Moonshine machine
Lots of cool copper stils.

Video is cool too.

Another link
it dosent get any simpler than lab glassware.

i would scour ebay for the parts piecemeal no need to buy new... but that link lists pretty much everything you need.

grahm condensor, still head, 105 bend, flask up to 5000ml, etc.
i would recommend a flat bottom flask tho, as large heating mantles;which you need to heat round flasks, are expensive.
to dilute properly you would check your abv with a hydrometer and slowly add water to dilute taking hydrometer readings to get to 40% or 80 proof

...Or, multiply the volume of spirit that you have by the alcohol % then divide by the desired alc % and then you have the total volume you need to dring it up to with water.

eg. 80% abv x 10 litres divide by 40 (% abv) = 20 (litres total after water is added)

or subtract the original volume of alcohol from the final figure to give the amount of water to add to it.

20 litres minus 10 litres= 10 litres of water needed to add to arrive at 40% abv .

If you want chilli in you grog, add it after distillation , same as for flavourings for liquers, otherwise,
you may not get the flavour out of the equipment.
You dont want any unwelcome taints in it if you're gonna make a good whiskey, rum or bourbon.
For me, making it at home is about going for quality that you couldn't otherwise afford.

If you macerate chillis in alc above 80% abv you wont need much more than a few days to get the flavour and colour out.
it's a very effective solvent.
at 40% ABV it'll work just as well but take a bit (not too much) longer.
You wont need much chilli at all as the heat and flavour will be accentuated by the Alcohol.
sometimes less is more, unless you're making a 'mad dog repellent' :)

easy and cheap enough to make your own equipment , plenty of designs and different systems.
You cant go past using Copper in the reflux and cooling as it has some beneficial catalytic effect of the final product.

You may find answers to any questions here.