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Funky Chunky Yellow Citrus Dunkee

Hey there THP'rs!
Melbourne can be a very terrible place when it comes to Chilli variety, virtually all we get are Red/green cayennes, Thai birds eyes, and the odd jalapeño (which are always horrible) so I was rather excited to find some yellow cayennes (shhhhh!) today as I have been really wanting to make something yellow for practice. (before I try to bottle a bunch after this coming season)

The ingredients are as follows:
• 15 or so yellow cayenne
• 2 small lemons
• 1/4 brown onion
• 1/4 carrot
• 1 tiny sprig of Coriander (Aka cilantro)
• 2 tbs brown sugar
• 2 tsp river salt
• White vinegar
• water

I must say... I love it! It's probably one of my favs that I've made this year, really tangy, and surprisingly hot! So much so that I am doubting whether they are cayennes. It's a slow burn after the sweetness, starts at the back and finishes on the tongue. Nice though!
I wasn't expecting much so I did not take any photos before or during cooking, but I'll post one of the finished product in a lil'!


Edit: Anyone know how to select the link via photobucket mobile? Lol... You can't?
Cheers red!
I had never either, seems to be a lot hotter than the reds we get around here, not tooooo far off the heat you get from a milder thai BE. Not so much sting though. The taste is different too, if I didn't know better I'd say it was Fatalii-ish in that regard.
Pretty much, the extent of labeling here is; red chilli, green chilli (generally in reference to cayenne), birds eye, and jalapeño. So it could something completely different.
I will try and post a pic of some fresh ones if they have any left by the time I get back there. :D