New Batch of Naga Snakebite Private Reserve Now Ready

Just ordered 2 bottles. Can't wait to try it!!!

gonna grap one of ebay sure its going to be an education for my tastebuds,hab orange is my hottest chilli/sauce ive tried and seeing as im growing some naga morich,id better try an expert sauce of it..anybody recomend what to eat it with first time..or take it RAW :mouthonfire::lol:
talas said:
gonna grap one of ebay sure its going to be an education for my tastebuds,hab orange is my hottest chilli/sauce ive tried and seeing as im growing some naga morich,id better try an expert sauce of it..anybody recomend what to eat it with first time..or take it RAW :mouthonfire::lol:

Heh, jus eat it. It's not THAT hot, but will burn a bit lomger than habs ya have.
I already did a vid of it. ;)

Shake it WELL...

Oh, and if orange habs are yer hot..betetr beware the Naga..seriously. Not kidding. Whole new level there.

I can eat a orange hab and feel the nice burn..but Naga..well..that's hurty.

When I grow 'em pods I'll do it though....I told Neil I'd do a vid..but im working up to that shit. Heheh.

Tell ya what, if ya skeered, I'll eat a whole teaspoon of SBPR straight on Youtube jus for kicks. Lemme know. ;)

Prob is, I already ate 1/2 my bottle...

Got mine yesterday!

I was careful and tried it with a toothpick first. I immediately noticed the fruity aroma, even the carrot taste was there, but not too much. The burn came a little later and was nice, not overwhelmingly hot, but that's good, it makes it a truemulti-purpose sauce.

I can't wait to try it as/in pasta sauce.

After the first cautious try I decided to try it on a roll with some vegetable/mustard spread I discovered in the store a few days ago. Accidently, about a teaspoon of SB made it onto the roll, so I said WTF, here goes nothing. I tasted good, was hot (of course), but still tasty - very good!

I'm a happy customer and very glad I ordered two bottles. I have a hunch, one won't last for too long! :)

Thumbs up! Way to go!
theres much more taste than i imagined there would be,dont no what i was expecting..all heat i suppose,but the deep flavour it has certainly would complement a number of dishes..agree Chiliac its moresome and wont last long :lol:
Thats the thing with's a different kind of heat compared to an extract sauce. SBPR was my first foray into 'super-hot' and the Naga. I wanted a natural sauce to do it with.

Loved it. Now I want more.

I just ate about 2/3 of a red savina, and while fricking hot, it tasted womderful. I can still taste (and feel) it like 10 min later. Awesome.

I got the feeling I'm in trouble if I get used to eating the raw peppers...I ate the fatali and the savina pods in the same day, and want more. What else is there after that?

Oh right, I got Naga yet to eat. :cool:

QuadShotz red savina about same as growing the nagas?..keep hearing about the taste and heat of this plant gonna grap me some seeds from somewhere.Thank You.:)
talas said:
QuadShotz red savina about same as growing the nagas?..keep hearing about the taste and heat of this plant gonna grap me some seeds from somewhere.Thank You.:)

I can't speak much for growing them yet as I'm just starting myself. I say, just do it. :D

Here's a good bunch of information though:

Growing Information

Far as how hot one pepper versus another is, well, that's kind of subjective. One pepper grown one way may not be as hot as another pepper grown the same way, even on the same plant. I would still expect a Naga to be 'hotter' than a normal habenaro, even the Red Savina. Then of course, it's all about how YOU percieve the heat from a pepper. and the link above have good information. Of course, there's tons of info. and help right here at THP too. :)

Hope that's useful.

Quad's right: Just do it! The best way to find out of you like a pepper or not is to try it. I am growing Red Savinas for the first time myself this season, so I lack the experience to give you further info.
12 pod naga oil is good from chillipepperpete :mouthonfire:

don't feed leftovers to cat tho .....:shocked:

Quads I had to use the 4 quart Jug from Joe' just bigger
Looked all over the place...Then checked with and found out that they are all out...:( Guess I'll just have to wait...Does sound like a great sauce and can't wait to get my hands on some.
Pepperfreak said:
Looked all over the place...Then checked with and found out that they are all out...:( Guess I'll just have to wait...Does sound like a great sauce and can't wait to get my hands on some.
Aye, great taste.
I need to get some more. :)