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preservation Conserving Yellow Habaneros in Vinegar?

Hello Everybody, this is Mrs. Pepper Belly...

I have a quick question: Me and Mr. Belly are trying to conserve our handful (so far) of harvested white habaneros in vinegar so we can use the vinegar later on for flavouring various dishes.

Mr. Belly is very reluctant of using the method I dug up on a german pepper site :shocked: and so I would like to know from you all, please, :) how to conserve the peppers in the vinegar the american way :) ?

Thanks for any input, it's much appreciated :)
I used to do tinned coffee, but then learned how much better and cheaper whole bean coffee is and never looked back. :D

Mainly a French Roast sort here..although I tend to mix blsnds.

French Roast fresh-ground w/ a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg for today.
I prefer whole bean coffee, too. That Nescafe stuff comes in pretty handy when on the road and such, but at home I drink "real" coffee only. Black, of course and DEATH BEFORE DECAF!
Hey don't blame me for the hi-jack of the post this time. I used to love coffee but can't stand even the smell of it now (no I'm not pregnant or anything). I love caffeine though so I drink coke, I wish I loved coffee like I used too.
rainbowberry said:
Hey don't blame me for the hi-jack of the post this time. I used to love coffee but can't stand even the smell of it now (no I'm not pregnant or anything). I love caffeine though so I drink coke, I wish I loved coffee like I used too.

I used to love being awake for like 4 days straight but then i couldn't afford my habit anymore so i had to give up coke....

oh, wait you meant the drink.....whoopsy
Chiliac said:
Same happened to me a few years ago, RB, but now I'm back. I was drinking tea only for a year or so until I dared to try another coffee.

Same here, I only drink tea at the moment, not the weak rubbish you can buy though, proper English tea (not the stuff you buy abroad that they call English breakfast tea). I'm gonna have to buy some Nescafe again.
I may also have just a little bit of Tea as well...


That's not counting the Lipton's & Red Rose "regular" tea I have that I mainly use for iced tea.

Yes RB, I have Tetley and Twinings... My mum loved her tea, usually with a scone and Devonshire Cream. ;)
Quad you can't go wrong with Tetley's, we have PG Tips as well which is a big brand. Twining's is more specialist and expensive but really nice.

Chiliac, Yorkshire tea is brilliant, one of the stronger ones.
Nearly there Brother Q..Yorkshire tea nice and strong but the best Definetly Twining's and then P.G a Close Second and Tetley is great to..But Twining's has so much taste and really strong :)