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Dorset Nova Strain World Wide Environmental Evaluation Thread

Perro Salvaje has a nice ring to it, means "wild dog" in Spanish. Bala Roja (red bullet), Capula Jugosa (juicy capsule).
My plants are broken. It got windy and my plastic chair got blown over and snapped the plants. I got 17 decent sized green peppers. They are still spicy, though.
What a bugger! All that waiting for broken plants :cry: I feel for ya buddy. Least you got some greenies i suppose.
Here they are. I will just start the rest of the seeds early for next year, instead of starting them in the summer like a dumbass.
Gee beadip, sucks that a chair fell on your plant. If I was you I'd just cut it back (rootball and all) and repot it rather than start it from scratch again.

Both my Naga's are doing good right now. I cut one of them back and replanted it into a smaller pot and it just took off! If it survives, it's gonna be a big producer. There's already a ton of flowers on it and I only have it under 4' floro's at the moment. The other one is too big to fit under the current grow setup, but it still seems to be doing fine with limited winter light in the window.

Still battling aphids. Miss one and they're back in full force within a week.
Thanks I trimmed the root ball and put it in a smaller container. I'm going to try to keep it alive indoors for the winter.
I'll see if I can snap a pic of the plant when I get home this weekend. I trimmed it WAY back. There was pretty much just a small nub sticking out of the soil and the roots were cut back to little more than the size of a golf ball. It's really looking good now. It's getting pretty bushy and has a ton of flowers on it. There's literally about 30-40 flowers on it despite only being roughly 12" tall. It looks like it's going to be a huge producer next year. I can't wait. Only 4 1/2 more months before I can put it outside! :lol:
Well it took some time, but I finally got around to snapping a pic of my plant. While doing so I noticed that I had a little pod growing! I'M BRINGING THE HEAT BOYS AND GIRLS! I may even give you aussies a run for your money despite being in the winter season here! :lol:. I'm so pumped about this little guy. I'll actually get to try it before summer summer comes around, although I doubt it'll ever really ripen under the floro's. I've got a few other plants with pods on right now as well. REally surprised by this. Oh well, have a look at the little guy!



I didn't get a pic of my other plant. This is the one that I cut back and repotted. It's doing great now.
Good stuff Blister, it's going surprisingly well considering it's only under fluros. You may get lucky and get that pod to ripen!
Yea that would be fantastic! I'm not sure it's going to happen, but I was able to get a couple of bishop's crown peppers to ripen up despite being indoors for the last couple of months. The other NNN plant I have is considerably bigger than the one pictured. The one with the pod was cut way back and the root ball was trimmed to about the size of a golf ball. It really started to flourish when I put it in better soil.

I'm looking forward to trying it even if it doesn't ripen.
Novacastrian said:
Good stuff Blister, it's going surprisingly well considering it's only under fluros. You may get lucky and get that pod to ripen!

RIPENING POD ALERT! RIPENING POD ALERT! The pod in the previous picture is about 3/4 ripe! I've got three others on the same plant, but all of them are still dark green. I'm going to stress the hell out of the plant to see how hot I can get it. Dunno if it'll be the same as growing under the sun, but at least I'm going to get to try one :woohoo:
Just snapped a pic of the little guy! It's a little longer than the length of the first knuckle on your fingers so it's pretty small really. I had to spray my plants with an insecticide since I've been battling aphids so I won't be eating it anytime soon. That's ok though because it's still got a bit of time to go before it completely ripens up! Can't wait to give it a shot! There's three other pods on the plant that still need to ripen up as well.

I got my nova seeds a bit late for last years season. I just started tham last week, hopefully se some hooks soon! Everyone here seems to have good progress with their seeds..... I am looking forward to mine!!!
I keep digging it up as my plants progress :D. They one pictured is one that really suffered from aphids, spider mites and crappy soil. The other one I have is way bigger, but it doesn't have any pods on it yet. I was thinking of cutting it back and putting it in better soil for the upcoming season. I'll probably do that when it gets closer to my outdoor growing season. Space is at a premium right now.