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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

good morning all  :)
Well, the rain brought some cooler weather, but so much rain. lots of rain last night and supposed to continue through Thursday
high of 67f/19c predicted for the afternoon, currently 61f/16c  @ 9:30 this morning 
Dr. appointment this afternoon {just getting bloodwork and maybe dosage adjustment on one of my meds}
then processing and vac sealing lots of peppers later  :party:
hope you all have a wonderful day
remember to S.M.I.L.E. :D
I hear ya Catherine, the problem is these guys for to long have been getting away with whatever they want because we cant find any other employees. The work force is pathetic. Had a guy yesterday leave because his shoulders hurt after blowing for 2 hours and we had to go behind him because he only blew the roads and not into the owners car ports.I'm 41 and weed eated for 10 straight hours. Took a camel back so I only had to stop to refill water. Ran out of string I had extra on me so I wasn't walking back to truck. All these other guys take 2 and 3 breaks a hour. Us old lawn dogs are a dying breed. And working this hard just might kill me,lol. Have a wonderful day and good morning. Off for a easier day but still going to be long.
Good morning everyone. Sic - your guys seem to be made of the same cloth of the kids these days - parents pay for everything, kids have their hands out for more and more. I heard on the news last night that the store are offering more incentives for holidays workers because no one wants to work anymore. Not t the way I grew up! Best of luck finding good people and please dont outdo yourself.

Busy week ahead so I hope the temps get more bearable. I hate hot weather.

Have a great day, time for breakfast and work ahead. Drive safely and smile.
Catherine thanks and its definitely a different time. Last summer a 30 year old that lived with his mom walked off the job and said "I'd rather be poor than work this hard." I was speechless. I'm headed out for a quick bike ride then getting ready for tomorrow, rest and hydration. Have a great day and good morning.