Lee´s 2009 Grow season

Pimenta da Neyde
FiveStar said:
Wooooooooow..... Not much room left in the greenhouse huh lee?

Looks GREAT! I can't believe the growth on those plants! How tall is that Rhom now? Hell they all look like 3-4 footers, but Rhom looks more like 7!

Thx 5*. Got 2 plants in there. Rocopica and CAP217

Tallest rhom is about 6 I guess..
How about those Aji Crystals flavor? I've never tried them, but I've heard they're better immature? Just wondering how the flavor changes as they get ripe.
FiveStar said:
How about those Aji Crystals flavor? I've never tried them, but I've heard they're better immature? Just wondering how the flavor changes as they get ripe.

You right they should taste better when immature and will taste a mature one this weekend. Will harvest some different varieties this weekend and can't wait to have a go at the fatalii and PDN. I always split chilli's in half before I have a taste but that fatalli.. hmm not sure. Any suggestions :D

btw, thx for all the kind reply's, appreciate it very much
Pepper-Guru said:

Well yeah, that one is pretty much a gimme. I didn't mean HOW they change, like the mechanism. I meant how the ripe flavor differed from the different immature stages. I've heard they are fruitier and more citrusy when immature, which seems counter-intuitive since most green peppers taste... well... green! But I've not heard how they taste when ripe and how different the flavor really was.
Haven't posted to this thread in a while but it is always a pleasure to visit and see Lee's spectacular plants. Way to go Lee, I see that you are having quite the season. All your plants look gorgeous! I especially like the "look" of the Aji Cristal...killer!

What kind of temps are you having now in the Netherlands?

PeteyPepper said:
Haven't posted to this thread in a while but it is always a pleasure to visit and see Lee's spectacular plants. Way to go Lee, I see that you are having quite the season. All your plants look gorgeous! I especially like the "look" of the Aji Cristal...killer!

What kind of temps are you having now in the Netherlands?


Temps at the moment are about 68 with a lot of rain.. but can't complain because we have a nice summer with lot's of sun too. Next week we should be in 80ties again :).

How is the weather there?, I know some of you are scorching under the sun.
lee said:
Temps at the moment are about 68 with a lot of rain.. but can't complain because we have a nice summer with lot's of sun too. Next week we should be in 80ties again :).

How is the weather there?, I know some of you are scorching under the sun.

In Philadelphia it has been a rather cool summer by our standards. Typically the average temperatures range in the high 80's from mid-July through mid-August with an ample supply of 90 degree + days and high humidity. This year, we haven't seen a ninety degree day all summer with the average daytime temp in the low 80's and low humidity.

Now in AJ's part of the country, I think that temps have been a little hotter... :lol:
btw tried a fatalii yesterday.. Just as I expected it :mouthonfire:, tasted very sweet too and even my Heinie tasted sweet and the heat was pretty intense.
Red Savina from last year

After cutting it down earlier this year I potted it to a larger container. Hope it will make a nice bonchi

Savina June 2009.
Seems that I be out of the business for a while.. Had some kind of an accident a while ago where I dislocated my shoulder/arm. Luckily it snapped back into place.. but I need to have surgery on my bicep muscle or whatever..
The bad news is that it takes at least 12 weeks+ to recover :(:pray::banghead:
Lucky you only dislocated your shoulder, didn't your parents tell you would go blind if you kept doing that:shocked:

Seriously though Lee, I hope you get better soon ;)