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Heatwave Approaching

Hi everyone!

This is my first post on this forum. I just stumbled accross this board while doing some searching on the web. Great stuff going on here!

I have been growing Chilis for a couple of seasons now and currently have about a dozen plants. They seem to be doing pretty well at this point (I will post some pics when I have more time).

The weather has been pretty good here the last couple weeks, but starting this weekend we are supposed to go into our first real heatwave of the season. Temps are supposed to get well into the 90s(F) for 3 or 4 straight days. Should I worry about my plants in this temparature?

Since my plants are in pots I have the option to move them indoors or into the shade during the hottest part of the day. Should I consider doing this? Also any thoughts on nightime temps would be appreciated since my plnats are just starting to set flowers.


First of all, welcome. :)
Second, 90F isn't that hot. it's about 100F right now and it's not a type of "heatwave". just put them in the shade.
hello and welcome. It`s hitting 90 and 95 here with high humidity and mine have been ok.They are in pots also and get mixed direct light.Just be careful with the downpours we`ve been having here not beating them to death.
I think it depends on how well acclimatized the plants are. I'd probably try to give them shade for part of the day or just keep a good eye on them.
I agree with Potawie on this one...if they have not been hardened off properly, they may get sunscald...happened to me this year...they are recovering now but it set me back about 45 days on the crop...

We have been in the mid-upper 90s for a while now and just supposed to get hotter...problem here is the dang wind...gusting to 50 Mph today, 45 yesterday and sustained at 20 for the past 6 days...it is wrecking havoc on my pepper plants...losing leaves right and left...heck they are gonna be bald when the wind quits :lol: ...suppose to drop to 25 tomorrow but gust to 35...
Welcome aboard,during the heat wave I agree with the rest you should put the plant in shade most of the day all depend on what kind variety are some peppers like it heat ( tropical variety)some not also never water plant during the day time always water plants late evening or early morning & never water the plant from the top( leafs) or they going to hung down in the heat at night time or early morning is fine.
We hit 88 today, supposed to hit 90+ tomorrow (Friday)
So far so good on my tomatoes, my peppers are still in the shade. I'm getting up extra early to make sure everything gets watered.
ok time to eat crow here.This is our 4th day over 95 here and the baby nagas are not happy.Question to the gods---does the humidity change the game? Also pots or in ground ---can the roots get too hot?Not taking your post kjam but it might help us both.Best of luck and keep us posted. thanxs Rich
HEY WILSON,,,,my naga say it will send you some really wilted leaves. lol We`re supposed to be 99 for the next 4 days.Good luck on better weather. Rich
Question to the gods?Does the heat index work seperate from humidity
A)Make a difference in the temp the plant likes,loves,hates

B)Next does the plant being above ground or in the ground make a difference on the heat on the root ball?

I`m lost cause these guys have beeen happy lil campers.They are back out of the direct light they`ve been in for better than 4 weeks.Once again KJAM not trying to steal your post but might help us both. Rich
Had a really big heat wave today. Some of my plants (sugar snap peas and some wimpy girly flowers) got all limp. Most of today was spent spritzing them with water in hopes to cool them down...seemed to work.
Plants are plants. They will live or die, sort of survival of the fittest. I try to take of them the best I can but the ones that don't make it - they get added to the compost pile. It's not like they are a cat that comes up and loves on me with its tail.

We had a high of 94 according to Time & Temp. I had to rewater a few potted peppers. The soil drains too fast. They should be in the ground in the next few days. (Hopefully)

My tomatoes are amazing this year. The heat the past 2 days hasn't phased them one bit. Maybe this clay soil is good for something.

I'm getting up early again tomorrow. The weather reports say it's going to rain in the afternoon with a high of 88. But that could change.

In the mean time I need to figure out what's wrong with the AC.
lol guess its time to till my garden and start planting ah hell im off for a week got nothing better to do besides driving my honey nuts lol
Just noticed..KJAM welcome from Ontario!!
wordwiz said:
Plants are plants. They will live or die, sort of survival of the fittest. I try to take of them the best I can but the ones that don't make it - they get added to the compost pile. It's not like they are a cat that comes up and loves on me with its tail.

I baby mine too much. To me, they are that cat that curls up next to you. Just spent about 30 minutes watching them grow.

Poisonette said:
My tomatoes are amazing this year. The heat the past 2 days hasn't phased them one bit. Maybe this clay soil is good for something.

My tomatoes loved the heat today too. Grew a few inches today alone.