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"Hot" Chocolate

I want to make some pepper and choclate combination sauce. I would like to have a sauce or syrup that I can preserve for the pantry. I'm not sure if this is the right forum. I don't know what combinations work. Any of y'all ever done this? I would even like to try baking something like a spicy chocolate cake or pie. I love my sweets and the heat, so lets put them together. I am really interested in canning some sauce/syrup though.
There is a thread somewhere here where one of the members made a good looking chocolate pie using chocolate peppers. I will try and look for it

Edit: Excuse me, it was a cheesecake. But here is the link http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/26420-double-chocolate-douglah-cheesecake/

Also, I assume you would be able to grind up some peppers and put them in a chocolate sauce if you want to. It would probably have to be refrigerated though
I half heartedly used the search function but it is too broad of a subject and pulls up choc bhuts. To grind them up they must be dried, correct? What is a good way to dry them?
Just trying to be creative with the peppers. My Hogs were detroyed by the Tigers yesterday, so I'm watching lesser teams play and brainstorming some new food ideas.
Yes, peppers must be dried in order to make a powder. The fastest and easiest method to dry them would be to use a dehydrator. Another method is to put them in a box with a light and ventilation. An example of that would be a gutted out computer with a 100w lightbulb inside. I used that to dry peppers a couple times. Only took two days
I would think go with the powder as well. I mean unless you want it to be fresh pods. Look up a sauce recipe online and then add powder to heat/taste how you like. That's the easy way at least