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hobbies How many people are gamers?

D3monic said:
I stopped playing warcraft a while back. After garrisons it kind of rolled downhill and I lost interest. I still play hearthstone when i'm working nights though. 
Yeah, I haven't played since Pandaria...It just gets old doing the same thing over and over.  I can only reroll so many times.  You have a nice rig.  I put the same CPU cooler in mine :).  
Xbox one for me now.  I really only play Madden COD and a random game here or there with the kids.  Mortal Kombat is pretty badass.  I'm still a sucker for Civilization IV though.  I really didn't like the changes done on V so I still play IV.
Factorio Yall.
i absolutly love this game... it figurativly reaches into my brain with a chopstick and massages the various parts of my brain that are responsible for compulsive nerotic behaviour. 
its been so long since a game has really gotten to me like this one. HoN was the last game i really played like this... hours at a time.
I used to play the X3 series- this space sim that was generally mediocre in many areas... EXCEPT the trading and logistics systems.
in X3 you could build these vertically integrated space station manufacturing complexes of enormous  size and scope. you would for example... tractor a metal asteroid over to a  sillicon asteroid and build mining facilities on both... then connect them to a hub, then build a chip plant and power cell plant that requires both the metal and sillicon,  then connect the chip plant to a missle factory... but the missle factory is manned so its needs food supplies, however you need solar power to create food and the asteroid field you built you  missle complex in has a shitty star too far away... so you need logistics ships to travel to another system and buy food, or create another food complex in said nearby sysem and ferry the food back and forth... it goes on an on. 
come to think of it. i reccomend X3 as well.
anyway, factorio is like that but exponentially more complex and deep. it differs in that there is no trading within the game with other AI's, or other players far as i know. 
the game is huge... if you are familiar with strategy games, it has a similar 'research' tech tree to obtain upgrades, and new equipment and facilities. the tech tree is larger than any ive ever encountered.
i know im making this game sound boring... but it isnt. or maby im just wierd.
its like 80% logistics management, 20% tower defense + shooter.  its top down sprite based graphics so you get this quaint feel. i get the feeling you could run this game on a graphing calculator, however its optimized to thread out to like 16 cores... so maby theres alot of cpu intensive stuff later on in the tech trees.
i would be very suprised if the shittiest computers could not run this game.
try the demo imho.
I've been playing Fishing planet which is free on the steam store, The elder scrolls and another oldie Day of Defeat. 
Recently getting addicted to mario maker on the wii u, it's a nice trip down memory lane to play all the old levels and adds something new now that players can create and play their own levels.
However, I would classify myself as a pc gamer.  Grew up playing nox, jumped into shadowbane, went over to darkfall and now i am currently waiting for crowfall to release.
Played wow for a long while but have sat out the last two expansions...
Now I mainly browse steam and pick up anything that looks interesting that my friends and I can get into.
Also getting into freeciv... which is going to take over most of my gaming time I'm sure...
steam is the shit.
i rarely buy any game thats not on steam.
i only decided to try factorio when i read they were trying to get on steam at some point.
burnt out on factorio btw. after you figure everything out... there is like not much else to do. what am i missing? multiplayer?
Yeah steam is awesome especially around this time of year with all the sales. Been playing a lot of brawlhalla (which is free) and then there's always rocket league when you're looking to kill some time haha.
Been playing a lot of Star Wars Battlefront.  Pretty much only that for the last couple months.  A friend gifted me Rocket League on steam - it's pretty fun.  Still play a little Nosgoth here and there.  Have played some Warframe, which is free, but it kinda feels like BF2142 meets Eve.  Still love Hawken, but rarely play it.
filmost said:
I've been playing Baldurs Gate ;-)
gotta unlock that drizzt then cringe at the voice actor. 
Just got into elderscrolls online. It's ok. I think I like skyrim better though. 
D3monic said:
gotta unlock that drizzt then cringe at the voice actor. 

Just got into elderscrolls online. It's ok. I think I like skyrim better though. 
Skyrim is the bomb.  I just started playing fallout new vegas recently. 