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infusing salt, and booze with hot peppers

Searched a bit before posting, but came up with little on infusing salt with hot peppers.
Anyone have a good method?
Also, hoping to match peppers with vodka and tequila for best flavor/ heat ratio.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

Regards, Chris

mmm ketchup

Salt on the other hand I came up blank on too.

But I have bought sea salt, hand mixed in some dried peppers and put in a grinder.

You can also mix in powder with regular table salt.

Thanks Brian.... Still cant find the salt method... I had already conversed with Defcon... Seems like a pretty stable recipe and (insert pepper), flexible.I

Will try your course salt with pepper powder/ flakes... just trying to figure out ratio.... Wayright... we gonna be friends?... I know you make this stuff... so would love your opinion.... Regards, Chris
I did it, too, but not with salt. Its been sitting since last November and I tried it this week again. It is truly wicked stuff. Kind of afraid to add to a drink in any quantity.

Infusing tequila with fresh Datil Peppers... pretty straight forward. First harvest "seconds" about a dozen, tequila blanco, y mason jar... gonna put it in the sun a bit... will update..


OK... so the first round of tequila infusion (about a dozen datil peppers/ mason jar/ tequila blanco) went like this....about two weeks.. skipped the sunlight rotation...


The color change was a heads up of what to expect. I turned this jar out at a party, mini shots no less... Lets just say we were all humming a few bars of ring of fire for the next 24 hours. It went down with the smoothness of gasoline and needless to say left a memorable impression. Although there were a few people who came back for seconds.
The feedback was two fold... "one couldn't taste the tequila" and " that was kinda rough... so I dialed back the remainder by about 75% by adding more fresh tequila.
Moral of the story, about 3-4 datils per mason jar should suffice. Moving on to Vodka...

I diluted the previous infusion by about 3 parts fresh blanco to 1 part infused.
It is still hot directly, but made an interesting margarita.

Not sure how hot peppers are, but I am guessing not lite on the heat.

I infused some salt too... pm me with your addy and I will send you some.
Would love your feedback.

Regards, Chris