• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Four-Pepper False Start Glog

While I'm (successfully) growing plenty of herbs at the moment, the important stuff is obviously the peppers... and, since I'm pretty sure I baked the first set of seeds I attempted to germinate due to underestimating the power of my seedling heat mat after moving it into the grow tent, we're calling that a swing and a miss and moving on with Batch #2.
Tomorrow night they'll get the coffee-filter-in-a-baggie treatment and a hopefully-more-comfortable place in a lovely fluffy towel on the mat.
CDNmatt said:
Edit - "Pube Topper"
internationalfish said:
Yeah. And it's almost certainly something I did or didn't do, but at this point... meh. I've got a shipment of wicked badass seeds on the way from WHP, everything else in the tent is doing well, and this jerkoff can't get on board? Nah, bruv. Keep sulking, see where it gets you. Hint: It won't be your own personal Kratky jar.
Garbage can kratky!   Or worse... Could give a new meaning to flushing your plants.
Sometimes you just get those plants and there's nothing you can do. Screw it.  If it doesn't want to play ball, bench it and put in one that does.
CDNmatt said:
Maybe some sort of Nutrient lockout or something eh...Other then that most of what I have read points too over or under watering but you figured that was not the case already
Edit - "Pube Topper"
And just like that Matt is back!
internationalfish said:
Yeah. And it's almost certainly something I did or didn't do, but at this point... meh. I've got a shipment of wicked badass seeds on the way from WHP, everything else in the tent is doing well, and this jerkoff can't get on board? Nah, bruv. Keep sulking, see where it gets you. Hint: It won't be your own personal Kratky jar.
Going to tell us aboot the new WB coming in or do we just have to wait and see?
Finally got my one gallon bags! Likely delaying repotting for a couple weeks, though, so I can just move half of them directly outside.

Today, though, we're going to the home center and I'm going to work on a test run for my little hydro bottle concept. Not that it's particularly novel, but I'm going to be a little ambitious with it.

Planning to spray the bottles black, then silver, then clearcoat to hopefully keep both the light and heat out, since it gets pretty hot in the tent. Then starting seeds in a trimmed bit of rock wool in those little plastic plugs, which will go into the bottles with nutrients once they root out the bottom.
Sounds like a great plan, "Fish.
The Kratky thing has real possibilities.
CDNmatt said:
Maybe some sort of Nutrient lockout or something eh...Other then that most of what I have read points too over or under watering but you figured that was not the case already
I think that a sign of no nutrients would be green veins and yellow leaves at first. Those just seem to be weird.
Edit - "Pube Topper" Of course  :rofl:
Updates on today. While I didn't get anything spray painted (it's too windy to do that safely in the carport), I did get a whole lot of afro-engineering ready to support that when it happens, and I got the bottle plugs ready to go.
First, a quick look at one of my Japanese bell pepper plants. They started from seed, no soak, on 1/9.

Not only are they looking pretty good (this one's a bit droopy, but just needs a bit of water)... they're flowering, and at least one has already set fruit. :)

So that's exciting! And these things drop pollen like crazy. So I shouldn't have a problem crossing them.
On the bottle front, I had to stop part way through, but I got a little bit of it documented.
I have a couple small rolls of masking tape. Rather than trying to find something thinner and paying more for less, I just spun one around against a box cutter. Worked pretty well. I've already applied this to the three bottles I'm starting first, though I forgot to take a picture of that. Planning to get one before I start painting.

Also marked them where the bottom of the plug will be, so we'll see if that comes through when they're done.

Switching over to the plugs themselves, this ended up being a pretty funny picture.

Yes, yes, make your jokes. The grow finally fits with the weedlike luminescence that used to haunt my office window. I don't know if this even has a chance of working; I'd never even been in the same room with a rock wool cube before today. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Got the plugs marked and seeded. For one I used one of the three Sri Lanka Red seeds I have that just pushed out a radicle (50% germination on this batch so far; not great at all), so if this works, I might be able to get a look at how my normal soil mix does against Kratky. Of course, at this point I'm expecting all of them to be off pheno anyway, so that's a whole lot of random hybrid fruit.

And then, since I'm obviously a smart person, I started two entirely new varieties in the two other test plugs. Caribe and Giant White Habaneros. They've been plasticked over and are in the tent incubating. I had to find a random piece of plastic to stick in there to keep them all from leaning in annoying ways; next time I'll try to find a more appropriate container. Also, if this does pan out, I'll probably just paint up a couple larger bottles to swap these plugs to when I need the little ones for crosses.

The Caribe is using one of the sponges that came with these little plugs, just to see if those can be used for this method. If so, that'll be a lot more convenient for the first 7 or 8 runs, and then I'll just have to go back to rock wool joint rolling.
CaneDog said:
Cool stuff iFish and definitely a "2-like" project!   But you'll only get 1 like now.  You'll get the second like, only when the job has been completed.
You are harsh but fair, sir.
karoo said:
Cool project, would love to see how it works out for you.
Thanks! I'm cramming just as many assumptions and chances for failure in as I can. Not intentionally; just because that's what ends up happening when I decide I'm going to do things with plants.
Also... the wind died down! :)
Blacked it out to have a nice opaque base. The little tab in the middle and the harder-to-see one on the lower left are the ends of one of those little tape strips.

Since it's going in the tent, though, I'm hoping a layer of silver over the top will cut down on the light absorption. After the silver coat, I removed the tape strip; it didn't come off as cleanly as I was hoping, but it seems like it'll do the job.

It also got a clear coat after this, but that's... not a very interesting picture.

The paint will be drying until tomorrow evening. If the Sri Lanka Red seed I have in rock wool does well, perhaps I'll actually have one of these fully assembled within a week or so. Then we can start to see if it, you know, actually works.
CaneDog said:
I guess it's all over but the shouting at this point.  With the new Kratky and some rocket fuel to go in it you should be mounting a major charge back into the SLC red race.  Good work man!
Well that's waaaaay more optimistic than I'm willing to be, but I appreciate it! :D
Also, we went out and picked up outdoor planters to migrate a lot of my peppers, so that project should be teed up as well. Thinking next weekend we'll take on that as well as scrubbing the remainder to go into coir+perlite. Looking forward to thinning the herd so my top shelf is more manageable, and I think the larger plants will be much happier outside.
internationalfish said:
Well that's waaaaay more optimistic than I'm willing to be, but I appreciate it! :D
Also, we went out and picked up outdoor planters to migrate a lot of my peppers, so that project should be teed up as well. Thinking next weekend we'll take on that as well as scrubbing the remainder to go into coir+perlite. Looking forward to thinning the herd so my top shelf is more manageable, and I think the larger plants will be much happier outside.
OK. Maybe a little optimistic, but some of us here are pulling for ya 'fish - and you weren't the only one doing a bit of bottle work tonight!  Cool that you're getting ready for plant out.  It's going to be on us pretty quick here.  My OW rocotos in the window are starting to go off and I figure I'll be starting to harden off plants in not much more than a month.  All that outdoor space will definitely be welcome.
Got anything set in mind for what you're going to cross those JBells with first?
CaneDog said:
My OW rocotos in the window are starting to go off and I figure I'll be starting to harden off plants in not much more than a month.  All that outdoor space will definitely be welcome.
Very nice! I haven't been keeping up closely enough with the other glogs here, but you guys grow so many varieties that I'd never even heard of a month or two ago that it's exciting to drop in and see totally new plants.
CaneDog said:
Got anything set in mind for what you're going to cross those JBells with first?
I originally wanted to cross them with ghosts, since they're fairly similar shapes and I think it'd be great to have a large, fairly high heat, sweet pepper... just seems like a really good match. Still figuring on this, but my only ghost is a bit of a question mark. It's not in bad shape, just not too close to fruiting, with the pepperpocalypse imminent.
Also figured on crossing with chocolate habaneros. Since I at least have those flowering, that'll probably come first; thing is, it'll now probably happen outside, since I'm going to cut the peppers that stay inside way back, so no chance for fruit within the next couple months. Not sure how well that'll work out.
The fact that they've grown so quickly, though, makes me think about crossing them with my alma paprika. An early, prolific, thick-walled, sweet pepper could be really nice.
So this occurred to me, but clearly I'm not even smart enough to follow my own advice, and I went ahead and just bought matte black spray paint for the bottom layer. Next time... actual primer. 


While they're still a bit tacky (and not just in appearance), I figured I'd drop the plugs in and let them germinate there. They got plastic wrap coverings and went into the tent, so hopefully they sprout.
I have a pH meter, but wasn't really paying attention when I ordered it, and it didn't come with calibration material. I have the latter on the way, so by the time these root out the bottom of their rock wool (assuming they ever do), I should be able to at least provide a good nutrient mix at a decent pH. Think that's about the best I can do. :)