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was that 4 months ago? LOL!

oh, PJ me and Armac don't see eye to eye on many things lol. Just calling out some bs that someone was saying about my friend Ed Currie. Have said nothing about Sir.
I'm don't know Armac other than reading his posts here and there, and I'm not sure who Rodney is. I'm not chiming in on anyone's behalf, if that's what you think.

I just wanted to point out your continued unprofessional lashing out at various groups and people online. On your business' Facebook page you posted the full names and home towns of people you got in an argument with over the Internet. Was that to scare them or unleash your army of 46,000 "fans"? All of this because they called you out on using pictures in advertisements without the consent of the original photographer. That is just nutty.

-Former customer

P.S. I didn't post this in the vendor vault because I was trying to stay out of it and don't want to hurt your business, but I'm tired of the way treat people.
I talked to the people at NMSU about testing hot peppers (other peoples peppers). I know of and had peppers hotter then the T.S. Morouga and Butch T but they will not test them. If it was me i would keep an open. NMSU cares about one thing and thats money to fund their pet projects. They will test if you got the big $$, they don't give a ripe if someone may have the next hottest pepper. They said i could call s.w. bio labs and they could help me. Well i don't have 15,000 to 20,000 to give a lab . I just love to grow and eat them thats it. If your the gold standard in shu testing and the chili intstitute(NOT), you think you would look at other STABLE peppers that would be hotter. So with the info i have learned(first hand) about NMSU, i will go with what Guinness says. Don't believe be? Call for yourself(575-646-3028). Sorry for the ranting, i just get fired up about this testing stuff. We have a saying down here- it's about who you know and who you blow(NMSU- still working under the good ol boy system $$$$ what have you done for me lately)
Think I know you and thanks for the rant! money goes and friends stay

Money sucks but common sense doesn't NMSU Is great like all buisness`s but why do they have the run on whats hot? STAF has a good point please don`t ignore. I run into stuff non stop that blows away these standards. Wild stuff that big business doesn`t have Open you eyes everyone Rich
Hey stupid, that is your name....sorry, Armac and Rodney are one in the same. Pepperjoe likes to personalive his thinly veiled insinuations (threats) wth first names. You have seen that yourself on facebook apparently.

Thanks for characterzation of Pepperjoe, it just reinforces the things we see here.

Have a great weekend.
This whole thread is a joke (I realise I am only fueling it but f it) .
This chilli has been hyped to the Max and as with anything hyped up no doubt it will leave many people disappointed.

Sad thing is there is so much s&%t being slung about any real perspective about the chilli(s) has long gone and all that is left is personal attacks and petty little bitch fights.

The amount of variation we have seen from a sample of 1 plant and the fact that the Guinness book of records still states that the butch t is the hottest points to one thing at the moment. Nothing has changed and everyone should move on and stop adding to the guerrilla marketing campaign and concentrate on enjoing the great chillis we have now. Hot , medium and mild, sweet small and large. Pointy, round and spikey. Point is people have lost sight of what we are here for.
Get out of here and go and enjoy your plants and positive conversations and posts. Wasn't that the reason you joined up in the first place??
I honestly don't think this problem will get resolved anytime soon, I don't know pepper joe or ed currie or anyone else from the states. Thankfully i'm just a fella a world away who thinks this whole hottest pepper thing is all bs just for someone to capitilize on it.

If people like buying SUPER HOTS they should just buy what they think will be fun to grow with a nice flavour.

I mean no personal offence pepper joe or ed currie but armac has a valid point about information and thats why I've chimed in a few times not because I'm friends with armac or we have a secret conspiracy, the longer this drags on the worse it looks because you guys say you have tested it so whats the problem in putting the info out there?
I have received countless messages about spam man P.J. and how they get no germination or they grow something they didn't buy. I always warn people and give them names of good companies when they ask me. The man spends tons of money on advertising all over facebook and brags about how many likes he has on his Facebook. Any company here could do the same if they wanted to spend the money. As for Ed Currie I think he is a good man but I see where people are coming from. I myself at times wonder WTF is up. I remember hearing about a big press release and all I saw was some shit from a local newspaper. Do I consider Ed a friend ? Yes I do and I hope we all get the answers to the questions we all have.
I do have one question about the yellow pods. Did they come from P.J. or Ed?
I have received countless messages about spam man P.J. and how they get no germination or they grow something they didn't buy. I always warn people and give them names of good companies when they ask me. The man spends tons of money on advertising all over facebook and brags about how many likes he has on his Facebook. Any company here could do the same if they wanted to spend the money. As for Ed Currie I think he is a good man but I see where people are Ocoming from. I myself at times wonder WTF is up. I remember hearing about a big press release and all I saw was some shit from a local newspaper. Do I consider Ed a friend ? Yes I do and I hope we all get the answers to the questions we all have.
I do have one question about the yellow pods. Did they come from P.J. or Ed?
came from Ed ... Ted .
wow.. i thought peppers were things that taste good, give you a rush like it's a class A drug, then gave you ring sting the next day.

Was totally unaware people could make it so political.. let's go back to sharing info and pretty pictures of peppers, rather than 'he said this' blah blah.. it's not fun
It comes down to $$. Think about it, how many seeds are in a pod, according to the one video I watched it was stated "there are a good amount of seeds in these pods" Now how many packs of 10 seeds for $10 can you get from 1 pod?
i don't wanna take sides here - but that's fundamentally the way a business works man.

you try to make a profit out of what *essentially* someone could get off their ass and do it themselves...

the $$ comes from investment costs, overheads, staff costs, capital and moreover - the money they have to give the government in tax for running a legal business...

now, although it might be fine for you guys to trade powder and seeds etc or using paypal dodging all these factors, you will never put food on the table for your family if you do so... you might have a few extra bucks to take out drinking on friday night, but that's the only bill it will pay.

if you put all your time into a business, you NEED to make ends meet. otherwise, you starve, declare bankruptcy, end up having to sell a kidney instead of pepper seeds....

I studied business and economics in college.. though i don't 100% know for a fact why people are whining so much about this (i don't know the facts and really... it's not that important) i do know that these guys are not trying to rob you, they are trying to actually feed and clothe their family and not have to live in a shack.
"[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]SuperHot pics at my website "Pod variations can and will occur".[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]--- this i understand from peppers that were grown OP with other peppers.... but one would think if this was to be introduced as the WORLDS HOTTEST pepper it would be grown in isolation... and if so wouldnt you harvest the seeds from the pods that best meets the phenotype.... why would there be pod (color) variation from this plant if it was "stable" i can see shapes.. but color?? did the parent plants at one point have yellow pods? just didnt make sense....speaking as a consumer... i had struggles with this pepper and germinating.. i did soil and aerogarden and both took 15-30 days.... i know i wasnt the only one....i guess time will tell when other people have pods and they meet the "criteria" of how its suppose to look .. taste.. and how freaking hot it is....[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]j[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]ust saying[/background]
yeah this thread i made wasnt suppose to turn into pissing contests and all this drama just posted what ed told me and that was all and now its 34 pages long damn i dont even know how many responses but oh well carry on it will be locked soon enough if this all keeps up.

i was talking to ed currie today and i asked him when the hp22b seeds are hitting the market and he told me early september so i heard it from the man himself now everyone knows..
this is the first post and look what it turned into lol
I just ordered a pack of the HP22Bs to try it out for myself. Whether or not it is a bit hotter than any of the other superhots means absolutely nothing to me. The reason I decided to try it out for myself is that I saw a few videos online where the people trying it out said it tastes really good. One of the videos was by Robert Slade Russell, who did a really nice job in his vid, and others said basically all of the same things.

Having said this, the intense marketing campaign here turned me off for a while and I was not planning on buying the seeds. Then I figured I was being silly, and that the only way to know whether they are any good is to stick a plant or two in my garden in the spring and go from there. The HP22Bs will be in my 2013 grow log as well as other glogs written by dozens, if not hundreds of other growers here. In about 8 months time or so any marketing of this seed will be completely irrelevant because anyone who wants to know about it will be able to scan through hundreds of reviews by growers all over the world. That is the only test that really matters to me, and that test will ultimately dictate whether the plant is a throwaway or a mainstay in the gardens of heatlovers.

Fighting over what amounts to nothing makes everyone involved look bad. Take your time in figuring out your point of view. Make your point one time, and do not post your argument again unless you have something new to add to the discussion. Be humble enough to understand that you may be wrong from time to time. Admit when you are wrong, stay silent when you are right because you have nothing new to add aside from gloating. Lastly and most importantly, always think of the military saying that goes "always be careful with how you treat people because the toe you step on today may be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow."
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