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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. Must be Groundhog Day. WX is exactly the same as yesterday. It's cloudy, white, 23F, on its way to 30F. Woke up to an additional 1.5-2" of snow, so there's probably 4-5" total out there. Definitely not going anywhere today. I have some seed pkgs to get ready to mail out, then who knows what's next. Maybe start working on pepper plans for this year. Seed starting is in a couple of weeks. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there (if you have to go out), and try to stay warm.
Good morning. Hopefully this wind is blowing the cold temps somewhere else. The WX predicts much warmer weather later today. Hope they’re right. We’re getting a new water meter installed this afternoon, luckily it’s inside so the guy won’t freeze.
Stay warm and know Spring is just around a few corners.
38 on its way to 56, its cold. I hope all yall are being safe, I know your weather is way worse. Not sure what Im doing today? Maybe just guitar and a couple house chores? Need to find someone to trade guitar cases with me. I need one for a Les Paul and have one for a hollow body to trade. If I cant trade that means Ill have to buy another guitar so I dont have a empty case,lol. Maybe Ill try to work on that today. Ill get out for a walk also. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's 12F on its way to 35F. Back to normal. T-shirts and short pants! Maybe some of this snow will melt today. Probably turn everything into mud. Working in the basement office this morning. Might run some errands this afternoon. Taco salads later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 12F, on its way to 28F. A tad chilly this morning. Several more to come. Another day to stay inside. Probably work on downsizing a little bit today. Chili and cornbread for dinner. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and try to stay warm.
Good morning. 22-48F, with a hint of snow (?). Dr. follow up today after coffee group. Not much else planned for awhile. Still need to go through my seeds and figure out what I need to buy.
Have a great day, just glad the worst of that polar vortex has left for a little while.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 6F, on its way to 36F. Never thought I'd look forward to seeing 36F, ha. Have a few errands to run today, then home and futz around a bit. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and watch out for the slipperies.
Good morning. It's 22F on its way to 37F. Partly cloudy. More snow arrives later this afternoon. The polar vortex comes back to visit us tomorrow. Not doing much today. I might head to the city for some errands or maybe not. Probably mess with fishing tackle sometime today. Approx. 45 days until I start seeds. Turkey tetrazzini this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. 22-48F and no snow yet. Good doctor visit yesterday. Today should be a good day to find, sort, choose seeds for possible planting. Tomorrow is planned errands and seeds at the nursery. At least it’s a lot warmer.
Have a great day. Maybe this cold wind will blow the pollution elsewhere.
Good morning. It's 2F on its way to 12F. It's baaaack! RealFeel tonight will be near -30F again. This winter reminds me of when I was living in upstate NY. Crazy cold! I'm done with it.
Yesterday, I went through my seed inventory and tossed a bunch of seed that was 10-15 years old. Not ordering any seed this year. I've been trashing every seed catalog that comes in the mail .... :).
Working in the basement office and then I might start working on my garden plan. Our grand-daughter will be here for the weekend. Nothing much else is going on. Pasta this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's snowing and 25F, on its way to 32F. Calling for snow all day, with 1-3" accumulation. Well, we've already got 3-4", and it's still pretty early. Hmm. Not going out today, unless the snow gets 8" or more. Then, I'll have to push some snow. Otherwise, just gonna futz around doing something, lol. Hope everybody has a freaky good Friday. Be safe out there and try to dodge the snowflakes.
Good morning. The polar vortex is back, not as bad as last week w/temps close to 11-28F. The wind is fiercely cold. We have a few errands that need to be done, then it’s time spent near the warm fireplace.
Stay home and comfortable. Hot chocolate sounds good today. Enjoy your day.
Yesterday took a worse with stomach problems, im still in a little pain but nothing terrible. Started feeling bad on our hike but it went away and finished. Rest of the day was in bed sweating and freezing, feel way better now. Sorry about the complaint but yall our kinda a captured audience and have to listen :rofl: Harry I cant imagine being back in Watertown, terrible! 42 on its way to 55 but freeze warning overnight. Ill have to drip a couple outside spigots. Looks like all of us have a warm up coming though. Yall be safe in them temps and have a great day. Good morning.
Good morning. It's -2F on its way to 13F. Frigid. It's too cold to get in/out of the hot tub! I went out there last evening and it was nice in the tub but I damn near froze getting back to the house! Yep ..... big time warmup tomorrow. We're forecasted to be back to our normal middle 30s! Sic .... I hear ya re: Watertown. Beautiful in the summer .... absolute hell in the winter. I grew up in Rochester .... it was bad in the winter but not as bad as Watertown. Well .... too cold to do much outside and in my advanced age I'm not much of an ice fisherman anymore. Staying indoors and probably watch some NFL (or at least have it on). The grand kiddos are here. The little female cat is limping around here again so Grandma has a vet appointment for her later this morning. That's about it. Not sure what's on the menu (probably something for the kiddos). Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 20F, on its way to 23F. WX guesser calls it "brisk". I call it f'n cold! Staying inside again today. Got some seeds packaged and out the door. Still have another few to do. Then, I guess it'll be NFL. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and dream of warmer weather.
Good morning. 21-45F and windy. It’s the wind that keeps me cold. Nothing planned for today so we’ll check out a few movies to sleep by. Hubby has some sort of a cold so I’m trying to stay away, don’t need his kind of sick.
Have a wonderful Saturday. Pretty soon I’ll be dreaming of gardening and all the busyness that goes with it.
Well its 34 with a feel like 27 so we are cold. Got the heat on 73 and wearing socks, lol. Im sure Iguanas are falling out of trees down south. Ive got to do a few chores and meet up with a buddy this morning. Playing guitar this afternoon. Yall getting excited about gardening, Im sitting here dreading work come April. Cant complain much I guess. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's 12F on its way to 33F. ReelFeel is 6F. The forecast is for freezing rain tonight .... yikes! That can be nasty. Sic .... Socks? I didn't know they had those in FL.
Not sure what we've going on today. Grand daughter is here. I'm sure the football games will be on. Some kind of soup tonight .... haven't decided. Be safe and be good.