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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's overcast and 73F, on its way to 86F. Humidity has dropped to 88%. Woo-hoo! Still calling for a chance of popup thunderstorms all day. I don't mind the rain, but it makes it tough to work in the garden. xBerries are starting to turn "reddish". Do blackberries turn red before turning black? If not, then I guess I have raspberries, lol. Need to clean the smoker from the cook the other day. Then work on some things in the garage, Garden, maybe later. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and have fun.
Blackberries turn red first ..... then black.
Good morning. Happy 4th of July. Another big storm is predicted to fall on us today, so I’m hoping to make sure I have coverings on the new sprouts. Not sure what to expect, but the WX is for more hail.
We shopped at a few outlet stores yesterday, as did lots of other people. A few good sales. The drive was beautiful but the 91F heat got to all of us.
I hope you have a wonderful day. Enjoy friends and family and BBQs.
Good morning and Happy 4th! It's overcast and 73F, on its way to 85F. Still more of the same - hot, humid, with the chance of a strong thunderstorm or two this afternoon. Finished installing the drip system for the peppers yesterday. It's been so wet lately, it wasn't a priority. But, the weather will change into the Summer "hot and dry" cycle any day now, so it needs to be ready. Hope it works, lol. Not much planned for the day. Need to cut grass, weather permitting. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday and a super 4th of July. Be safe out there and wear earplugs, ha.
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Happy Independance Day morning! It's 68F on its way to 97F .... Heat Index 106F. Chance of storms tonight. Mowing this morning. Sic .... Raccoons are crafty and vicious. I hate messing with them. The steaks are thawed and ready to grill later this evening. Too dry for fireworks here .... but that hasn't seemed to stop most. Be safe and be good.

Happy fourth. Nothing planned. Firework show was canceled. Just going to do some work around the house.

Thanks all. Knee is getting better. Wouldn’t you know I have gout in my right big toe. On the the same leg of knee surgery. I don’t even drink. Lol. I have naturally highly levels the docs say. If I don’t drink enough water this happens. Only in the summer months.

Have a good day and stay safe out there.
Glad your knee is better, sucks about the toe. Harry you aint joking, they have been a arch enemy of mine for years. Going to go pick up 3 rolls of hay today. We really could use some rain. Not much going on today. Jamming with a buddy this evening. Not sleeping good. lot on my mind with work stuff. Nothing bad or good just stuff. Have a great day and good morning.
Morning all - Hump Day has arrived and you know what that means? Yep! We're closer to the weekend.
Overcast and cool day here, that suits me fine.
The veg plot is exploding and I'm going to sort out that mutant tomato plant later today. And I'm planning to give the neighbours surplus cukes.
Sorry to hear about your toe OCD, it's just another thing to worry about eh.
Sic you're up far too early man.
Doc's appt later for me and that's it for today, I'm sure I'll find plenty of things to fill my time.
Have a good Wednesday, keep calm, cool, pain-free and smile - you know you want to :D
Good morning. More rain in the queue, then maybe a few dry ones to dig up garlic. The predicted hail storm came, though much later and less intense. Maybe now the summer can begin.
Coffee group, Monday errands, back to usual routine. At least I won’t have to water for a few days.
Have a great day. Glad to hear Chuck is better, but that gout can be a bummer. Take care.
Good morning. It's sunny and 74F, on its way to 87F (Heat Index 98F). Humidity is still thick at 84%. A pop-up thunderstorm showed up yesterday. Almost .75" of rain in 20 minutes. Put a damper on doing things outside. Today is errand day. Lots to do. Hope everybody had a good 4th. Chuck, I have felt that toe pain. NOT fun. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and try to stay cool.
Good morning. It's 68F on its way to 84F. Significant cool down. We actually got some rain last night. Storms came through early this morning .... It rained and blew hard ..... I just checked the rain gauge and we got right at 1". It was real windy .... at one point I thought the roof might fly off :shocked: ! Looks to be a 50% chance of rain all day! I just finished a walkthrough out in the garden and there's all kinds of wind damage. I guess I know what I'll be doing today. Been harvesting lots of peppers, cherry tomatoes and blackberries. The beets and potatoes are ready for harvest too. We'll be in full harvest/canning mode in a week or so. Grilling and beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Hey hey Thursday is here with its tantalising whiff of weekend.
Out in the garden early as it's going to be hot this afty - everything fed, watered, weeded, nappy changed etc etc
Possible shopping and errands to run later depending on how bored I get
Have a good Thursday, keep calm, cool, fed, watered and smile :D
Good morning. Blue sky starting to show, so the sun is sure to warm us up. Actually it’s been nice to have these cooler temps for a few day. The hail can stay away. Baby layettes to assemble for the food bank, then a meeting. The garden needs to dry for a week or so before I attempt more weeding. Time to plan a short vacation.
Have a great day. Enjoy Mother Nature’s beauty. Stay safe and healthy.
Good morning. It's sunny, humid and 68F, on its way to 88F (Real Feel 100F). 50% chance of a thunderstorm this afternoon. Sounds like a great day to work outside, ha. Now that the garden is planted, I need to catch up on some maintenance items around the place. Might cut some grass as well. We'll see how long I can stay out there. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe and be cool out there.:cool:
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Good morning. It 69F on its way to 83F. Below normal. Very pleasant. Running errands this morning. After that, loading up the kayaks in the truck and getting ready for tomorrow's float trip. Harvested cherry tomatoes, cubanelles, teknes, petit marseilles and jalapenos yesterday. I noticed the poblanos and giuzeppis have lots of large pods on them. The poblanos look very large this year. That's great because we traditionally have struggled to grow very large poblanos. The garden is looking good and with the pleasant weather it is really taking off and looking like a jungle. Not much else is happening. Be safe and be good.
Morning chickens - Friday is here at last! And another hot one expected.
Off to work this a.m. get the dogs sorted before it's hot hot hot.
And then the day is my own, probably a nap in the garden this afternoon.
Have a good Friday - keep cool, calm, drink lots and smile :D