Good news for the Brazilian Starfish

No hurry, the plant isn't that big.... YET.  ;)
Call the local coffee houses and ask if they save used coffee grounds.  Many Starbuck's stores bag them up and give them away for garden use.  Mix ~20% coffee and 80% Maryland's Finest DIRT, leaf litter, etc. and you're good to go!  (This mix is probably not ideal, but is better than nothing!)
Check Facebook and Meetup for a local garden exchange - you might find someone giving away surplus potting soil, or willing to trade dirt today for pods tomorrow.
Haunt the local Big Box stores, searching for torn-bag discounts.
What city are you in?  Check around for a regional composting facility.  Composted mulch is generally the cheapest potting soil you'll find.  Mix with a bit of dirt, if needed, and you're good to go.
1/4 cubic yard (= 7 CF = 50 gallons!) of this stuff for 6+ bucks will make this plant and several other monsters quite happy.
This place looks like they pro-rate just about any volume.  Bring a big bucket and fill 'er up for a buck.
obeychase said:
Hahaha I need to change the thread title to: HELP OBEYCHASE GET SOIL Look. If you all wanna gift me through PayPal, I'll be forever appreciative. I have no extra money laying around right now.
I feel ya, brotha... that Brazilian Starfish can get expensive.... at least that was MY experience in Brazil. We may be talking about two different things. Nevermind.
Yeah what's your paypal. But let's make sure it's only 9 ppl next thing you know he has cash flow in his paypal buying soil by the truck loads lmao

Lol my paypal is

Thanks guys!!
Put your name down to donate. Max is 9 people
Lol my paypal is

Thanks guys!!
Put your name down to donate. Max is 9 people

Lol my paypal is

Thanks guys!!
Put your name down to donate. Max is 9 people

I sent 1$ to you from dmv0920
Picture of the soil ok thanks
I sent you a Lincoln. That's enough for TWO 2 cu. ft. bags of cheap potting soil. BUY SOIL!!!
I'll take it back if I find out you're like my old friends and spending your money on dope instead of living.
You're welcome

THANKS MAN!!!!!!!!
I sent 1$ to you from dmv0920
Picture of the soil ok thanks

THANKS MAN!!! I'm gonna buy some cactus soil tomorrow. SO generous. Thanks man!!
obeychase said:
THANKS MAN!!!!!!!!

THANKS MAN!!! I'm gonna buy some cactus soil tomorrow. SO generous. Thanks man!!
why are you going to buy cactus soil? I think that's pretty much devoid of all nutrients..
get some decent potting mix...we are not growing cactus lol
nzchili said:
why are you going to buy cactus soil? I think that's pretty much devoid of all nutrients..
get some decent potting mix...we are not growing cactus lol
Yeah... what he said. No cactus soil. That's mostly peat, IIRC. Just your shelf brand potting mix will be better for the starfish than cactus soil, which is basically a sponge to hold water.
obeychase said:
THANKS MAN!!!!!!!!

THANKS MAN!!! I'm gonna buy some cactus soil tomorrow. SO generous. Thanks man!!
CACTUS SOIL?   :crazy:    :D 
Miracle Grow's cheapest will be better than cactus soil. 
It sounds like you're going to wind up with 10~15 bucks.  Buy something good!
What stores do you have in the area?  What do they stock?
why are you going to buy cactus soil? I think that's pretty much devoid of all nutrients..
get some decent potting mix...we are not growing cactus lol

Man I love cactus mix. I provide all nutes myself. I love cactus because it provides adequate drainage and the peppers love it. To each his own.
CACTUS SOIL?   :crazy:    :D 
Miracle Grow's cheapest will be better than cactus soil. 
It sounds like you're going to wind up with 10~15 bucks.  Buy something good!
What stores do you have in the area?  What do they stock?

Cactus soil works great man!!! Try it :)
I guess you better tell us what sort of cactus soil you have in mind.
When I think of the term, I think of a fairly barren mix.
If you're just looking for media to take up space, a small brick of coir, or $5 worth of perlite, mixed with local dirt will be more than sufficient.
If you're talking about something like this, then it might not be so bad!
I guess you better tell us what sort of cactus soil you have in mind.
When I think of the term, I think of a fairly barren mix.
If you're just looking for media to take up space, a small brick of coir, or $5 worth of perlite, mixed with local dirt will be more than sufficient.
If you're talking about something like this, then it might not be so bad!

Miracle grow is what I buy!!!!
Just depends on the source. The cacti soil/mixes vary. Some have peat, and some don't. It's basically just potting mix with a bunch of coarse material mixed in for quick drainage. Most cacti just want a full blast of water and then for the soil to dry out quickly.
The one Geonerd linked I believe has a decent amount of peat in it, but still decent drainage. *Also has nutes added per Miracle Grow style.
Obeychase I would adhere to their suggestions and getting general potting mix. Throw that $9 dollars on 1 bag and go for that Fox Farm or another suggested. While I have seen people grow peppers in cacti potting mix, me thinks a good general potting mix will have more life in it for a longer grow season / overwintering.
Here is a description for that MG cactus mix:
"Fast draining formula contains a mixture of sphagnum peat moss, composted forest products, sand and perlite that is excellent for growing cactus, palm, citrus and other succulents. Feed for up to 6 months with Miracle-Gro Continuous Release Plant Food. Helps prevent soil compaction and improves drainage."
Spicy Mushroom said:
Just depends on the source. The cacti soil/mixes vary. Some have peat, and some don't. It's basically just potting mix with a bunch of coarse material mixed in for quick drainage. Most cacti just want a full blast of water and then for the soil to dry out quickly.
Ah, OK.  That sounds a lot like the Promix HP mashup I used last year with good results. 
Geonerd said:
And fertilize with MG's Magic Blue Crystals!  :)
Use Jobe's Tomato plant spikes. 4 per plant.... they love it, and no more mixing ferts and risking overfertilizing.