Hi from Sydney, Australia

:welcome: from Brissy, mate!

Give them Scorp seeds a burl fo' shizzle! As FanMan said, if they've been through a dehydrator, they may be rendered inviable... but what's the harm in trying, right? Although I haven't tried to grow anything from Candice's (Wildfire Chilli) dried pods, I will certainly vouch for the excellent quality of the seeds she sells for growing.
Hi All,

Just an update on my Trinidad Scorpions...

All but one seedling died.

The last remaining seedling that I planted has grown into this...


Looks awesome. Can't wait to taste.
:welcome: from sunny South Florida! :woohoo:
Does anyone read the dates? This thread is almost a year old o_O … the OP (original poster Ronny) posted on 21 Apr 2012 and this morning he posted an update and I read “welcome” posts ¯\(º_o)/¯