How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

Bloody indoor DWC Burmese Naga Flopped out on me today! Dont know whats going on with this thing!  Its not actually fainted. the leaves are fine and holding up. But the branches have gone all floppy.
I'm about done with this indoor Naga its been dropping flowers for 6 months.
I'm going to NFT a Peach ghost scorpion in its place.
If only the indoor hydro naga would do as well as my outdoor burmese naga!!!


and the outdoor in soil. Big plant now! Its in a half wine barrel and its all tall as I am, and I'm 6 foot.  The indoor naga was taller than that....WAS
Woohoo it's that time agian for the PERTH CHILLI FEST Woohoo :woohoo:
Should be another blast with lot's of Chilli on offer!
Will have to give these so called HOT sauce makers a bit of Curry Hahahaha 
See ya all down there!!!!!
Hey Highlucks real nice looking plants happening there. You have gotta love the Fatalli's, definately high on my faves list.
Alot of people don't like the flavour of the Douglah, but it does have one hell of a kick!
Super David said:
Dont need to trade but I'm happy to send some seeds your way if you pm me your address.
Maybe have a little wait ahead for the burmese naga seeds.  I gave a way a ripe pod and dried the other one. I should have ripe pods to get seeds out of very soon.  I'll check how many of the original seeds i have. Germination rate wasn't great though.
Awesome thanks man, I will send through my address shortly.
Micca302 said:
Hey Highlucks real nice looking plants happening there. You have gotta love the Fatalli's, definately high on my faves list.
Alot of people don't like the flavour of the Douglah, but it does have one hell of a kick!
Thanks man.

We probably won't make the chili fest this year. Flying to Sydney on Monday and need to get ready>

You guys may or may not have seen Wildfires post on face book Candice will have Carolina reaper plants available so make sure you get onto those quickly.

I spoke to Candice about my Choc Brainstrain. she confirmed it is most likely a Bhut Jolokia. As they were kept in the same area. Kind of explains why when I tried the Jonah after this one it just tasted like a warm capsicum.
Yep I think they are as ugly as they come.
Looking damn hot too!
If any Perthites are interested in any seed of the Reaper let me know.
I have a few spare from Puckerbutt Pepper Co.
That is scary looking, Great photos. I will take some Micca if you get a bunch from you first harvest.

Very healthy look plant BTW mate.
No worries Highlucks. I will save some seed but also have some spare from the original source too.
This is one that is in the ground so has been doing great. My pot Chilli's are pretty Shizenhouzen(Shite) at the moment.
Those look too gnarly to turn down Micca! 
Did you get your Primo Orange going?  I had two plants that made it to pod stage,  one was a not but the other is just about the best plant in my garden at the moment.  My best chillies of the season are the Primo Orange and Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion.  I'm happy to share seeds, those ones or anything else you're after.
The 7-Pod Primo Orange are in pots so they are pretty crappy at the moment. Was hoping as soon as the weather cools down a bit they might start.
I noticed you got a pretty wicked crop out of the one that grew true......nice work!
I'll add you to the list Moo and thanks for the offer of seeds. Will keep in mind.
Definately a freak that's for sure :cool:
I brought the plant from the markets, was supposed to be a Mouruga Scorp Yellow.
As you can see it's not but pretty damn sure it is a Mustard Hab, has the normal Hab heat and all.
So clockwise from top left is White Bhut(turned yellow), Red Bhut, Burks backyard Chilli(maybe a Piquin?), Douglah and Mustard Hab.
Nice little haul.

On a completely unrelated note. Who is the lucky bugger in our neck of the woods growing SB7J's. I just found this photo in the thread of the same name.

This is an amazing looking pod that i would love to get my hands on.

The more cool pods I see the more and more I think we need some kind of W.A. seed register, I know it was mentioned earlier by one of the other perth users. But in a thread this large who has what is very hard to track.

Any one got some ideas. I know on another PHP based forum it is possible to start a social group, Only visible to those that are involved.

Not too sure who is growing the SB7J. I haven't worried about it too much until they stabilize it some more.
I really love the look of the 7-Pot Bubblegum but that too is unstable.
I just read Patricks thread on the SB7J.
Soo I wander who the West Aussie is growing it?
Come on now own up who are you!!!! Hahahaha
Nah it is looking pretty damn good and sounds like the flavour is excellent. Only being in the low F's(F4 was the highest I saw) it might not be too stable yet.
Those grubs are crazy for the AJI Panca.    I dont know if its something about the chilies themselves or weather its because its a very dense bush.
This is the Ratio.. thats 500g of AJI Panca

And this guy...I dont know what it is.
The only thing I've planted in that bath this season and last season is Aji Rocotto Largo, Aji Panca, Aji Limon, brown hab and an orange hab.  
Aji Limon was last season and died, brown hab died not long after it sprouted, same for the orange hab.
When this thing first put out a pod I thought it was another Aji Panca because so many pods dropped last season that it just grew all by itself this season. The pods looked a little similar to the Panca but smaller.
Then the pod got full grown and it looked like an Aji Limon, it even has the little bumps that the Aji Limon has.  BUT the pods are ripening to red... so I dont get it.
I just discovered a tiny hole in that I guess i wont be eating it.
Super David said:
Those grubs are crazy for the AJI Panca.    I dont know if its something about the chilies themselves or weather its because its a very dense bush.
This is the Ratio.. thats 500g of AJI Panca

And this guy...I dont know what it is.
The only thing I've planted in that bath this season and last season is Aji Rocotto Largo, Aji Panca, Aji Limon, brown hab and an orange hab.  
Aji Limon was last season and died, brown hab died not long after it sprouted, same for the orange hab.
When this thing first put out a pod I thought it was another Aji Panca because so many pods dropped last season that it just grew all by itself this season. The pods looked a little similar to the Panca but smaller.
Then the pod got full grown and it looked like an Aji Limon, it even has the little bumps that the Aji Limon has.  BUT the pods are ripening to red... so I dont get it.
I just discovered a tiny hole in that I guess i wont be eating it.
I have a cgn23209 (which is very similar to the aji panca), and the caterpillars absolutely love em. Pretty much leaving the rest of my plants alone. They leave a 3mm entrance hole go in eat the placenta then chew another hole out and move on to the next chilli. Its a prolific plant and I have only managed to get one pod untouched by em. Lucky Im not too fussed on the flavour of em.
It must be the weather.  I've had a massive rise in chillies eaten out by the caterpillars.  It was probably made worse because I left a lot of ripe chillies on the plants for two weeks longer than they needed.  Just didn't have the time to harvest.  Finally did a big harvest and had to discard more than half.
From last season the general consensus was it is the Eggfruit caterpillar. I believe what happens is the moth injects the pod leaving the tiny mark.  You have to really look for for it.  Then the maggot eats out the inside flesh, getting bigger and leaving little turds, until it finally chomps its way out making a big hole.  It crawls to a suitable spot and makes a cocoon and becomes the moth.  Sometimes when the maggot is still busy eating the pod the calyx will turn yellow and the pod will drop off.  Also the pods will prematurely ripen. 
The best defense is to cover the plant so the moth can't get to it.  Not an option for me. :(  To stop them breeding so much I'll inspect regularly and remove infected pods, before the maggot can emerge.  Then SEAL them in a bag and dispose.  I've just put them in my bin before and the maggots crawl out and start to make cocoons on the top corner edge of the bin.  When it got really bad last season I would harvest pods as soon as they showed some colour and then let them ripen inside, if they were already infected the maggot was prevented from getting to the plants.  Of course you need some spare time to do that, and if you miss one, (very easy to do!) its an unending battle.  It did help though. 
My theory is because most of the time you don't see an exit hole on a green pod, if you remove and control everything with colour you are stopping them from spreading.  It's all for nothing if your neighbour over the fence doesn't do the same thing though :P  In an isolated system with only a few pods it should eliminate them. 
Yes for me the netting is just about the only way to go.  I selected a few plants to put in half wine barrels and put them under my eve so I can put mosquito nets over them.
The nets were only about $5 each off ebay.   Worth doing if you can get a net over a few special plants.  Certainly not feasible for an entire chili grow