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Cops at front door

The cops just showed up at my front door asking if I was growing marijuana! The nosey neighbors saw part of my grow tent and 400w MH light and reported it to the police that I was growing weed! The cops came in and saw the plants and said nope those arent marijuana plants lol! The joys of growing in an apartment complex! :(
Hey MegaHot - I'm pretty sure you just lived out a few other THPer's fantasies!!!!! Congrats!!!!! :)

Now here's what you really have to watch out for...those same cops coming back in a few months...wanting "samples"!!!!!! :rofl:

Grow on Sweetie, Grow on!
At least they didn't bust your door down and smash your wife's face.

Ya I'd be pissed if that happend! I even told the apt mgr that I was going to be growing hot peppers! Grrrrr I need a house!!! Anybody wanna loan me 100k? j/k lol
Us Washingtonians are nosey.... doesn't surprise me in Kent.... here in Buckley I could see it..." um my neighbor is growing weed... cops would say who isn't around here?"
They have eliminated almost all Meth labs around here but strangely growing pot isn't a huge deal up here.

Kent is a bigger city though.
Us Washingtonians are nosey.... doesn't surprise me in Kent.... here in Buckley I could see it..." um my neighbor is growing weed... cops would say who isn't around here?"
They have eliminated almost all Meth labs around here but strangely growing pot isn't a huge deal up here.

Kent is a bigger city though.

Yup, that makes sense
That's hillarious! I really want that to happen to me this winter! About your neighbors.... You should have a few words with 'em! :-/
what a cpl douchebag neighbors eh? hahaha...good news is that if you wanted to grow pot, now you could, hahahahah!
Ya, I dont actually know who it was specificaly, it was probably the neighbor next to me. He asked my wife what it was that he saw in the window lol. The cops said that there were a few reported calls about it and such!
i would buy some of salsaladys pureevil and put a few drops on there door knob hell half a bottle that will teach them :twisted: :high:
or in there keyhole