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GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
I have to separate my seedlings also. Your babies look healthy and I had a few with caps that are still on mine. Dunno if I didn't bury it deep enough or what. So glad to see that what we have is almost identical. I know I am on the right track. And to all the smart Alecs... no he's not on the wrong track :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I had a few with caps that are still on mine. Dunno if I didn't bury it deep enough or what.

I think you nailed it Pia... the seeds need to be under at least a quarter inch of soil to leave the seed coat behind when they surface. I'm not very patient when it comes to sprouting seeds, and last year I kept scraping back the soil to see if they'd sprouted yet... resulting in a few helmet heads when the soil I scraped back was thinner than it needed to be. This year I resisted the temptation, made sure to cover the seeds with enough soil, and no helmet heads.
...the seeds need to be under at least a quarter inch of soil to leave the seed coat behind when they surface. I'm not very patient when it comes to sprouting seeds...

Think you're right on this. Being impatient here too, I'm putting the seeds on top of the dirt so that I can keep track of them. Then when the root appears from the seed I'll put some sandy dirt on top to make sure the seed coat stays beneath the surface. Have triede a few times now without trouble.
I have to separate my seedlings also. Your babies look healthy and I had a few with caps that are still on mine. Dunno if I didn't bury it deep enough or what. So glad to see that what we have is almost identical. I know I am on the right track. And to all the smart Alecs... no he's not on the wrong track :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thanks Pia,
I dont mind separating them. I have always started numerous seeds in one pot/cup or whatever. Never have problems transplanting them.
I have gotten a few helmet heads. I planted deep enough. These couple seem to have grown straight up, pushing the seed husk from behind, so they never came out. Maybe i planted them vertically and that's why.
I have just been letting them do there thing, while keeping them moist. Haven't had one yet not grow right out of the husk. The one in the picture is out as of this morning.
I did have a mustard hab come up like it tore its leaves off coming out of the husk. It came above the surface as a little nub, without leaves. And today has turn darkish at the top. Writing that one off. Another came up right next to it, so all is good. I think i put three or four seeds down, hoping to end up with two plants in the garden. If nothing else comes up i will start a few more on round two.
Round two will start the second week in Feb. Going to restart anything that hasn't popped or has not given me the numbers i am after. I had 158 total in garden last year, after giving away the extras. Going for around 180 this year, plus or minus. I have an idea of how many of each variety, and i think 90 varieties.

And Pia, your on the right track!

It's going to be a good year for both of us!

Thanks for stopping Rick & Haj!
GA today all the helmets are off. I let the leaves that were helmeted grow out sprayed with water and took the tip is an ice picker gently worked the seed off from in between the two leaves and they came right off. I have about 25 varieties that have not popped, I planted on Jan 11 and 13th. I ordered 200 4" pots on eBay so I will separate the seedlings that sprouted when they come. We are doing great GA. For my first year starting from seed I am please but need much improvement. It's disappointing because my seeds were gifts either from pods or straight seed so I really want to do well to pay it forward. I do have a feeling that my germ on those that haven't popped will be better my second go round.
Had to look... and i started on the 13th. So we are in line! Last year i started all the c. Chinese middle of feb. And that worked fine. So a round two will still work out. Im not giving up on these first seeds yet. But back up plan to try get at least one of each of everything, if not the numbers i want.
Now im thinking i would like to add a few more varieties.
There are two things that i think i need to grow.
maybe i will see if i can work a trade with someone.
Two extremely intimidating scary looking pods.
Sepia serpent & jays ghost scorp.
if anyone would like to trade something for a few seeds, let me know.
Beautiful list! Lots of heat man. Seedlings look fantastic!
Thanks Jamison,
Trying to expand on last years grow. Still a good bit of stubborn seeds that haven't popped.
Going to wait three more weeks and try again.
You are looking quite good though. Was stoked to see the madballz and TFMs popping for you. Those two are among the stubborns and have yet to show any signs of life.
Was trying to include more mid to hots to the list, but also raised the super hot numbers too. It's going to be a good year.
Thanks you coming by.
Thanks Jamison,
Trying to expand on last years grow. Still a good bit of stubborn seeds that haven't popped.
Going to wait three more weeks and try again.
You are looking quite good though. Was stoked to see the madballz and TFMs popping for you. Those two are among the stubborns and have yet to show any signs of life.
Was trying to include more mid to hots to the list, but also raised the super hot numbers too. It's going to be a good year.
Thanks you coming by.

Let me know if I can help you out with any seeds that are being stubborn for ya!
I think you nailed it Pia... the seeds need to be under at least a quarter inch of soil to leave the seed coat behind when they surface. I'm not very patient when it comes to sprouting seeds, and last year I kept scraping back the soil to see if they'd sprouted yet... resulting in a few helmet heads when the soil I scraped back was thinner than it needed to be. This year I resisted the temptation, made sure to cover the seeds with enough soil, and no helmet heads.
Interesting... so this is what causes "helmethead"? Makes absolute sense... how simple an answer for such a common silly mistake. I must have lost a good percentage of seedlings due to helmethead... and usually the special ones too!

Awesome progress there GA Growhead!
Interesting... so this is what causes "helmethead"? Makes absolute sense... how simple an answer for such a common silly mistake. I must have lost a good percentage of seedlings due to helmethead... and usually the special ones too!
Another thing that may have influenced it is using a dilute solution of water and saltpeter (potassium nitrate) to pre-soak the seeds. An old method of hastening the breakdown of tree stumps was to bore holes in the top of the stump and pack them with saltpeter. When it rained, the saltpeter would dissolve and soak into the wood, supposedly breaking down the lignin. Apparently it works on seed coats the same way.
Just saw my first blonde breaking the surface. Yay!
And two douglahs from semillas. Double yay! I also have dougies from pepperlover and some seeds from the long pheno from last year that have not surfaced that were also from Judy. Really enjoying the powder from them so wanting a good number in total.

i also, today, cut up the 72 tray into 12 separate pieces of 6 cells each. I wanted to be able to move around individual sections, besides flipping the whole thing 180°, as im wondering if the heat pad is inconsistent in its heat distribution.
Hoping for some more to break the surface. Still a good bit of varieties left to pop.
More pictures to come.
Glad to hear things are at least popping sequentially. Anything yet from the White Devil's Tongue? Mine are decomposing in the Rooters, ha! I've got a nice looking Variegata seedling, though, thanks to you. It's starting to demonstrate some variegation. Bishop's Crown has also given me a nice seedling. The Madballz and the SB TFM took a while to pop for me. If I recall correctly, our seeds are from the same source.

Great idea about making the tray modular. That should help.

Good luck, but I doubt you'll need it!
Glad to hear things are at least popping sequentially. Anything yet from the White Devil's Tongue? Mine are decomposing in the Rooters, ha! I've got a nice looking Variegata seedling, though, thanks to you. It's starting to demonstrate some variegation. Bishop's Crown has also given me a nice seedling. The Madballz and the SB TFM took a while to pop for me. If I recall correctly, our seeds are from the same source.
No luck on the white devils yet. But if i do, you are going to get a seedling or cutting for sure. That sucks that your are toast. Hope my don't rot away too. Im just over two weeks in. So i figure in a week or two i should start seeing them pop up. I haven't given up on any of them yet.
The variegata is a beaut. I still have one sitting in the corner of the kitchen. It got frost bitten and lost most its leaves, but has put out baby leaves everywhere. It gets no direct light so the leaves are way light but still variegated. It will be happy when it gets to go back outside. The wife enjoys that one! And on the subject of things still alive... My other overwinters are still alive. They are sitting in the garage, getting almost no light yet the new little leaves continue to grow. These are my first overwinters, so im glad they are doing well.
Did i sends you any pretty in purples? That is another one the misses likes.
I ended up planting my og bishops seeds from 2011 first. Only one came up so far. Going to start some of last years on round two. Glad u have had success. They seem to germ quickly, so maybe thats it with these older seeds. I like the berry like flavor and crunch they have. They become small trees. Seriously they can become huge!
Thank for the wishes of luck! Might need it with these stubborn white d tongues.

Think im going to order some jays ghost scorps from refiningfire, if he still has any. Couldn't remember who had them till earlier. But pretty sure i saw them there. They look to crazy not to see in person.

A few picts...

This is pretty cool. Leaves breaking out the side of husk.

Some more randoms...

Suntan stained trin scotch bonnet brown...

Take care.
Scotch Bonnet Brown? That's awesome! And always a pretty sight to see the little cot forest.

I'm going to give the WDT one more go. If they don't pop for me, I've got a few other white varieties that will keep me satisfied. It's all good. Good luck on yours!

Really looking forward to growing out the Variegata and the BC. Loved the taste of the BC!

Just checked RFC's site for you. 90+ units of the Jays Red available and 80+ of the peach. I had plenty of red varieties so I'm just growing the peach. Hopefully it grows true since it's an F5!
I bought both jays ghost scorps last night. The peach and the red.
The Trinidad Brown scotch bonnet came from Judy @ pepperlover.
I had a giant white hab come up this morning. That means I will get to compare it against the white 7 pot. Yea!
so that means there is still hope for the others too!
I think I'm trying to grow 5 white varieties.

Best of luck Brent! Let me know if you need anything.