HID old school vs. LED

I am old school, shop lights over seedlings then blended HPS /  MH over larger plants.  My grow room is a concrete cistern.  I vent to living space to take advantage of of the extra heat.  Thing is, starting to hit almost 90 degrees in the middle of February days.  I am sure it will be much higher in a month or so.  I could cut a hole in the concrete and vent to outdoors, but seems like that is a hell of a lot of waste.

So looking into LEDS and oh damn it is confusing.  Making it worse, the literature is obviously focused on a different crop.  With MH and HPS, there are rules of thumb for how many watts per square foot.  You can do it by lumens also, but you can get away with the watt rule of thumbs.  With LEDs, oh damn.

No way you can figure out what you need by watts because the amount they put out per watt ranges so much.  No way I can figure it out based on lumens because they all claim to be in this or that spectrum, so you dont need as many with other sources of light.

Has anyone come up with something like the Dummies Guide to LED Grow Rooms?
I'm old school shop lights.  My plants grow well with them.  Besides, I spend too much money on other things like soil and fertilizer.
you would need to know the ppfd but to get that you would need to know the exact model of leds used and the current they are being driven at
dont believe a thing led manufactures tell you about special sauce spectrum its all lie, plants like light-lots of photons is all they want
if youre in any way handy you can build your own cheaply like i do I posted about this in another thread if you look for it
otherwise stick with HPS 
I run just HPS, though I can run the MH as I have a bulb and my ballast is universal.
The MH heats up my room way too hot too quickly. When I run my hps, I don't have to run the ac that much.
I don't notice much of a difference either, just running the hps.
Today it's suppose to be 91F outside.as well
I like LEDS,1 watt that I built.
I don't understand the stuff about lighting these days.
LEDS work best FOR MY GROW.
Halides WOULDN"T WORK for ME/my grow.
I see Leds as getting a LOT cheaper these days.
They PUT out specific NM. of light,IN  LM, numbers that are as high as Halides.
BUT in more specific NM. ranges.
They,from what I read,are longer lived than other light sources,in general.
What I see on the Net is people compairing OUT OF CONTEXT stuff.
EVERY grow is different,NO light source is better than another-FOR your Personal grow.
What works for me with 1 watt LEDS is what works for me.
I built what I could afford etc. that makes my 6 in. starts look like mini hedges.
I'd never buy a commercial panel.
They lie too much,using out of context crap as facts to sell their product.
I build my own.
My plants told me when I screwed up.
I've been using 1 watt Leds for YEARS.
The internet says they suck.
My plants/Starts never got the memo.
juanitos said:
i think led is way too expensive upfront vs just getting some ducting and an inline fan to vent the space..
That is part of what I am trying to figure out.  Example: How much I'd have to spend to replace a 1000 w HPS, then comes figuring out how much energy I save.
ajdrew said:
That is part of what I am trying to figure out.  Example: How much I'd have to spend to replace a 1000 w HPS, then comes figuring out how much energy I save.
1000-1500 USD on the cheap
to save 300w input
cut heat in half at least
this is assuming you are not goung to buy a 250 dollar panel from china claiming to draw 600w and replace a 1000w hps- in that case you will need around -5 of them and you will save about 150w in electricity and no noticeable reduction in heat
what part of the world are you in? usa?
I'm quite happy with just a basic 300w omega dual spectrum cfl, I watched a really good series on youtube on hid vs led lights, this is the conclusion, definitely put me off leds!
I watched a Discovery Channel show on growing food in space.  What it boiled down to was LEDs were fantastic.  The solar radiation is far too broad.  So they can turn that into electricity and then give the plants exactly what they need.  Now thinking that they are fantastic if you are a rocket scientist with infinite funding.

That and the movie Silent Running is BS.
Depends on the LED.
Modern COBs like the ones from Bridgelux or Cree are very easy to install yourself on a heatsink and extremely efficient
ajdrew said:
That is part of what I am trying to figure out.  Example: How much I'd have to spend to replace a 1000 w HPS, then comes figuring out how much energy I save.
the cost for LEDs is upfront but it will pay in long run.
No bulbs to change and my led panel is good for at least 10 years. The heat issue is not a problem with LEDs or power usage. I think about a 600 Watt led panel would replace your 1000 watt.
I'd like to see a full indoor LED grow (past flowering stage...) and see the results and how much time it takes for full pepper ripening.
My impression is they work very well for start seedlings but for a full indoor grow i'd prefer HID.
Anyway, as highlighted by smokemaster, there is not  a 'better' light. Use whatever works for you in terms of use and cost.
I've done full grows when I lived in Washington and I assure you they work thru the whole grow. Seen side by side grows too. LEDs have their place now,not just for seedlings or veg.
Use whatever works for you is what I say,I like HPS too.I've use both one is old school and the other is a step up if you ask me.

Lol you remind me of that commercial "the settlers" cable or satellite .
Well you always have your "foot stomping" :-)
FWIW I love my mars hydro 300w.  I have used HPS in the distant past and was always worried about the heat and fire risk.  The Mars hydro have grow and bloom settings which makes it really easy.  My seedlings grew stupidly quickly under it.  They also make a range of sizes to suit.  