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Habanero Hempseed Brownies

So i was inspired by Neil from THSC with his habanero cupcakes. I had been wanting to mix heat with sweet for some time now and i had a chance this weekend. I bought a couple of boxes of organic hempseed brownie mix from Wegman's and figured they'd be a tasty treat. At Neil's advice i diced 4 habs, 4 gigantic red habs that is, and added them to the batter. I pulled out some of the placenta, but not much. I left all the seeds and such.

I have to say...i'm in love with these brownies! The heat level is pretty high. The flavor of the hab with the chocolate is simply awesome together.

So far i'm the only person to sample them. My girl wouldn't touch them sadly, even though she's had hab with me many times. I've brought the brownies to my office today and i'll be giving out samples as the day goes.

As i was tying this i gave one to the lady who delivers my mail to me from upstairs. She literally just ran from my office to get a drink. :mouthonfire:

Good yummy brownies!
:) im so glad ya Liked it,, i took a batch of butter scotch bonnet cup cakes to the sawtell chilli festival and handed out, Bent had some i think plus not hard to make (if i can)

Might do a batch tomorrow if can and take pics, and just use a mix to see how goes and yea Chocolate
I've been experimenting with chilis for months now. Even tried to make a jalapeno smoothie which failed miserably. It was just undrinkable. I'm thinking though that a chocolate milkshake is the way to go and with a better pepper than a jap.

Butter Scotch Bonnet? That's brilliant. I can't even buy scotch bonnets here. I found some once in a farm market, but they were all brown and moldy and looked awful and most weren't ripe. Shame really, they were going into a sauce if they were any good.
Ahh a smoothie, funny you mention that as got a comment posted on the main page of my youtube channel other day.

Daisyz30 | July 04, 2008
I tryed somthing real tasty to day you might want to try it out: u need a blender for this one first u take 2 plom`s then 5-6 strawberry`s 1 banana 2 scoops of ur icecream of choice and last but not least 3 habanero`s then enjoy, best ever:) u can offcorse use other fruits aswell

hahahaha there ya go Im so going to make it :lol:
Great idea, can't wait to try some habanero brownies myself! Easy to make and regular people are more likely to eat a brownie with a pepper that just a plain ol' pepper.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Great idea, can't wait to try some habanero brownies myself! Easy to make and regular people are more likely to eat a brownie with a pepper that just a plain ol' pepper.
I thought so too. :( I'm having such a hard time getting anyone to try them. Maybe people here just don't like hot foods.

I tell you, i guess i kind of "brought it" to these people. They used to all talk how they liked spicy foods and hot wings and stuff. I showed them a little of my A game and i've shut them all down.

They're the ones missing out. These brownies are heavenly. :onfire:
ok tonight new challenge "oh i don't like hot" Well ok, cooking atm is Non Hot Bishops Crown Butter cupcakes..
bishops crowns are cool.. the heat dont come until you break the seeds, so by cutting the flesh off not touching the seeds, ya get Non heat chilli, but the Taste :)

But the hard part will be convincing people when i go "oh they arnt hot at all" hahahahahahah

pics up tomorrow :)
Non Hot Bishops Crown Butter Cupcakes

fat Naaaaa,
this 1 is for the "oh i don't like hot"
1st Get the Ingredients

then cut the flesh off the Bishops crowns, Now as they are weird and not hot unless you break the seeds,, carfull cut not to hit seeds..

Chop into lil tiny bits, mix altogether and put in tray thingys

And then 25 min later, Da Daaaaaaaaaaa
Bishops Crown Butter cup cakes, that Any1 can eat


Hmm what next
Thats a great idea -- I know I will be doing that with my Japs in cornbread but this opens a whole new world to exploit
my mouth is watering Neil....looks great
LD...have you ever tried adding a little yellow whole kernel corn and some diced onions with the japs in the cornbread....it is delicious..
Ive used creamed corn -- but I will try your suggestion especially when we make chili at the beach in a few weeks
Thats a great idea -- I know I will be doing that with my Japs in cornbread but this opens a whole new world to exploit

Here's one to try as well. Use fresh chopped chocolate habs in the cornbread instead. You won't be let down. And as a plus, if you really wanna hurt some people, just tell them they're chocolate chips...:hell:
fineexampl said:
I thought so too. :( I'm having such a hard time getting anyone to try them. Maybe people here just don't like hot foods.

I tell you, i guess i kind of "brought it" to these people. They used to all talk how they liked spicy foods and hot wings and stuff. I showed them a little of my A game and i've shut them all down.

They're the ones missing out. These brownies are heavenly. :onfire:

LMAO!!! I know alot of people that THOUGHT they liked spicy food too:lol:. Those brownies sound interesting by the way as well. I'll have to keep those in mind. The only problem is I rarely eat sweets and I don't know anyone else that will help me eat a batch. I may have to wrap and freeze the rest for downt the road:lol:
rabbit said:
LMAO!!! I know alot of people that THOUGHT they liked spicy food too:lol:. Those brownies sound interesting by the way as well. I'll have to keep those in mind. The only problem is I rarely eat sweets and I don't know anyone else that will help me eat a batch. I may have to wrap and freeze the rest for downt the road:lol:
Yeah i'm also not a big sweets lover. Salty and savory is my best friend, as well as spicy. I wish i had frozen the brownies. I wonder if i could crumble them into some pancake mix and make a new version??
the cupcakes freeze as i too only do the hot thing,and don't want to waste..

then i just defrost in microwave then add plum habaNero sauce and WOW