• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
Jason to Jason THP love! I see those Trini Sweets! Wonderful poddage shots, J! After our drenched spring/summer hope everybody in SE is getting this nice Indian Summer and looks like you are, Jason!! Also, your yellow brain wasn't bumpy. Was that an errant pod or are mine just bumpy because . . . it's bumpy, lol! May the warm weather continue!
PaulG said:
Sounds like you have your work all laid out for yourself, Jason.  The 
golden Marconi is a sweet-looking pod!
We do love to get out in the snow once in a while!
Thanks Paul. First year with the golden. It's pretty yummy and sweet. I got to go skiing in the rockies atleast once a year growing up. Loved to play in that snow. Alway wanted to ride mt hood or mt bachelor, not sure my back is up for it anymore.

stickman said:
Hi Jay, You've been posting some great pics of your poddage lately. Have all of your varieties started putting out ripe pods now? We're done here, but I hope you get at least another month before you have to put the season to bed. Cheers!
Thank Rick. Hope it does run out close to December. I still have a few annuums that i haven't sampled. Everything else has given me a few to a bucket full. Still a ton of baby pods out there. Crossing my fingers!

JasoninTN said:
Jason thanks a bunch for the care package. Hope to save seeds and grow a bunch of these next year. Have to figure out what they all are. Got the bubblegum and jays peach not sure if the red are jays. Not sure on the chocolate ones. White Habs yellow orange primo, not sure on the white long ones. Other two red types and the other orange two red hab and the wilds the white look like bullet Habs. Thanks again.


Glad it made it safe. That should expand the garden a bit for you! Enjoy!

meatfreak said:
That's some great looking pods, Jason. The green mystery looks good, bit of mustard color on the outside, green on the inside. How is the flavor of the Blondy, your typical aji/baccatum flavor?
Thank you Stefan! Enjoying all the colors. The green mysteries do look somewhat mustard, almost tan-ish brown, color in the sunlight, the green part that is. When i bring them in inside they look more green. They are not like the mustard hab color at all. And love the inside color, which is more olive army green. Nice taste, which reminds me of a grilled green jalapeno, but without that jalapeno sharp taste. Some mellow c. chinense taste instead.
The blonde does have a typical baccatum taste with something i haven't quite put my finger on taste wise. Definitely fruity but it's very mellow. Maybe light lemony but not as citrusy with more of an apple like taste. Not a strong taste, but hints there with the baccatum berry like taste. They are nice and crunchy. Heat is about the same as the aji pineapples, maybe a bit less.
annie57 said:
Jason to Jason THP love! I see those Trini Sweets! Wonderful poddage shots, J! After our drenched spring/summer hope everybody in SE is getting this nice Indian Summer and looks like you are, Jason!! Also, your yellow brain wasn't bumpy. Was that an errant pod or are mine just bumpy because . . . it's bumpy, lol! May the warm weather continue!
That pod was pretty smooth compared to most. It was a bit bumper up top on the other side. I now have the most prefect shapes being thrown out on the yel brains and more. Still wondering if all the excess rain made the huge unregular pods the norm. Getting spot on, but smaller, shapes pretty much out of everything except my reg yel 7s that still look like Scotch bonnets. Hmmmm?
I am loving the weather. A hair more rain so i don't have to water the potted plants and i would be set. They are still soaking up the sun and drying out quickly. The garden stays good and moist as is. I'll take it! Did i send you a brown egg to try?
Spicegeist said:
Yum, Jays Peach :drooling:
Agreeing with you on that one Charles!

KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Nice green pods. Looks like evergreen. You said it was low heat. What's it compared to in your opinion? Keep on growing
Thanks Denniz! Yes they do look evergreen-ish. They did come from some of Judy's seeds that didn't grow true, just not sure which one. Could have been one of four peppers. I almost didn't keep any plants from the seeds from the mystery not, but glad i did. These would be F2s, if the original seeds where crossed with an evergreen. Out of the two i kept, the other makes red pendent pods, that are shaped the same also with lower hab heat. The fact that these green ones grow standing and are that color makes it such an interesting variety to look at. They are low hab heat, maybe 100k or less even. Tasty though. Wrote a good description of yhe tsste in a response above to Stefan (meatfreak).
Hope your second grow comes though with some pods soon!
Portuge said:
bump, looking good GA... The garden is always protected by spiders...
Thank you! I haven't used a pesticide yet. And nature is balancing out well! Spiders everywhere. :D
WalkGood said:
Great jungle & pods mon, got to love it \o/
Ramon, Thank you. I tryed to get some good jungle shot. The sun was so bright that i didn't get many.
MGOLD86 said:
Awesome lookin patch man!  How much longer you have for the season?
Thanks Matt! It looks like i might stay frost free thru all of November, according to the extended forecast from accuweather. That would be nice! I stay a few degrees cooler where I'm at, so i will see.

Trin Scorp sunrise

This one will be better shaped

A few 7 infinities

Some keepers

Today's lunch addition

PI 441598 cross peach pheno

Red congo x red bonnet

Mystery green/mustard/olive/tan/brown whatever color it is :crazy:
Portuge said:
awesome lunch addition, did they taste good?
Oh yeah! Made a good lower heat choice to go with my sandwiches.
The mystery is yummy with an interesting green c chinense taste. The congo/bonnet cross is like the nicest red hab taste. A bit warmer than the mystery. And the peach pheno was the heat for the lunch. This one doesn't have the same taste as other peach pods. It's closer to a white pod taste, and a bit fruity. It left a good all over burn in my mouth that lasted for a good bit. :)
Thanks for inquiring.
+1 on spiders, Jason. Love the wolfies. Walking through webs makes me happy--I know they're eating negative critters. At rate we're going, don't know if gonna have frost too soon either, which is fine by me, long as the spiders and a few other benies hang out.
Nice poddage! You did send a Mystery multi-color; different, but great taste. Processed with kiwi, tomatillo, and scallions, nice warm version of salsa verde. Rain messed up some pod shapes. But didn't mess with flavor, don't think: peppers are tough.
And no, you didn't send a brown egg. But am on hunt for Madballz to do one last ferment. Jamie's getting me some, I hope. :pray: Whoever gets me some, I get some sauce back to them, couple woozies. Processed Peach Bhut yesterday. (Yes; sound like a beggar on MDBZ because I am!)
Jason, your plants look amazing!  I wish mine were in your position headed for season's end. 
     It looks like we have similar first frosts.  I am sure I will be moving some large pots indoors for ripening.  I will be sacrificing space for overwintering a growing number of citrus and other non pepper plants.  I have a couple papaya that are too big for anywhere but my living rooms vaulted ceiling or up against the house.  They are three years old (from seed) and still no fruit.  I hate to leave them out.  They grew about a foot and half this season.  I had them tilted at ten degrees on the back porch last winter.   Maybe my wife will cave at the last moment and let me move them in.  Not much good light though.  Just one of the many reasons I want to move and have some land space.
That cross peach pheno PI 441598 looks and sounds interesting. 
Have a great week!
Sweet Jason! That peach pod sounds like a keeper for sure. You described the "green/mustard/brown" pod as an interesting green chinense flavor...care to elaborate? Sounds like a good sandwich pepper for sure!
What's up Jason!! It's been a while. I get busy at times, my lil one is getting bigger and I spend more time with her.

Dang!! I just ask myself. How do you get in there and out? Lol. Seems impossible to go thru there. I'd get lost in there :D.

Keep up the poddage and the great pics. Take care.

, Walter