• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

LanMan's 2012 Grow Log now with pods!!!

So away we go!

The List:
Butch-T 3
Chocolate Habanero 16
Brain Strain 3
Large Yellow Scorpion Cardi 9
Yellow 7-Pot 7
Bishops Crown 10
Red Bhut 6
Aji Yellow 9
Yellow Bhut 3
Hot Paper Lantern 6
Labuya 6
Yellow Scotch Bonnet 9
Black Naga 7
Yellow Trinidad Scorpion 7
Red Fatalii 7
Bhut Indian Carbon 1 as of today
Moruga Scorpion 9
Billyboy Dougla 5
Red 7-Pot 12
Assorted Unknown Habaneros 13

The Seedflat

Mabye some will come up, mabye all will come up. Who knows? I'll keep my fingers crossed and will be happy to have one of all sprout but I'm not usually that lucky.
I go home every two weeks so I'll update every two weeks. Thanks for watching, now back to your regularly scheduled programing.
Yep. everything is really starting to grow. Almost everyone of my plants have flowers.

I now have baby pods on my
yellow 7 pot
red fatalii
hot paper lantern
black naga
Those are some good porn you have, i hope seeing more of em, also seeing you eaten a butch T on video, lol, just kidding there.
Yep I know they will hurt me and I can't wait! The funny thing is my 11 year old wants to try one but habs burn him out. I told him it will hurt :hell: and he said he didn't care he just wants to try one of the hottest peppers.

I am really looking foreward to trying....well all of them :D
I had to pick my biggest Yellow-7 due to a little brown spot that started to grow. almost no heat. Must have just not been ready. Sorry batteries were dead on the camera
Here is another pepper that is suffering from the brown spot. I picked it and ate it as well. It had nice heat and burned around the edges of the tounge. It is a Black Naga

Here is the yellow-7pot that had to be picked the other day for the same spot. The seeds inside where the spot was were kinda black.


Anyone know what the spot is? it is making an appearence on another yellow-7pot already?!?!?
Things in the garden are really looking good!


My son with his 'not'labuya






Clockwise from the top.
Black Naga, Red fatalii turned yellow, unknown, red Fatalii, moruga, minijalapeno and paper lantern
Nice looking garden LanMan.
Same thing happened to my yellow 7 pot...black seeds. It has been rainning a lot here. Could be over-watering.
I have been gone for a while but I am here today so I will treat you with some pics of my bountyful harvests





I want to thank all of you that have helped get me these seeds that sprout fire!!!
I have pounds frozen and dried. Also gave away probabily 5lbs at my new job. These things produce like crazy. I pick about a pound every 2 days
2012 is coming to a close. Thanks to everyone who gave me seeds and helped me get started. Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year.

Time to make a new list and get some seeds started for next year!!

Happy Holidays