.
I can't think of any Annuum that totally rocks by itself as much as mixing it with another to bring out any flavor I want.
Not that all Annums suck,they are just WAY better in the right mix/blend.
Try adding another Annuum to the stuffing for Ancho or New Mex type chile.
You can add a pepper that brings out the best in what you are cooking.
Especially with frying peppers...
Aleppo are good but a lot of the landrace stuff I trade for from different countries beats most stuff easily.
I have Aleppo seeds from traditional Aleppo and Aleppo 35.
I'll have Aleppo 37 at seasons end.
36 and 37 have PI #'s.
Most only consider Aleppo as what they want seeds from...
+1 on #25... I love to make chile and enchilada sauces with dried Annuums, and I find I get the best flavor from mixing several varieties... usually some combination of Anaheim, Ancho, Pasilla and Chimayo chiles. For fresh use in pico de gallo salsa and when making peach jam I like Serranos. If you're gonna make poppers you've got to use Jalapenos. My favorite sweet pepper is one of the Kapias, like the Kurtovska Kapija. It has a longer season than most sweets, but if they're happy, they'll put out incredibly sweet, meaty pods that ripen sometime in September. This representative pod weighs 208 grams... over 7 ounces.
I love annuums. Most folks in my area cut their teeth with them,that's all we can buy at stores. Hot Portugal is a great banana/wax type one. Anaheim/Numex varieties are awesome. And the legendary jalapeno. Pickled,poppered,smoked,candied,fried,raw,red,green.I always forget how great they are until I eat them again.

MeatHead1313 said:
Jimmy Nardello from the varieties I've tried have to be my favourite Annuum, closely followed by the black Hungarian.

Awesome looking pods! Do you have any idea on where seeds are available for these?
I know where there are a couple laying around. :lol: :lol:
Fresno, jalapeno, chiltepin, pequin, thai and cayenne.
Thats pretty much all I eat and cook with.
Fresno and pequin the favorites.
I'm a fan of Thais.  I'm looking forward to trying out Takanotsume and Goatsweed this year.  Cherry bombs, although hybrids, are pretty great too.
To be more specific than my first post, in terms of what I use most often (because of flavor and heat profile), it would be "Aruna" a cayenne type from India that I use green, Jwala, another cayenne type from India I use both green and red, and Serranos which I use green. For some reason I have never claimed that any of those are my favorite, but I use them significantly more than anything else, so maybe?....Oh and Jalapenos are a close 4th!
Bailey said:
I have a Hungarian hot wax and a unspecified Thai in my greenhouse. Anyone grown the Hungarian before? What's it like?i have heard it can be pretty hot with an apple taste???
I've grown the Hungarian hot wax, they are really good. A little hotter than a jalapeno, but more flavor.
My sweet annum(s) is gonna be Jimmy Nardello and Padron with an Honorable Mention to Pablano
The Heat Annums, about any of those skinny peppers from south Asia.
Depends on what with or what for.
Only one off my list is the green hoopa loopa, though the ripe red ones are good.
Goat weed is in the garden this year, but haven't tasted one yet.
MeatHead1313 said:
Jimmy Nardello from the varieties I've tried have to be my favourite Annuum, closely followed by the black Hungarian.

Awesome looking pods! Do you have any idea on where seeds are available for these?
They are on rainbow chilli seeds site as 'rezna'. Just ordered....
Nigel said:
Vezena Piperka seeds can be obtained from Bart Meijer in Holland,
Why do you rate them Nigel?