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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Harry, what is the difference between epic futzing and regular futzing?
MWC .... It's all about results.
  • Epic Futzing: Spending lots of time doing something but accomplishing nothing.
  • Regular Futzing: Spending lots of time accomplishing something of limited value.
I consider myself to be a subject matter expert on both behaviors. :)
Took a load of crap to the scrap yard then ran several errands and stopped into Capri for a slice of pizza with the wife. Probaly going to play guitar most of the day. Have a great time caterine, lol I cant use backspace. You know who you are Jane. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's 30F on its way to 64F. A bit brisk this morning. I might have to turn the heat back on. It's down to 65F in the house. Mostly regular futzing today. I'll start my chinenses today or tomorrow. My wife has "girl's night" with her sisters this evening/tonight. I'll be on my own. Pizza later on. Still on the wagon but it's getting close to yard beer season. Be safe and be good. S.M.I.L.E.
Good morning. Long drive yesterday just to get BBQ, but at least I’ve experienced Houston. Wedding this afternoon with dinner tonight. I’ll be ready to get back to normalcy tomorrow.
Have a great weekend. Enjoy this warmer weather. Harry, I’m waiting for the M. in my S.M.I.l.E. this weekend 😀.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 42F, on its way to nowhere. Chance of a shower or two. Good day to stay inside. Just as well. It's prime futzing territory. I probably should follow Harry's lead and get some seeds in the dirt. Guess I'll sit here in my recliner, drinking coffee, and think about it some more. That's called casual futzing. Where did you go for BBQ Catherine? Was it indeed the best? Lots of good 'que in Texas, especially around Austin. But that's a looong drive from Houston. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and have a great day.
Downriver, we drove to Bar-A BBQ in Montgomery. Pretty good all around, great ribs, pulled pork, mustard based sauce - just a very long drive for what we could have found in Houston. I loved the sauce, but decided not to buy any. I’m sure our friends would send us some (!) if asked.
Hung over today! Buddy and I are going on a 50 mile ride in a bit. Ive only rode that type of miles a few times over the last 2 years. Ill be drafting a lot! Wife is making chicken courdon blue lasagna tonight. Christine, Chriss wife is coming to stay also tonight. Going to be another brew by the fire type of evening. Yall be good and have a great evening. or day,lol. Good morning.
Good morning. It's 39F on its way to 76F. Sunny and near record warm for this date. For sure there's lots of good BBQ in Texas! Starting seeds this morning. Not much else is happening. @ Sic: that lasagna sounds good. Grilling burgers later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 20F, on its way to 49F. Another heavy frost this morning. Nice day for a drive. Heading North for an overnight'er. All this BBQ talk has me salivating. Just might have to fire up the smoker later this week. I think it's supposed to warm up a bit. Anyway, hope everybody has a peaceful, and restful, Sunday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. 53-81F in Houston, a bit cooler when we arrive home tonight. Sad to leave the Houston great food, but not the humidity and long drives. It was great to see most of hubby’s family at the wedding, but they’re so spread out.
Have a wonderful rest of the weekend. Enjoy great food like Sonya’s yummy lasagna. 😀
The lasagna is awesome. I survived yesterdays ride, had a great evening. Just resting and relaxing today. Guitar will be happening for sure. Have a great day and good morning. The recipe is from my sister which may be the best cook in the family. She can be stingy coming off exact recipes but shes getting a little nicer with age. I l
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Good morning. It's 46F on its way to 80F. Still incredible temps/WX for this time of year. It should be 40s ..... not 80! @ Sic: that lasagna is looking good. My wife makes a similar recipe about once/year. Mostly just regular futzing today. I'm going to get outside and do something in the garden. Grilling some strips this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning and Sic, thank you for the recipe. Looks really yummy. Very windy here, but so nice to be back home. We will see the groom again this summer in Vegas for a bowling tournament.
Back to the old grind, coffee group and Monday errands plus a few more.
Have a wonderful day. Take time for loved ones and pets. Stay healthy.
Good morning. It's 47F on its way to 81F! Another beautiful day in the "middle". Back to seasonal normal temp tomorrow (40s) for just one day and then we start another warming trend. Waiting on my chinenses to pop and I'm just a couple of weeks out until I start annuums and tomatoes. Not doing much today ..... maybe some office work and some fishing tackle futzing. Goulash this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's currently cloudy and 44F, on its way to 58F. Chance of showers this afternoon. Beautiful day yesterday. Mid 60's, and we spent the day in the car. Bummer. But, we're home now, so there's that, ha. Need to catch up on a few things, then maybe get down to the garden, between rain drops. The lasagna looks delicious, Sic. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there and have a great day.
Good morning. WX predicted snow last night, nice to see it did not happen. 22-43F. Meeting and neighbors dog are on the to-do list, so I have time later on to go through and find seeds, and the rest of the stuff I need to start them. Usually I’m itching to get everything planted - guess not this year. I can always find most plants at a nursery.
Have a great Tuesday. Stay safe warm and safe.
Good morning. It's 17F on its way to 40F. Winter has returned for one day! @ Sic: A chigger infestation is not good. I've had to get steroid shots because of hundreds of bites. They like the tall pasture grass (especially around ponds) here in Kansas.
I'm doing office work this morning and then who knows for this afternoon. Fish and shrimp tonight. Be safe and be good.