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contest March TD, African

What's your pick for March's TD?

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I voted for ramen, but have since changed my mind. But, if we do ramen, I'll do African anyway - I win on both counts. LOL
The fun thing about ramen is, like someone earlier said, it's so terrible that people have had to do strange things to it to make it palatable.
Freaky things.
There are books like, "100 ways to cook ramen" and stuff like that.
It's legendary with college kids and people on a tight budget.
Like Busch Light.

If African wins, I'm not going to incorporate Ramen. That would be foolish.
With all of the creative minds here, it would be fun to see what we all do with those cheap noodles.

Marcie's gonna Marcie out on the next TD again???
Your name has become a verb. Go figure. :)

You are to backing out of a TD what Paul is to winning with an all you can eat buffet for kings.
One can Marcie a TD, and one can Paulky a TD.
Except Paulky has Marcied the last few.
It'd be nice if Marcie Paulkyd the next one for a triumphant comeback!
Hahaha. I noticed Marcie marcied too. And to paulky is to spend over $100!
Marcie's gonna Marcie out on the next TD again???
Your name has become a verb. Go figure. :)

You are to backing out of a TD what Paul is to winning with an all you can eat buffet for kings.
One can Marcie a TD, and one can Paulky a TD.
Except Paulky has Marcied the last few.
It'd be nice if Marcie Paulkyd the next one for a triumphant comeback!

FD4- better add that to the list of definitons- :lol:
sorry but if african wins im not gonna do it

thats just dumb
a little racist don't you think

West Sudanese cuisine is real easy to whip up!
How is that racist? Just because people that live in that region have dark skin doesn't mean that making social commentary, as an attempt at humor (albeit possibly in poor taste), is racist.
It's not racist - it's more just misinformed. Africa has an absurdly wide range of cuisine... why would that be dumb? People are acting as if people in Africa don't eat unless it's canned food we send.
Ignore the ignorant.

This is People's Choice, everyone has a vote, and the majority will win. If you don't want to enter, don't enter.

Back on track.
Boss is secretly stacking the votes....hixs, super, TB, Habheat, are all gonna wake up in the morning and be like, "I don't remember voting....."

May I make a point that seems to be over looked here?
I am indeed the end user in these friendly little cooking competitions as well as a financial contributor so I do think my vote does count!!
Oy. Someone somewhere didn't read everything THP said. Originally, in summary, what he said was:
- Suggestions for cuisines should be limited to those who participate; and
- Voting is open to all.
A little Scovetry:

If Scovie was here with us today...
I think he'd raise a glass, and say...
I don't know what all the tensity's for...

That is all.
LOL...yeah right.

Scovie's the one dude with whom I'd actually be afraid to tie one on.

<check out my kick ass grammar and shit...>
Compromise- this is not a closed club. This is the The Hot Pepper not exclusive cook-off club.It's your choice to participate or not. New members have the right to participate , otherwise what's the point? A compromise would be you get your way. Ramen this month and African next. That'll give you the time to get ready to prepare against the African boyo. Start sweating, cos I'm gonna win both contests.I live in the land of Ramen, I'll just order in and the local chef here to do photos, with eggs.Just kidding, I say, keep the punters happy, give them the Ramen and we wait until next month. I'd like to keep the good "spirit" and fun here going.
Relax Bootsie, the whole point of the vote is we do the winning one! Now everyone stop and get back to voting. Sheesh. Ridiculous. Figured people's choice would be cool but you guys are acting like it's not really people's choice. If African wins, it means it was the people's choice! Same for any of them.

No more bickering or I'll choose something totally different.
Relax Bootsie, the whole point of the vote is we do the winning one! Now everyone stop and get back to voting. Sheesh. Ridiculous. Figured people's choice would be cool but you guys are acting like it's not really people's choice. If African wins, it means it was the people's choice! Same for any of them.

No more bickering or I'll choose something totally different.

You wouldn't dare! You're all talk!
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