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New starwars

They just announced that Michael Arndt (Little Miss Sunshine) is going to write the screenplay. He did Toy Story 3 and the new Hunger Games, so it looks like they are still going after the younger audience. I hope they realize that most fans are middle aged now and they tailor the new films to that demographic.
They just announced that Michael Arndt (Little Miss Sunshine) is going to write the screenplay. He did Toy Story 3 and the new Hunger Games, so it looks like they are still going after the younger audience. I hope they realize that most fans are middle aged no/w and they tailor the new films to that demographic.
little sunshne was a awesome movie! very funny very in your face dark comedy. toy story 3 rocks. and hunger games was a cool movie" sounds like dude is pretty good at entertaining everyone?.
I guess it all depends on what direction they take. If the stories do not have anything to do with certain characters, they may always throw them in as a cameo for brand recognition. Chewi in episode III perfect example. No use in the story but just thrown in.
Just read that Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill are optimistic about returning. Ford said he would be open to the idea, but only if he gets a death scene
I wonder if they'll bring chewi back also all grey haired like Ford?

Probably not, because Wookies don't age as quickly as humans. In fact, Chewie was already more than 200 years old during the original trilogy.

As for Michael Arndt being brought in to write the film, it gives me some hope, but also raises some questions. The dialogue between characters in Little Miss Sunshine was what made that film great, IMO. So if he can create memorable dialogue for Episode VII, it might be better received than Episodes I-III.
Agree about the dialogue, but then I think to Toy Story 3 - where they're all on the conveyor belt to the furnace, crying & holding hands facing certain death (while I was thinking "what the fock is this?!?!?") and I'm a little a'skeer'd.

Saw that about Harrison Ford - odd since he's on record as saying he hated the original trilogy. Be nice to see Mark Hamil get some work. What'd he do after Jedi, Corvette Summer? Yeesh.

I'm optimistic though. Disney did an awesome job with Pirates (until they milked it one too many times) and the marvel properties.
To be fair, the plot for Toy Story 3 was better than any of the prequel films. So if anything, that gives me some hope for Episode VII's plot.

Having Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill in the films are an absolute must too. They don't really need to be the main characters. But they definitely need to be there in some capacity, to help create the connection between the sequel trilogy and the original. Without them in it, you might as well call it Star Flop.

BTW, Mark Hamill has had plenty of work since Star Wars, most notably as a voice actor. He just hasn't gotten close to the success he experienced during SW.

Anyhow, only time will tell. I'm back and forth right now on the new trilogy. But the mega Star Wars fanboy in me is feeling optimistic that Disney won't crap the bed on this one.


yeah... disney doing stuff to these films is scary indeed... although, they did a good job staying out of the new spiderman movie... glad they ditched the organic web shooters and made him a sarcastic funny smart ass just like in the comics... gwen stacy was a nice touch too... now that disney owns spiderman, lets see if disney makes spiderman kill her like in the comics though...

i just wish disney took over the x-men movies... that way we could have wolverine, storm and beast in with the avengers... and spiderman... that would rock so hard... ROCK SO HARD!!!...

anyways... they promised not to change starwars: clonewars... so that's kind of cool of them... but they can basically do whatever they want with the movies... i hope they do the right thing, and continue with either the comics or novels... i hope they don't do an episode 4-6 reboot...
If they bring back Anakin Skywalker in spirit form, then I won't have a problem with that. It would only make sense to do so, since Obi-Wan did the same in Episodes V and VI. The trilogies need to be connected, and this would be a great way to accomplish that.

But if they bring back Darth Vader, I will promptly take my entire collection of Star Wars novels, throw them in a pile, and proceed to defecate and urinate all over them before lighting them on fire. Because this franchise will be dead to me from that point on.
If they bring back Anakin Skywalker in spirit form, then I won't have a problem with that. It would only make sense to do so, since Obi-Wan did the same in Episodes V and VI. The trilogies need to be connected, and this would be a great way to accomplish that.

But if they bring back Darth Vader, I will promptly take my entire collection of Star Wars novels, throw them in a pile, and proceed to defecate and urinate all over them before lighting them on fire. Because this franchise will be dead to me from that point on.
im calling bluff,haha.