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LV's 2009 Season

My habs are continuing to produce some good pods. Being typical Bunnings seedlings all the so called red habs ended up being orange ones. A bit of a surprise was two orange ones I got ended up being red ones.

Put a rather sad looking naga in the ground early in the year, it has taken off a bit and started producing some nice pods.

My little harvest the other day, the yellowish pods are some type of hab. No idea which variety though.


full size image of harvest
Good stuff! Glad to see you getting some pod porn pics up Tony.
How ya fish going?

Edit: The yellow habs look like Peach to me.
Novacastrian said:
Good stuff! Glad to see you getting some pod porn pics up Tony.
How ya fish going?

Edit: The yellow habs look like Peach to me.

The fish are going great, can't get over how quickly they're gaining size well a couple of them anyway seem to have doubled in size.

A peach hab you say, it had me fooled at first. I kept waiting for them to go orange, couldn't work out why they were rotting and dropping off the bush the penny finally dropped.

SeeYouJimmy said:
Nice one LV, that's odd you actually got a non-orange hab..... ;) Is that your Inferno in there too?

Nah not Inferno's, it would be a mix of Asian and African birdseyes.
My latest small harvest


Some choc habs from the plants I got off Mick Stillman, a few nagas, birdseyes, and some more orange and peach habs.

Not a great season my plants all look pretty crappy, them seem to do well for ages the go downhill. I'll get it right sooner or later I guess.
Good soil 101 :D

Here is what you need to do LV, care less. If you have nice soil the plants need bugger all buggerising.
You need that good soil base to start with then it's all happy happy joy joy. The patch that i use to grow my biggest plants is about a foot deep of nice kind of sandy normal dirt with a clay base. Over the winter i have have fires on the patch and any lawn clippings also go on there. When i get closer to planting i throw cow and pony poop on there and turn that in. Any road kill that i saw on the way to work also went in, a cat a rabbit a couple of birds it's all good just give them time to break down and make sure you bury them at least a foot under to stop any dogs trying to dig your patch up. If i had K.Rudd i would have buried him in there too :)
I was thinking the same Nova, my beans haven't done well in the same soil. The sweet corn is going great guns though. Need to put a lot more work into the soil for next season.