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greenhouse My new (8ft x 12ft) Greenhouse

I have a very similar greenhouse, but it got quite mangled this winter. I left the door open a bit, and the wind blew out the 3 back panels and ripped the base(not brick) apart:( I hope its still salvagable but I'll have to wait till the snow melts to find the panels. Its about 4 or 5 years old now

I hope it's not too much hard work to get it together again. The thought of still having snow is making me feel cold.
Nice work!, Jealous isn't the right word...:liar:

My GH :shh:

Mine looks exactly like that Lee, except I only have one shelf on one side. Busted the door zipper all to hell. Got it on super-clearance though so it works better than I'd hoped for the price.
caroltlw said:
Mine looks exactly like that Lee, except I only have one shelf on one side. Busted the door zipper all to hell. Got it on super-clearance though so it works better than I'd hoped for the price.

I got it for a fair price.. I wont be using those shelfs, they to small. I will make some kind of custom shelf.:)

I grow my plants in containers and I think 6 plants is max. for that mini GH. I bought that actually for my wilds who like the humid conditions.
Footprint is about 5x5
Hi Guys, Here are a couple of update pics of the greenhouse...

This is a Ramiro sweet pepper around 4 inches long already.
It's going really well, there isn't much space left for Toms but the chillis are flourishing in the natural light so I cant resist removing more from indoors. I have at least 20 plants with pods at various stages of growth, most are Annuum but also a few Frutescens and even Chinenses such as Goronong, 7 Pod and Naga Morich.
I thought i'd jumped the gun by sowing in November but it seems to be paying of now.
dang, Twang, I can't wait till I can have a greenhouse! Random question though, where did you get all of those metal stands?
Hi guys, Here are some pics of the greenhouse. It's kinda full...
The view from the garden
Lots of stuff other than chillis, including the huge Tomato plants.
Goronong with small pods ripening
C. Chacoense - Covincho, with pods

just one more to come...
C. Cardenasii- Ulupica flower, I noticed it has set fruit today.

I absolutely love having a greenhouse, and it seems the plants do too. Best £££ I ever spent:)
Looking great Twang! Those Goronong pods sure are cool looking, but I found the taste a bit dissapointing however I'd like to know what you think of them
Scorpion said:
Excellent green house and plants mate, im jealous here in aus as we are heading into a cold spell for a while!


And here in Ohio after tonight, we will be starting to plant. Actually, I started a couple of weeks ago and am worried - 36 degrees with a frost warning.

My goal is that when the end of my season comes in six months, I'll be able to extend it by using a GH.
