• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

A few members including myself are growing seeds for this variety ASAP. I and a few others here on THP thought it would be fun to have a "community glog" strictly for this variety, a fun thread about the HP22B and growing this pepper for the first time.

I think we should start a community glog like this anytime there is a new pepper with alot of attention and alot of people growing it, possible world record holder or not. It would be fun, and this should be fun! That's why we all love this hobby is it not?

Therefore, this will be a drama-free, controversy-free, fun glog for all of us growers and others to enjoy. If you grow, please chime in. If you're growing this variety, please post pictures and chime in about your observations.

Again.. This thread is ment to be fun and informative, but mostly fun :)
Please. Pretty please with sugar on top.. lol. Keep it drama-free.
I, and many others would really appreciate this thread to stay that way.

Now lets get to growing!


I went with the paper towel method for this guy just like I have with all my mid-season starts. It is far from my favorite way to germinate seeds but I'm in no hurry this time of year which is why I went this route. I've had the seeds in the paper towel for about a week now on top of my HOT5 lighting closet. The seeds should be showing root tips soon, then they will be visiting some real soil :D

How's it going for everyone else?

First post here, and in fact I signed up to comment on this thread I have been following as a guest for quite some time now.

I sowed some hp22b seeds on 10/18/12, & have been looking forward to seeing peoples ripened pods ever since then.

So I am going to beg people to PLEASE play nice in this thread at least.....
Every other thread having to do with this pepper gets locked down, and I, for one, want to see more peoples plants and pods.

So anyway, thank you for all the great tips I have found on this forum, and I hope everyone is having a great day
I usually get a wicked bellyache a few hours after eating too much chili. So far my stomach has been a vault. It's funny, this is one of the few superhots I've had fresh, and for as hard as it hit me when I ate it, it hasn't given me that second hit.

Good work lock, you grow so mean peppers!
First post here, and in fact I signed up to comment on this thread I have been following as a guest for quite some time now.

I sowed some hp22b seeds on 10/18/12, & have been looking forward to seeing peoples ripened pods ever since then.

So I am going to beg people to PLEASE play nice in this thread at least.....
Every other thread having to do with this pepper gets locked down, and I, for one, want to see more peoples plants and pods.

So anyway, thank you for all the great tips I have found on this forum, and I hope everyone is having a great day
whos not playing nice? am i missing something? by the way :welcome: and thanks for starting a profile just to tell us how to act!!
Ok, sorry if I sounded bossy, but I was begging people to play nice, not telling people to be play nice.

It was just very disheartening to see Tex's growlog get locked due to bad behaviour of people.
Then of course there is the "other" thread that also got locked due to the same reason.

I simply would like to see more results of these plants and pods grown by people other than the supplier, since I started mine in october indoors, and am growing them very slowly in order to get a jumpstart on the shorter growing season here in the high desert.
I won't be seeing my own pods for months, so seeing others pods would be awfully nice.

As an interesting side note, using a seed starting heat mat, I had germination start after 2 weeks, and then just a coyple days ago, I had one break soil....nearly 90 days later!
I have a few pods forming but there not to visible yet.

I think I have low humidity in my grow area and its causing low pollen?

What do you guys think?? increase humidity and see if pollen production picks up?
I am also wondering how low, or no, humidity will affect these plants in pod formation, and also in the heat level.
Since I live in the desert.
Also, wondering how 110°+ daytime temps will affect them too......
Made a mistake earlier, it was 2 giant ghosts, and a naga viper that sprouted after 90 days....but I did have a couple reapers sprout after 60+ days...

Here are my superhots growing very slowly until they can be put outside in the springtime.


Here are the 6 reapers that germinated....out of 11 seeds

I would hold back on watering those again for a while, Chris. They look a little over watered. Ever since I started waiting to water until my peppers start to wither my plants have done 10x better.
I would hold back on watering those again for a while, Chris. They look a little over watered. Ever since I started waiting to water until my peppers start to wither my plants have done 10x better.

Thank you!

I have had a few recent issues with them. The worst was the leaves turning yellow, and or purple, and dropping off the plants.
I think I narrowed that down to nutrient deficiency....so I liquid fertilized 2 sundays in a row,.
Which resulted in overwatering, but the leave drop stopped, and the new growth is nicely green again.

Also, I think the weak flourescent lights I have, and the average temp of 60° in the kitchen isn't helping their cause much.
I seriously can't wait for spring to arrive!!

Chris have those been in the same cups since October? You may have some root bound issues or possible root rot. Weak florescent lights and 60F temps aren't helping either.

Joushua those look pretty wicked.
Chris have those been in the same cups since October? You may have some root bound issues or possible root rot. Weak florescent lights and 60F temps aren't helping either.

Joushua those look pretty wicked.

I was thinking of potting up thebigger ones, so maybe in the next couple days I can do that.
Funny thing is the bigger ones are all TSMB or TSBT seedlings....and those all had 100% germination within a couple weeks.....still at 6/11 on the reaper germination after 90+ days on the heatmat in a dome..........
These plants do not look that healthy.

Made a mistake earlier, it was 2 giant ghosts, and a naga viper that sprouted after 90 days....but I did have a couple reapers sprout after 60+ days...

Here are my superhots growing very slowly until they can be put outside in the springtime.


Here are the 6 reapers that germinated....out of 11 seeds

Thanks Trippa I didn't see that.Those don't look like true 7 Pot Primo pods either.

These are 7 Pot Primo pods that I grew in 2009 or 2010.


You'll notice they're compared to a nickel instead of a quarter and the bumps are smaller when compared to the pics of Pr0-son. I'm not saying his aren't Primo's.

Hey P, I can't say 100% that mine are Primo pods,got mine from cmpman1974. I compared my pods to his old glogs. I pm'd Troy Primeaux awhile back with pics of all the spin offs I was getting. He said his goal was to get the pronounced tail. The pics I posted above were late season pods showing you can have rough textured pods in cold weather and low light. I did have a ton of pods that looked similar to yours


I don't know of anyone trying to cross these with themselves except maybe Troy,so the variation in pod shape should all over the place.

I think I got my first Primo seeds from Chris too. That guy is probably responsible for half the superhots in the country.

Like armac said we should probably stop posting pics of pods other than Reapers in this thread. Or find a way to type the name of the pepper across the photos.