• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

JJJ 2013 Glog- C'est fini. -awmost.

So,I may as well grow them, eh?

I started back gardening last year, but I left it to my co-gardener mostly to come up with pepper plants. We had some Bells, and Cayenne, a Carrot pepper, a black Jap, Hungarian sweet, maybe a Bullnose, Then I bought a 4 pack each of Anaheims and Jimmy Nardellos. I set out a little Shoshito start in July and it had a lot of fruit considering. Nothing here to write home about. The Jimmy's did ok. 2 of the Anaheims weren't true (and a cow at half of one of them), one did ok. The last one I planted in a new asparagus bed and the first week some sucky bug drilled it right in forehead and wilted the top. I started to pull it out, but thought, "no harm to leave it to see what would happen". I pinched the wilt off. That pepper forked an by frost it had held its own with the asparagus which hit about 6 foot. I pulled the whole plant day before frost, and it had about 50 nice peppers on it. I blistered and smoked them all.

But this year I'm gonna be pepper pro-active. Thanks to Durham Bull, I have a treasure house of Capscium genes -Bhuts, Scorpions, and the likes -none of which I'd ever heard of a year ago. The generosity of this community seems to only be matched by it passion for peppers. I dig it. Plus I was in at another site with an online seed blind swap and ended up with some mildly hot goodies.

Well I've never grown a pepper from seed. Never. So yet another new door. Bought a heat mat, I've got onions about to come off it now. After Spicy Chicken's glog, I liked his grow station and thought I'd buy some shelves and put overhead fluorescent on them. I had a domestic conversation about where to put the shelves and lost amicably. So I guess I'll have to finally clean out my toolshed after only 4 years to make room.


It has a skylight about, 30" x 96", but no heat, no electricity. But I think I can get by with an extension cord, and will have to pick up a little propane heater to knock the chill off. Peppers aren't safe outside here until mid-May.

Yesterday, I got my shelves assembled with one light installed - a 4x4' T8 fixture w/ 6500ks.


Plan is to wire them on to a gang of light switches, maybe a timer, cover it with Reflectrix movable curtains, some small fans.

I'd appreciate any advice, especially since I'm in the early build phase.

I'm shooting for about 100-150 plants if there's room -some to wind up in rows, some in beds, some into containers, some to share

A friend is sending me some more seeds today I believe, so I'll be closer to a final grow list when I see what that brings.

Thanks for reading and for any words of wisdom you can share.
It's funny, the ripening seems to happen overnight, just as the seedlings appear out of nowhere.
I like those Jimmy Nardello's. I use to grow alot of Melrose for frying purposes but have switched to the Nard's the last few seasons.
I just cut up some Fatalii's for the dehydrator...while not paying attention on what I was doing, I rubbed my face which is now on fire.....not the 1st time for that......lol
 We're already getting a tad of chill in the mornings that's more like late August than July, and I heard a migrating flock of Grackles or Starling light in the tree tops last evening. That's also an autumn sign on the early side.
Serrano -pedigree unknown

They are starting to pick up some heat at last.
Aji Colorado

Nice flavor even at this stage an won't be a scorcher. I think this is gonna be a fav for me.
The super bed on 7/29/13

With a panorama on the Naga/Hab end.

Lots of buds, flowers and tiny fruit. Hope we have 60 days of summer-like weather left.
Strainin' to look brainy

Initial pods on a Mouroga

A sturdy looking plant, but the slowest to pod in my patch.
Some NON Action
Green Stripe Cushaw

In my book, the best of all possible pumpkins.
The Maiz Morado

Just starting to tassle.
Purple Majestics

Planted early and at about 90 days the vines all died back in mass. I thought they had blighted. I dug a few on the row end they t'weren't much to brag about.
A few weeks later, giving them some cure time, I went to the middle of the row and these all came out of the same hole. .

Over 3 lbs.I can dig it.
Gratuitous salsa shot

 soaking up some smoke as I type.
Thanks for reading
Tomatillos, Sawyer.
Don't ask me why I didn't grow some this year cause I don't know. They make a mean green salsa.
Smoke'em if you got'em! What a great grow you got going on brotha! Nice taters too! Corn skyscrapers...what don't you got goin on! Haha, like Greg said, in a few weeks it'll be like you flipped a switch and turned all the color on...BAM! Then a few weeks later as your pulling the last of round one on all those early birds...those slow starters like your Moruga will start to ripen as the first plants load up for round two...Ahhhh, what a great time of year!
Carl outstanding work and I second everyone else’s comments plus the pictures are great! You’ve got a great grow going brethren and the foodie is … well I gtg and eat now, lolz.

Have a great week brethren!
This must be the horse latitudes of pepper ripening; I've still only pulled a few hot cherries and Thai chilies that were red.
Can't wait until the Pepper Ripening Fairy hits that switch, :D
It will happen I'm sure.
Bloom production is slowing some. Been raining about once or twice a week.
I can feel that fall intensity in the sun and air even though we're only hitting the mid 80s. Very few 90° days this year -so far.

That cushaw vine is bound and determined to get in the pepper bed.
Marked as Yellow T. Scorpions
But I'm not seeing a stinger.I'm just a beginner in Pepper ID, but beginning get a handle on the fruit and leaf forms.
Dorset Nagas have set about the heaviest pods.

I think I've got about 9 or ten Dorset Nagas. Somebody is getting naga-something for Christmas.
Scotch "not so" Bonnets.

Scotch Balloons maybe. 
Chocolate T. Scorpions

With a stinger finally.
Orange Habaneros

Birgit's Locato

About 4.5' now. Not a lot of fruit, but I've eaten a few and the flavor is going to be interesting.
Thanks for reading,
Nice poddage !
I like'm Dorset Naga....................any of the Morich's
The Scotch Bonnet's that are in the picture look like the "Papa Joe's Mkt" variety...which are crevassed from top to bottom, actually a pretty good tasting pod.
I dig that photo of the Serrano's and the shot of the sheet pans on the grill........those are seasoned.
JJJessee said:
Thanks, Bull, your babies lookin' fine.
Thanks, PIC1, for the heads-up on the Bonnys. Pick 'em yellow or red? Those pans seen action since the '80s.
If those are the pods I'm thinking of.....they'll turn yellow
I'm all about old cooking gear............................and a good old bottle of Rum isn't bad either...
Looking good, JJJ.  You're about to have your hands full of ripe pods.  What do you plant to do with them all?  Sauces, salsas, powders, all of the above?
Edit:  plan, not plant.  I've got plants on the brain.
Thanks guys, I think I'm finally in front of the heat production curve  :woohoo: to keep me in salsa at least.
But if it doesn't stop raining, I'm gonna need a bunch of PFDs. (Pepper Flotation Device)
I pulled 3 red Dorset nagas and even have a Bhut starting to blush.

Plenty of cherezos are red, and the first of many Birgits getting orange


For some reason, I'm psyched more about trying the flavor on these than any other.
7P Jonah

I think these are Aji Dulces

Orange habs that didn't linger long at orange

nothing like what we get at the grocers around here (I hope)
Alma Paprika trying to hide. I've got about 6-7 of these plants. This is the best though.


Last photo
My grasshopper controller
Pia, you may wanna stop here

Thanks for reading
Ask me how much water is in my rain storage tank.