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I Love Snakes!!!!!!

Snakes are such beautiful and magical creatures. They are so cute, it make you want to pat one!!!!!!

moyboy said:
Snakes are such beautiful and magical creatures. They are so cute, it make you want to pat one!!!!!!


That would be a good picture for Mark to use to promote his Snakebite Sauce.
;):D Meh, it's a pleasure doing business with you too Mr Moy, btw have you found out if that nursing home you applied to is going to accept you? :P
This little beauty comes from outback NSW Australia.

The farmer was rather happy when he found this thing as it had been killing and eating all his lambs for months and months......


We've got an 8ft python living in the neighbour's yard. It's not a pet though... We dont see any rodents which is nice.
moyboy said:
Snakes are such beautiful and magical creatures.

I agree theres many snakes that are beautiful. IMO the rainbow boa is one of'em because of their color & how the light is reflected off them


the snakes you show both look like carpet pythons, I knew you aussies did the fence thing but I forgot as to why & why the electric fence part & why so low ?
Novacastrian said:
Thats nothing:)

Check it out, a snake eating a flaming Kangawallafox....

This is from an herpetologist friend of mine who I emailed the link to:

Hi mate,
Good footage, thanks for sending it! It is a pity the cameraman didn't keep away a bit more, the snake regurgitated the wallaby because of the cameramans presence,often they'll do that when disturbed whilst feeding. I was once called to a scrub python in Cairns that had swallowed an agile wallaby (same species of python and wallaby as the film). The python was about 4m long, and the huge wallaby in its belly acted as an anchor and the python couldn't move! It looked like it was going to pop. And was very hard to relocate without hurting it. I saw pictures of a scrub python eating an adult dingo too. Dingo attacks snake, sorta; snake kills and
eats dingo.

I've not seen al electric fence like that one before, but I can hazard a guess and say that it might be to stop dingoes or wombats digging under it.

Kangaroos would clear it no worries, with about 5ft or more either side of the fence, so it's not for them..
I've got no pitures of it but i was once driving on a fire trail through the scrub out near cobar (middle of NSW), and I came across a king brown. It was 8 foot long and about 4 inches round at it's thickest.

It got into the stricking position and when it was ready to strike it's head was at eye level and I was in a land crusier....:)

We were both locked in a full on mexican stand off for about 30 seconds and the snake won as I was to afraid to get out of the 4x4 to try and get it to move....:lol:

I reversed for 400 metres to find a track that bypassed the snake....
Cobar hey MoyBoy, i lived there for eight years, what a hole!!!

I have heard of people driving over Brown snakes in open top cruisers, sometimes the snake gets wrapped around the wheel and ends up in the cockpit with the driver...lol
Something else to be aware of in the news today:

MALE funnel-web spiders are looking for love in southern Queensland.

Experts are warning visitors and locals to be wary of the potentially deadly spiders, especially over the summer breeding season.

The warning follows the sighting of a male funnel-web at Mount Tamborine, south of Brisbane.
Queensland Museum's funnel-web spider expert Dr Robert Raven said bites were prevalent during summer when males leave burrows in search of mates.

"The local funnel-webs are to be considered every bit as dangerous as the Sydney funnel-web,'' Dr Raven said.

"People should be on the alert for large black spiders walking during or after rain.

"Males actively search for females and wander at night, often during rain.''

He said they were large, black ground-dwelling spiders that quickly rise into the attack position with front legs raised and fangs open.

Any bite from a large black spider at these times should be treated with the utmost care, he said.

"When bitten by a funnel-web, death can occur within 15 minutes,'' Dr Raven said.

"If the victim has been envenomed, severe systemic distress which includes laboured breathing, vomiting, pupils fixed and dilated, is soon evident.''

Anyone bitten should immediately bandage the site and call an ambulance.

While southeast Queensland and northern NSW rainforests are the most common habitat, funnel-webs are also found in suburbs close to dense bushland in Brisbane.
..Oh & I like snakes...they're delicious, well I know the red belly blacks are :(

I also woke up with a king brown on my chest one day....that was a life changing moment lol
bentalphanerd said:
..Oh & I like snakes...they're delicious, well I know the red belly blacks are :(

I also woke up with a king brown on my chest one day....that was a life changing moment lol

Indeed it must have been i like Snakes..But don't what sharing my bed either..How did it go come on lol.on my chest and..:(