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My Shameful Addiction

First of all I'd like to share a very disturbing sight. I was visiting a friend at the Military Rabbinate and was I saw was shocking... two 15kg (33lb) cases of dried chiles sent to be burned (apparently it's "leavened"). OMFG! NO!!! I was all like, "give to me... it's ok! I'll keep it aside until after Passover..." and they said no. I cried a bit. :shocked:

Anyhow, back to my shameful addiction.
I know most of you people are liking it all natural, organic and homemade... well I do to, but it doesn't change the fact I'm addicted to fast food. I regularly eat Burger King, McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken (when available) and *enjoy* it so much! those McNuggets are heavenly! that charcoal grilled double (and sometimes tripled) Garlic-JalapeƱo whopper is delicious! Filet-o-fish? YES PLEASE! Extra crispy? oh what the heck... I like it ALL! Also my meals are massive! one burger just isn't enough... two aren't either. sometimes I find myself buying one of those kiddie burgers at McDonald's only to have that meaty flavor while eating my Chicken order. it's disgusting, I know... but that's it. feels good admitting it. :)

While we're at it, I'll eat some McDonald's in a minute or so.

Good day.
Dude, I'm not going to sit here and say fast food is healthy, because we all know it's not. But if you enjoy it good for you. I'm sick and tired of everyone bashing them. Don't eat it all day everyday and there's nothing wrong with it if you enjoy it! I used to do the Passover thing when I was younger :-p
I love fast food until I eat it. Then I feel sick for a while. Then I forget that sick feeling and remember the tase. Repeat.
Novacastrian said:
Fatty fatty fat fat.:P

I love Mcdonalds chippies!
Last I checked I was 187lb... that's NOT fat. I'm well-built.

*runs away crying*

Mmmm... I'm really enjoying that McDonald's meal right now.
I too love fast food...when i'm in the mood for it. However, I do try to limit how much of it I eat, cause I don;t want to get fat and I'm close. :lol:
I used to eat it everyday when I worked in the field, then I stopped when I went back to school and can not eat it anymore because it kills my insides. I do love the flavor of a mcdonalds hamburger though.
I also like some BK or McD sometimes. Not too often but especially when we work hard in the garden and have no time or nerve to cook. Years ago hey had the sour dough burger at BK in the US... Soooo yummy!:oops:
McGoo said:
I love fast food until I eat it. Then I feel sick for a while. Then I forget that sick feeling and remember the tase. Repeat.

I'm the same McGoo, it seems like a good idea buying it then once it hits your stomach those feelings change.

My younger boy has just started working at KFC, I've made it clear DO NOT bring home any food.

He also said he is never eating the gravy or potato and gravy ever again. :lol:
texas blues said:
Riiiiigghhht. 500 mikes of lysergicacid diathylamide at a time.

Cheers, TB.
Well...ya...there is that... :lol:

Armadillo said:
Health is about more than just to EAT healthy, IGGY! :lol:

True, I also work out 3 times a week, don't have a cell phone (no EMR for me please), don't watch tv, don't get flu shots (no murcury for me please) and many other things to stay healthy outside of a strict diet ;)
imaguitargod said:
True, I also work out 3 times a week, don't have a cell phone (no EMR for me please), don't watch tv, don't get flu shots (no murcury for me please) and many other things to stay healthy outside of a strict diet ;)

So you get osteoarthrosis by workout, can't dial 911 in an outdoor emergency, miss the health advice shows and the storm warning on TV, get overwhelmed by asian flu... It's sooo dangerous to live healthy....:lol:
Armadillo said:
So you get osteoarthrosis by workout, can't dial 911 in an outdoor emergency, miss the health advice shows and the storm warning on TV, get overwhelmed by asian flu... It's sooo dangerous to live healthy....:lol:

Hey, you guys can clog your arteries, ruin your sexual prowles all you want by eating that crap fast food. I'll be standing over here eating fresh food out of my garden.

: walks over to the garden :

: sink hole opens up and swallows Iggy whole :

: bus appears out of no ware and falls in said sinkhole onto Iggy :

: bird flies by over head and poops on bus :
imaguitargod said:
: walks over to the garden :

: sink hole opens up and swallows Iggy whole :

: bus appears out of no ware and falls in said sinkhole onto Iggy :

: bird flies by over head and poops on bus :

STILL answers to the name of "Lucky":lol:
imaguitargod said:
Hey, you guys can clog your arteries, ruin your sexual prowles all you want by eating that crap fast food. I'll be standing over here eating fresh food out of my garden.

: walks over to the garden :

: sink hole opens up and swallows Iggy whole :

: bus appears out of no ware and falls in said sinkhole onto Iggy :

: bird flies by over head and poops on bus :

Like I said before...

Reward: Answers to the name "Lucky".

Chewbacka, Trombone.
imaguitargod said:
Hey, you guys can clog your arteries, ruin your sexual prowles all you want by eating that crap fast food.

i use eat fast food all the time - i had no choice because at the time where i worked, i had to other choices... i am 38 years old and my wife is 22... no "sexual prowles" going on here..lol

ever notice when you here of people dieing, the quotes are " he was so healthy, he jogged everyday, watched what he ate...dead at 35 of a heart attack..."...lmao

just like everything, its all in moderation. if you want to eat it, then eat it, just dont eat if everyday.