contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

Today's update:
I planted another LOT in the 30g pot a few days ago.  This one was a bit larger than the first.  I would've planted this one from the get go, but it was in a Jiffy pellet with a few other seedlings, and I didn't want to risk separating them just yet.  I will cull which ever plant is weaker in a few weeks.
I know, I am no where near most of you.  I did lose a good inch though at transplant.
romy6 said:
 If you don't own a cheater tank I suggest you purchase one 
Hey, Jamie.  How long will you let it go before transplanting?  
I've had problems with roots being difficult to extract from
the basket if I've waited to long.
I think that at transplant time you should pull it out by the stem.
Very firmly.  That way the roots will come out. 
Looks like you are a major contender, my friend!  Mine hasn't
grown much since transplanting, but it looks real healthy   :cool: :

PaulG said:
Hey, Jamie.  How long will you let it go before transplanting?  
I've had problems with roots being difficult to extract from
the basket if I've waited to long.
I think that at transplant time you should pull it out by the stem.
Very firmly.  That way the roots will come out. 
Looks like you are a major contender, my friend!  Mine hasn't
grown much since transplanting, but it looks real healthy   :cool: :

Paul my man thanks for the kindness. I will plant outside in about two weeks . I agree,  wait to long and all the roots will intertwine with one another and can be a bitch to remove .
Your plant makes mine look sickly . Look at the stalk on that beauty . Nice work my Northern Brethren .  
Paul, thanks for the offer!
I should be good. I was really surprised 12 seeds on a heat mat set at 80° (they were in jiffies:) didn't do anything. I had 6 seeds left and 4 popped them in a wet paper towel in a plastic bag I placed on the fridge. My first try doing things this way. I put 2 babes in each of 2 small pots. Hoping to see some action really soon. Then I need to show them some Tejas whupass juice :D
Also Kevin has already put some more seeds in the mail. Between the 2 I should be good ;)
I would like to say 'yall have some really great plants going!