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Cayenne's Organic 2013 Glog


Happy new year all!​
We made it, it wasn't the end of the world. No Zombie Apocalipse, No Revolution, just a typical year full of Politcal BS.​
Well now that I'm not prepping for the end of the world, its back to reality.​

I enrolled in into School to get my B.S. in IT Security, so I have a feeling I will have a little less time for updates and such.​
Reguardless, I plan on spening a lot of time in the garden this year.​
I had a blast last year out in the garden but I became quit the Organic Evanglist >.<​

Well This year I plan on putting my money where my mouth is to show those in doubt that organic gardening is easy, cheap, and very effective.​
So this year I will be following these rules as a chalenge, and to prove to my self and to others that this 5#!T WORKS!​

  1. No STORE BOUGHT NPK based Ferts or Cal
  2. No Pestacide, even Neem or Pyritherin
  3. I'm going to try to keep the budget under 100$ for the entire year
My goal is to show the Results of a 100% Organic Garden.
I will be getting my nutrients the natral way. Compst, Mico, Castings, AACT, Frass, and City water.

I have a tiny yard, so I wont be starting 100+ seedlings like most people, I'll have to go for Quality not Quanity. I wintered most of my plants from last year
so there is no need to get crazy with seeds, however, I do have a few new varieties to change it up. Unfortuneatly I will have to cull out some plants to make room.

So here are the new ones so far.​
Some Morougahs, 7pBrown, Primos, Lanterns, and GIANT JALAPENOS​

And the green house​
i'll get better pics in a few.​

My new friend​
And more to come​
NONWOVEN POLYPROPYLENE, a form of plastic&mdash;a flexible resin polymer.

It looks and feels flimsy, I picked it up in the store and said "naaa," but a week later re-looked it and decided to try it. Glad I did, as the held up well. I don't recommend picking them up by the handles and swinging them around with 30Lbs of wet soil in them, but same goes for SmartPots or GrowBags.

We have something similar called an eco bag. Thanks for the tip!
Just want to say Thanks to everyone!

I have a WALL of purple, black, white, red, zebra, heirloom tomatoes. All because you guys helped out.

I inherited my mother in laws back yard and was able to do a lot with it. Thanks Soo much to every one who sent me seeds!

I'll post pics here in a month or so when everything is big.