• Start a personal food blog, or, start a community food thread for all.


Tried my hand at doing Mexican for the first time ever and ended up with this.... 
The foundation and some homemade guacamole. I got NFI what guacamole is supposed to taste like, never done it before....it ended up tasting flat, like it was missing something.I noticed some recipes include Tabasco. So I added a good dash of Tabasco and a fair whack of lime juice and it perked it up nicely. 

Beef, Kidney Beans, chopped onion, crushed tomatoes and a decent helping of Cumin, Coriander, Cayenne pepper and Chilli flakes simmering away


uber splooge

This is how far  I got before throwing in the towel

That's my dinner for the rest of the month taken care of!   :D 
As we all know, Mexican food kicks ass, and thus this can be the official nacho thread. Show us your wizardry! 
sicman said:
Getting drug kicking and screaming to some stupid a$$ party tonight that doesnt start till ten. WTF? Are we vampires :rolleyes:  Bored and need to stay half way sober so i can even make it till that late. Stuffing my belly with nachos because my sweet wife burned the H, E double hockey sticks out of some pork chops. I wont get into why she burned them,ofcourse it wasnt her fault, :rofl:
This is the kind of party where im sure some jerk off will pull a guitar out by the fire and not even know how to tune his guitar let alone play it,lol. Oh well gotta make momma happy.
Say it really slow.
Thats rock 'n roll food Sic.
I'd go all bongo fury on them nachos.
And keep yer' stinkin' hands off my guitar.
Senoritas and chulas only get to touch.
Don't make me kumbaya your ass with Marshall 50w amplifamojofication.
JayT said:
What happened to your nachos GM?  
I reckon GM was practicing some PMD.
Or more likely just drunk.
'Side's....GM's posted hundred's of pics if not 1,000's of food pics.
And then there's the one time he doesn't.
I agree with Jay.
Torches and pitchforks.
JayT said:
What happened to your nachos GM?  
I posted somewhere that I didn't have chips like I thought and made a sammich ...
It's on tonight. I have something in mind that I can't ignore any longer ...
Dream food.
It's happening.
No guarantee of success, but imma try ...
Entre Nous.
DIg it.
Leftover 80/20 chuck flat topped with garlic, onions, fresno chile and ancho chile lime powder.
I farmed the pic of that.
Transferred to Black Betty.
Layered cheapass Mission tore tillah chips and then cheapass Kroger brand schredded jack and cheddar.
Topped that with the carne, tomato. green o's, and black olive.
Gave it a sauna in the oven @375 for a few ticks.

And then....
Gave it some squeezin's n' pleazzin's of lime and lime Baja Splooge.

Now don't this just make you harder than Chinese 'rithmatic?

Invented in Mexico.
Made famous and bastardized by Texans.
Muchas gracias Ignacio.