contest Growdown Throwdown 2018 Yellow Brain Strain!

Pr0digal_son said:
Crazy! Looks like a coleus.
My plant in the LOT growdown was completely white in the early stages,zero green at all. I chased that plant from start til end. It ended up getting fairly large,but it never was right. I would start more seeds while you work on that one.
I remember your plant.. it did end up being a nice size plant you had.. can't remember if it yielded much. My plants new growth is green and roots about to hit the reservoir. :)
DK Peppers said:
What kind of lights are you guys growing under?
I've been using a 25W fluorescent grow light so far, but I just ordered a 45W LED panel, and I'm super excited about trying LED lights for pepper plants!
My lights are rather old but still working just fine. I have one 4 bulb T5 with 6,500k. The rest are T8's with 6,500K bulbs, I run 4 bulbs per station as some are 4 bulb, some are 2. I see no difference between the 5 and the 8's. LED's are in the future, when these fail ;)
Masher said:
Love the big plants some of you have going.....hope they don't flower too early and stunt flower and pod growth before getting outside.  :dance:
So far it's looking like I may have timed it right for my plant out in May this yr :cheers:

I put 2 in #2 pots yesterday, and they're outside. This time of the year they do better in pots as the dirt is still too cool. Being they had the roots swirling at the bottom I guess the others need larger shoes. No forking or flowering attempts yet. I should be right on schedule. Maters hit the dirt this week...peppers will follow 2-3 weeks later.

Devv said:
Wish I could say that! I have those 3.5 months of too hot weather where they just drop the flowers. Maybe just maybe this variety won't care. I doubt it... Regardless, we gonna give it hell ;)
Geez Scott, you thought to bring one or two in to sit in the 72 degree A/C in a southern exposure during those months?
.....I think somebody's sandbagging!! ;) 
Devv said:



Watered all the gals this afternoon ;)
Hell yeah man. Wow. 
chocolatescotchbonnet said:
very nice looking plants.. Guru is going down! ;)
KAOS said:
Funniest thing Ive heard all week. Like thats gonna happen.

Once the funky voodoo juju gets cranked out we all in trouble.
All in due time my friend, all in due time. 
NeedsWork said:
My contribution for the week. :)  These are the two leaders.  I've been traveling a ton for work, so the poor pepper garden has been neglected.


Training early eh?
Walchit said:
Yeah guru is sandbagging us hard right now
I promise I messed up my first germ mix...promise. 
chocolatescotchbonnet said:
I agree with guru.. pods from organic soil grown taste better and probably more nutritious.. but from experience of growing in ohio.. i don't have a chance of yielding very many ripe pods from a super hot.. this is why I'm growing hydro.. easier to make plants fruit earlier.. IMO.
Whatever gets you to the glorious poddage. 
Devv said:
Wish I could say that! I have those 3.5 months of too hot weather where they just drop the flowers. Maybe just maybe this variety won't care. I doubt it... Regardless, we gonna give it hell ;)
Gonna have to pull out the super secret juju mojo. 
So...after re sowing in a more simplistic soil mix, I have a handful. 

I think I'm making this one my contestant plant. 
Pepper-Guru said:
Hell yeah man. Wow. 
All in due time my friend, all in due time. 
Training early eh?
I promise I messed up my first germ mix...promise. 
Whatever gets you to the glorious poddage. 
Gonna have to pull out the super secret juju mojo. 
So...after re sowing in a more simplistic soil mix, I have a handful. 

I think I'm making this one my contestant plant. 
Pull that helmet off the little fella lol [emoji847]✂️

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Teaks said:
I think this will be my entry, don't mind the construction in the background

Also, noticing pretty light colored leaves, anyone know what would be causing that? I've been adding weak fert mix maybe it's time to go heavy handed on the dosage.

post image on forums

Me, I'd say a larger pot to start with. And then add nutes in small doses. I favor liquids at this stage, 1/4 dose, watch the plant, add more after 7 to 10 days, if the desired results haven't been obtained. You can't take them back once added, so more smaller doses is what works best for me. This is how you learn your application rates. If you decide to go heavy at this stage, have an extra plant just in case that gets a lighter dose ;) Just sayin'...
An interesting development: It turns out my LED light is better than I thought. It advertised "growing thicker stems," which I thought was a load of crap until I compared my YBS's with each other.. The ones under the LED look incredible - tight growth, short spaces between the nodes. The same exact plants under the T5s are tall and a little leggy, and when I moved them over to the LED the growth tightened again. Always happy to see something work as advertised. I've been really happy with the light so far! It's called MaxBloom X4 COB, I got it on Amazon for $220 or something.
Anyways, here's my growdown plant (most likely):


I'm posting from work and having issues with my phone internet today (probably due to this "Nor'easter") and can't email myself the photo of the leggy plant.. I'll do it once I get home so you can see the difference; it's pretty remarkable!
fcaruana said:
An interesting development: It turns out my LED light is better than I thought. It advertised "growing thicker stems," which I thought was a load of crap until I compared my YBS's with each other.. The ones under the LED look incredible - tight growth, short spaces between the nodes. The same exact plants under the T5s are tall and a little leggy, and when I moved them over to the LED the growth tightened again. Always happy to see something work as advertised. I've been really happy with the light so far! It's called MaxBloom X4 COB, I got it on Amazon for $220 or something.
Anyways, here's my growdown plant (most likely):
I'm posting from work and having issues with my phone internet today (probably due to this "Nor'easter") and can't email myself the photo of the leggy plant.. I'll do it once I get home so you can see the difference; it's pretty remarkable!
Okay here's the leggier plant for comparison.

Did anyone else notice this difference between lights? It's so interesting


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