• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
Portuge said:
20 pages already and somehow this glog has slipped on by me :crazy: ... Dang it now I have to start at page 1!!! Keep up the good work GA.
Thanks Portuge! Glad to have you!
I don't know about going back to page 1... I'm guessing this glog will only get better going forward, not backwards. :)
meatfreak said:
Sounds good, Jason. Just let me know if you need help growing a few out, always willing to help out :) I'm waiting till I get some pollen for the crosses I got in my mind, they both have flowers but the daddy doesn't have pollen yet ;)
Will do Stefan! I feel you on waiting for pollen. Hope you don't have to wait to much longer and they take for you.
PaulG said:
+1 Jamie!!! Good Gawd, Jason. What a list of starts!
Your plants are looking robust and healthy, and that azalea flower
is stunning - almost remind me of tropical hibiscus flowers. Nice.

Your progeny here are doing just great, brother!
Thank you Paul. That azalea is just too beautiful. I love each spring when they bloom. It is always a treat to find the native azaleas around GA. There are many types through the south east.
I will have my hands full for sure this season. ;) Your plants are way beautiful Paul! Glad I could help with your grow list!
HabaneroHead said:
Hats off, my friend! If I would find those snakes in my garden, I would scream and run in the opposite direction! :-)
Nice selection of peppers, and that Jigsaw pod is a real scary one. :-)

Thank you Balázs!
I don't mind snakes unless they are poisonous. Those were the friendly nonpoisonous kind!
Jigsaw or reaper cross? Both are pretty gnarly & extremely :hot: I'm guessing!
Happy growing!
Jamison said:
Everythiing looking amazing brotha man! If I found snakes in the garden, i'd be flippin out. I'm deathly scared of snakes man. I can't believe you grabbed em up and put em in the fish tank. You are a brave soul. Can't wait to see that garden planted man. I'm thinking tomorrow for me. I just need to decide If I want to make raised rows or not. I have it raked out flat right now but....
Those snakes might be able to bite the flap between your finger. Small little guys and nothing to be scared of. :D
Peppers like drainage, I say rows! I will be making some after more tilling in the morning. I can't wait to have everything planted. Damn hardening off always holding us back!

Jamison said:
I think holy shiat too,  and then think about all the work thats coming for you and your damn list even drives me to  :drunk:     Wish I was a little closer,  I'd love to come give you a hand brotha!
I could use the help for sure!
I try not to remember everything growing so I don't get overwhelmed. At this point What ever makes it, makes it. I have lost a few to lack of water. Hard to make sure I'm not missing one when watering. I broke my aji Amarillo seedling, and it was the only one that came up. So unless another pops, that one is off the list. I still have at least one of everything else though. :)
Once they in the ground, it's kicking back time until it's time to fill baskets.
More than welcome to come help then!
maximumcapsicum said:
Jason must be planting out. We are having glorious weather here lately. Can't wait to see the rows of flowering capsicums!
Devv said:
I've noticed during the day lately no one is posting.
Tells me they're getting dirt under their finger nails.
I love it!
Wish I could say I was, but I had to go into work today. That took up most of the day. Then the wife had plans for me when I go home. So playing in the dirt starts in the morning!
Have some that have been hardening off, but not sure if they are ready yet. I will be finishing up tilling the new rows, mixing the organic container mix and potting up what I can.
You two have a great Sunday!

Brown bhulah SLP. I like the pale green, and bumpy texture on this pod.

Bbg7 #1 pod.

Bbg7 #2 starting to ripen!
Yes, One mean looking Reaper.
GA Growhead said:

Got some amendments in the mail today. Found a place with flat rate shipping for 40lbs max. Ordered these with some azomite (2 lb) and got a few free seeds too. $11.99 flat shipping seemed worth it considering the weight. Would have been $20 plus else where. Pm me with you have trouble finding these things in your area, and I will send you there.

Gotta grab some perlite tomorrow and I'm good to go on my soil mix.
Good score on the supplies. You've been listening to  that Ganja Girl. :high: 
 Other than the greensand those are her top picks for organic soil amendment. She would say to let it cycle for thirty days if you are using it in potting medium -especially the neem and alfalfa. What I do on the alfalfa is get a 50lb sack of pellets from the local feed stores for about $15. Crab meal is also a big one she says.
Good grief, Jason and podding INDOORS! Wow.
Your list makes me feel better :rofl: or less overwhelmed. I surely hope I do NOT have to do a 3rd hardening off after "the torrents of spring" but they're calling for some pretty stout rainfall. Hmm. Contingent on how that little greenhouse holds up to something like hail if it happens. "Woman beaten to death saving pepper plants. More news at 11." Maybe "they" will be wrong.
And I love the snakes! Used to have a great old blacksnake where I previously lived, Chester. Slow, old fella, but get beside him with mower? Boy could move out! No moles, voles, rats, bugs; he got special treats every time went fishing. Yeah: copperheads and cottonmouths, are no joke, however. Cobras, forget it. One night a cottonmouth cleared an entire fishing pier on Jordan Lake. We found that amusing until, looked over toward my line with headlamp, and saw him heading to boat. Me beating him back with the oar I finally found, and friend pulling up anchor, etc. What we get for laughing. Otherwise, I love 'em.
Hope you don't get too much rain, sweetie.
JJJessee said:
Yes, One mean looking Reaper.
Good score on the supplies. You've been listening to  that Ganja Girl. :high: 
 Other than the greensand those are her top picks for organic soil amendment. She would say to let it cycle for thirty days if you are using it in potting medium -especially the neem and alfalfa. What I do on the alfalfa is get a 50lb sack of pellets from the local feed stores for about $15. Crab meal is also a big one she says.
I have been reading, and watching. I still haven't gotten around to mixing the mix yet. I have some ocean forest I will use when planting in the contains to supplement the uncooked soil. Not sure which plants are going in it yet. Filling ten root pouches to start cooking as soon as I can find the time. I didn't have any empty five gal buckets, so had to pick up a few more. Measuring buckets that is. ;)
I also scored some crab/shrimp meal. And fit the greensand for the new raised beds. Mostly clay/top soil in them so it will help. I almost bought some alfalfa pellet from the feed store down the road, but was worried about the other stuff in the bags they had. Its a small place and that was all the guy had on stock. A pallet or two of it at that.
Also needed more lime and picked it up at the same time as the buckets. So ready to mix. Just need work to slack or the weekend to hurry up. :)
That reaper cross is a mean looking one! Thanks for stopping in 3J!
Devv said:
Nice gnarly looking pods Jason!

Is foul weather headed your way? We're just below a line that's supposed to swing in very soon.
Thanks Scott. Gnarly pods this early is a first for me. Did something right somewhere in there. ;)
I can here a rumbling in the distance right now I am laying down for bed. The weather guy said between 2
& 3am and there again by 6am it is going to be bad. Had tornado watch early and a couple spotted around the city. My heart goes out to everyone in Arkansas, hope we fair better here. Hope Sawyer is doing OK, speaking of.
Glad your were south of that front.
OCD Chilehead said:
Beautiful looking pods. Great pics. Thanks for sharing. Good luck and have fun in the garden today.
Thanks OCD!
Had a good time outside. Didn't get as much done as I would have liked. Decided to wait out this weeks storms before breaking any more dirt. Did accomplish a few things though. Hope you back on track after the short vacation.
Have a great week.
PaulG said:
Nice pod pix, Jason!

Good luck playing in the dirt today!

Azomite is a pretty amazing substance.
Never tried neem seed meal before. Is it for
pest control or nutrient supplement?
+1 on the azomite. The neem meal is a good source of N and other macro and micro nutrients. It is really good at helping keep nitrogen in the soil, by keeping microbes from converting to nitrogen gas. There is also a pest control aspect. Not sure on the details, but any help is good.
Thanks on the picts Paul.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Snakes. !! Hate them. Looks great.
Brown bhutlah huh. Looks like someone got hooked up
Come on now Denniz! These are little guys. The longest snake was just over a foot. They were almost cute. :D
No hook up here. That pod is from peter @ semillas.de version. Threw the SLP extension to differentiate. ;)
annie57 said:
Good grief, Jason and podding INDOORS! Wow.

Your list makes me feel better :rofl: or less overwhelmed. I surely hope I do NOT have to do a 3rd hardening off after "the torrents of spring" but they're calling for some pretty stout rainfall. Hmm. Contingent on how that little greenhouse holds up to something like hail if it happens. "Woman beaten to death saving pepper plants. More news at 11." Maybe "they" will be wrong.

And I love the snakes! Used to have a great old blacksnake where I previously lived, Chester. Slow, old fella, but get beside him with mower? Boy could move out! No moles, voles, rats, bugs; he got special treats every time went fishing. Yeah: copperheads and cottonmouths, are no joke, however. Cobras, forget it. One night a cottonmouth cleared an entire fishing pier on Jordan Lake. We found that amusing until, looked over toward my line with headlamp, and saw him heading to boat. Me beating him back with the oar I finally found, and friend pulling up anchor, etc. What we get for laughing. Otherwise, I love 'em.

Hope you don't get too much rain, sweetie.
I don't mess around with cottonmouths! I have seen my fair share. Up in north Ga, while trout fishing, I walked out a fallen tree so I could drop my line in the current to fish a hole on down. I fiddled around for five to ten minutes until I looked out farther on the tree. There sat, coiled up on the tree, the bigger cottonmouth I have ever seen, sunbathing about ten feet from me. Easily six to eight feet long and four inches thick. Wider than thicker even. As I reeled back in and started my escape, he lifted his head and eyed me. I proceeded to hurry off that tree keeping an eye on that guy the whole time.
I have seem many people do the snake dance from copperheads up there too. Dance on out of there that is. It's funny to see the legs come up that high with every step, while trying to book it on out of there! Never boat snake dancing though. That much have been a sight. I will remember bto make sure your holding oar if we are in a boat together. ;)
I do like snakes, but I draw that line once poisonous ones are involved. And did I mention it's the little one I like too. :D
Rain? Storms? Still rumbling in the distance. It's coming! Waited on tilling up more yard over the weekend. Hope this stuff passed. I got plants to harden!
I haven't had to reharden off yet, but running out of space inside. I watered really well inside the other day and all the plants rewarded me with growing a couple inches. The lights don't raise any higher either. :doh:

Pods and more pods! Trying I tell you. Plant brush and some open flowers! That... And starting earlier on a couple did it. The bbg7 cuttings are another story. They are going off. I'm seeing cutting with some aggressive trimming for being the best way to grow inside. The cuttings branch lower and stay lower than going from seed. They still have room under the lights but are gaining horizontal space quickly. Future note... Take cutting in September for a winter pod project!
Be safe Annie. Brave these storms!

Jigsaw pod, side view, coloring up nicely. Thought I would post this one here, versus the jigsaw thread.

And this...
Is my temporary shade tent, minus the shade cloth. Using the unused hoop structure, without the feet. I have two foot extension to raise it up. I didn't glue it yet. Just pushed it together and attached it to one of the new beds. It was designed to work with one of the other existing beds but still impressed with the sturdiness of just throwing it together and attaching. Not an exact fit but only need to hardening off with.


Now i just need some shade cloth!
Thanks Jason. I'm back on track and waiting for Spring like everyone else that hasn't gone outdoors. Hope the day comes soon. Nothing like the fresh air a bright sun to make these plants GROW. Hope you have better weather. Nice looking Pod I also like the hoop-house. Thanks for sharing. Have a good day.
+1 Jericison and Scotty!  Gnarlisimo pod-o.
Nice job on the hoop house.  I really like the attachment
rails the hoops fit into.  Great idea.
Hope ya fared okay in storms, Jason! I brought mine in too. Dang. Looking like "[week before] Mother's Day" rule. But after seeing the roads lakes in eastern NC yesterday, am grateful. Cold weekend gives me time to "fix up" the new pepper plot more, but the re-hardening . . . :rolleyes: :rofl:
Upon occasion, I think . . . my mother has to do this annual ritual of lining spring/summer curtains with lighter material. She gives me the extra to bag some pepper/tomato branches. Checking some fabric stores for shade cloth type stuff might be less expensive and do the job for those hoops. Just rare thought.
jedisushi06 said:
Nice pods. Can't wait to see that bhutlah slp color up
Thanks Jedi! Shouldn't be much longer. Saw one of the others is also setting pods outside.
OCD Chilehead said:
Thanks Jason. I'm back on track and waiting for Spring like everyone else that hasn't gone outdoors. Hope the day comes soon. Nothing like the fresh air a bright sun to make these plants GROW. Hope you have better weather. Nice looking Pod I also like the hoop-house. Thanks for sharing. Have a good day.
Weather is back on track! Two more nights right below 50°F. So everything goes out on Saturday! :D
Pinoy83 said:
that thing is gnarllllyyyyyyy.....
It is! Looks like there will be a few wicked pods this year in Ga!
Devv said:
I agree mas gnarly pod there!
Let us know how you like it.
For shade cloth:
Good prices, I went with 30%
I know that site well. Thanks Scott.
I couldn't find anything local. Ended up ordering something off amazon, a finished shade cloth with grommets the size I need. Cheapest opinion I could find. I got 70% for hardening off. :)
PaulG said:
+1 Jericison and Scotty!  Gnarlisimo pod-o.
Nice job on the hoop house.  I really like the attachment
rails the hoops fit into.  Great idea.
Thanks Paul. It was a modified version of a few diy greenhouses that I found online, shrunk down to fit my bed. Less than $30 included the clear poly that can be used come winter. With the two foot legs to raise it up, I will be able to extend a few plants into winter. All ready have a full size one planned out. Might go for it come fall, might not.
Hope the weather bus treating you right.
Take care my friend!
annie57 said:
Hope ya fared okay in storms, Jason! I brought mine in too. Dang. Looking like "[week before] Mother's Day" rule. But after seeing the roads lakes in eastern NC yesterday, am grateful. Cold weekend gives me time to "fix up" the new pepper plot more, but the re-hardening . . . :rolleyes: :rofl:
Upon occasion, I think . . . my mother has to do this annual ritual of lining spring/summer curtains with lighter material. She gives me the extra to bag some pepper/tomato branches. Checking some fabric stores for shade cloth type stuff might be less expensive and do the job for those hoops. Just rare thought.
Looked for some replacement fabric for shade cloth. I didn't find anything that I trusted to leave my plants under all day while at work. So ended up buy something.
We faired well here. A few storms blew through, but nothing to serious. And rain was not ever close to the forecasted 5 to 7 inches. Hope you dry out quick there!

A few pictures.

This is what I'm dealing with.


Come on Saturday!

#1 strawberry, I mean bbg7 starting to turn. ;)

A hint a red on this one's cap.

And a hint of color on the reaper cross!

Almost... Happy Friday!