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Chilli concentrate?

I have a glut of orange habs and was wondering what the best way to make a chilli concentrate would be. I basicly want a pure chilli paste in a jar.

Im thinking cooking them down with some white vinigar and water till soft and a light blitz to a course paste consistancy.

any ideas or sugestions welcome.

check with BB and see if he will share what he does with the naga concentrate he makes...
Thanks BB...... that will do me. Im a clever duck and will work it out.

I wouldn't have used the sugar and salt though...... whats it purpose in the concentrate?

Thanks mate. USefull info!

Also..... i only ever cooked one batch of sauce in the house. THe kids screamed in pain with watering eyes, the wife packed up everyone but me and left for the day. Took 2 days to get the smell out of the place.

All the sauce is cooked outdoors on a gas burner these days.


tony05 said:
Thanks mate. USefull info!

Also..... i only ever cooked one batch of sauce in the house. THe kids screamed in pain with watering eyes, the wife packed up everyone but me and left for the day. Took 2 days to get the smell out of the place.

All the sauce is cooked outdoors on a gas burner these days.



have you heard of manaco's liquid pepper concentrate?

i have seen it, it comes in a gallon jug style-thingy

like a vinegar jug...

i haven't tried it, but is it any good?

INGREDIENTS:vinegar,aged habaneros :?:
i'm only guessing that if you dry the habs/chinenses then grind into a really fine powder, and add vinegar you might not need the extra salt and sugar???

please correct me if i'm wrong

I did it tonight. I picked 40 odd orange habs and made concentrate.

And its tops!!!

I chopped them into 3, added a dash of white vinigar, a large pinch of salt and about 1 1/2 tablespoons of sugar.

I boiled it gently for 10 to 15 min to soften and steralise it all and them blitzed it up to a cource texture. I wanted some chunkyness to it.

very happy with the result. Its bright orange, smells and tastes just like an orange hab..... actually better with the sugar and salt and its HOT HOT HOT!



Thanks for the help folks.

Cap you don't want to use dried habs they lose the fresh taste.
salt and sugar just for slight balance they don't have to be used.
Great colour Tony, Orange habs are fantastic they just produce and produce down here.