Hi all damn chilihead :hell: during winter i'll grow 5 plant of pepper in the same condition feed with exacly the same dose of water and food .The five strain are :

-Naga Morich(hottest pepper World record )from la palma
-The legendary 7Pod/Pot (direct from Trinidad via a T'dad Girl:P)
-Trinidad Scorpion(from a great guy name Potawie)
-Trinidad Scorpion (direct from Trinidad via a T'dad girl:P)
-Trinidad Douglah (an other Super hot from T'dad via a T'dad girl to)

I grow them in miraclegrow, with a 45w cfl in a small aquarium , and when they'll get big enought i'll put them in my grow room with a 250w HCFL .

I'll post some news&pics probably each week so enjoy !!!
I thought the world record was held by the Bhut Jolokia.
I'm growing some Nagas myself, and would REALLY like have some Trinidad peppers.
Anyway, awesome collection.
So what's the contest? I guess its a challenge to see which plant will get the first pepper. Looking good so far.
The Bhut has the world record but the Naga Morich was tested at over 1.5 million scovilles
yes habman ;) nice to see someone who understand my tabatnak :P do you talk french habman ?? LOL ....potawies ,the contest is to get one pod of each to taste them to find wich one is the hotter just for fun !! (I dont do snowboard so my winter is borring LOL I have some time to spend you know ;)) and just can't wait to summer to see what look like my T'dad Douglah ...try to give some info about it ...and make some seed to shared:onfire:
I'll polinate ( not shure of spelling) them my self .
Omri: T'dad pepper are really hard to find (more than gold LOL) if know the sell t'dad scropion but for the other T'dad pepper you might to search hard LOL sorry don't have any spare seed LOL !!
thanks ABurningMouth !! the scorpions are growing so fast can see a difference each day ...7pod and douglah have take a lot of time to sprout and my naga did'nt sprout yet ...but I'm just happy that naga don't sprout (that prouve they are Capsicum chinense naga)
QuebecFire said:
yes habman ;) nice to see someone who understand my tabatnak :P do you talk french habman ??

Bien sûr que oui!
Mais je fais autant sinon plus de fautes en français qu'en anglais.
Avec le fureteur Firefox (fureteur haha! j'ai apris ça de l'émission de denis talbot) il y a un autocorrecteur en anglais qui est très pratique pour nous :)
LOL c bon a savoir !! yié chui pas le seul a parlé francais :) LOL ....Hi devil duck !!! ....I was just wondering that I was not the only Quebecois who talk french on THP :P

I'll post some 7 pod pix soon ,the gentle girl who send me the send the seed send me some pix of the seven pod so watch it ...
7pod from T'dad field :)
What pepper is your avatar QuebecFire? Looks fiery.

We posted at the same time. I guess your avatar is a 7-pod?
potawie = yes it is ...and the pod on the pic look realy pure ...I dont know how tell it ...but it seem to be the real 7 pod cross ....the shape is perfect and the skin is realy heavyly pimply ...more than all other pics a see

Omri = In trinidad LOL .....I just prefer to keep the name of the personne who send me the seed hiden cause since she tell that she live in T'dad she was probably flood by e-mail of people who want those seed so the best I can do Is keeping you some seed when i'll harvest them ..
QuebecFire said:
potawie = yes it is ...and the pod on the pic look realy pure ...I dont know how tell it ...but it seem to be the real 7 pod cross ....the shape is perfect and the skin is realy heavyly pimply ...more than all other pics a see

Omri = In trinidad LOL .....I just prefer to keep the name of the personne who send me the seed hiden cause since she tell that she live in T'dad she was probably flood by e-mail of people who want those seed so the best I can do Is keeping you some seed when i'll harvest them ..
Good enough for me, thanks. :halo:
Just so you know, I wouldn't have bothered her, I'm not the nagging type. :lol:
She sounds awesome, and you're so lucky for getting all of those peppers. :rolleyes:
héhé not lucky !!! I search them for so long ...and spend a lot of time in sending email and talking with people to get them !!! this is the only way to get those rare pepper ....but i'm pretty shure that in some month comercial dealler will sell it many people search for it ...
It isn't that hard to find them, the fact is I found your 'gentle girl' in like two minutes (you gave away too many clues).
But you know what? I respect the fact she doesn't want people to bother her.
The moment I'm getting my hands on Trinidad peppers, I'll be growing them in large quantities (That's also what I'm planning to do with my Nagas).
People need to get seeds, and I'm willing to help. :P
omri : It isn't that hard to find them, the fact is I found your 'gentle girl' in like two minutes (you gave away too many clues).....:shocked:

...are you kidding me ...don't act like if your are a pepper master or something like that ...not on my post find the persone who send it to me WoW ok nice ..but please don't post thing like ''It isn't that hard to find them''...just F*****g boring of your non-contructive coments on everybody's post ...Like Uncle big said you :if you have something constructive to say ,please do ! But if you just have a stupid coment to do , do it via PM or just keep it for you :!::!::!:...It's pissing me off to ....
QuebecFire - I think we got seed from the same generous lady. I too recieved some great pics today from her, 7pod, scorpion, morugah, douglah, congo pepper etc. great pics and quickly germinating seeds. she is a saint for being so generous to a stranger. I will be happy to share seed at the end of the season if my plants grow ok.